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WTF: Illinois Police Say They May Euthanize Over 200 Drug-Sniffing Dogs If Marijuana


Indicas make dreams happen
So if they legalize across the whole U.S. are they going to Euthanize all the former DEA agents who busted people too?


Par for the course.. I’d blame the dogs for involving themselves with the gestapo but I doubt they had a choice.
More typical pig bullshit

blame .....

the dogs?....


way to inject some humor into an otherwise not funny thread.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Does make you wonder if all the coppers who were busily employed for many years busting innocent people over what they did with a certain plant will now have to be euthanized now.......BUT WAIT!

....Perhaps the powers that be will be able to criminalize some other good thing in life like eating strawberries to help fill their prisons, keeping their share-holders happy, and so preventing the euthanization of other dogs and coppers?.....Just re-train the dogs to be 'Strawberry Sniffers'......and stick a bunch of cops out there with 'Strawberry Detectors'.....

Before you know it we will have a full-blown WAR ON STRAWBERRIES.....which is just as ridiculous as this 80+ year long war on cannabis...


🦫 Special 🍆
and now also meth, cocaine, heroin and all DRUGS are legal ?
or it was just easy to catch kids with a few gram ? now they can fight against REAL drugs. oh wait they want to fight them anyways ?


Active member
blame .....

the dogs?....


way to inject some humor into an otherwise not funny thread.

It was an attempt a humor. I don’t blame cop dogs for being cops..
Their owners are assholes. Not the dogs fault..
Idk mayb in my heart I do blame them, cause I love dogs.. but my heart is cold for cop dogs.
No love for the poooolice here, even if u a k9 cop.
Off duty/retired k9 is fine I guess.


Active member
Not for nothing but have you seen how popo treat their dogs. The dog is like a prisoner, never get to play, go to park, beach.. if I was them they would be doing me a favor putting me down.

Oh and where's the activist like they did when Greyhounds were being put down after breaking down.
You can't blame the dogs lol they have child like mentalities and only do what their trained to do and only do so on command. The fact that Leo would even make threats like this shows what kind of sorry excuses for human beings some of them can be. If they were actually to do it that'd be a whole nother level of evil. I don't get why they couldn't do their jobs anymore either if they found anything and the person had the legal amount then what's the big deal? They could just go on their merry way and look for people who are really breaking the law and in possession of drugs that actually harm people. It's not like legalization automatically makes them useless that's ridiculous.

If they were to do this then it's only fair that their handlers suffer the same fate and for the same made up reason. I don't remember hearing of other legal states that had to do this so why would it have to be any different in Illinois?


Indicas make dreams happen
Does make you wonder if all the coppers who were busily employed for many years busting innocent people over what they did with a certain plant will now have to be euthanized now.......BUT WAIT!

....Perhaps the powers that be will be able to criminalize some other good thing in life like eating strawberries to help fill their prisons, keeping their share-holders happy, and so preventing the euthanization of other dogs and coppers?.....Just re-train the dogs to be 'Strawberry Sniffers'......and stick a bunch of cops out there with 'Strawberry Detectors'.....

Before you know it we will have a full-blown WAR ON STRAWBERRIES.....which is just as ridiculous as this 80+ year long war on cannabis...

Don't give them any ideas. I love my strawberries.


Active member
Hey, nobody has done it and I don't believe they will. It's a tactic that won't work, theatrical at best.

soil margin

Active member
So police logic is basically "if you're not useful to us anymore you deserve to die". Sick shit but I can't say I'm all that surprised.

Joint Lock

Active member
This is bullshit . Answer is train them to a new alert . With a new reward. Keep the old alert to tell difference of someone carrying cannabis vs other drugs until they are old enough to retire the dogs trained to sniff out cannabis .Then just take cannabis out of the equation for training .Thus when the next generation of dogs come to work for the academy

Been training APBT's and Boxers for 15+ plus years for show or protection. Stupid ass cops dont know how to use the current situation to their advantage with these dogs. Makes me wonder how they got a badge sometimes. smfh


what an asshole thing to threaten. i highly doubt theyd follow through with it, cops do actually love their dogs. more than likely theyre bluffing for leverage. still some childish shit to do. this is why people dont fuck with police. other than politicians, who pulls such bogus horseshit? imagine a best buy manager threatening to burn all the lcd tvs if a japanese company was thinking about inventing a better technology. fucking brats.


Active member
You would never find a cat in that kind of situation. Cats don't rat people out. They just eat the rats.

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