Nah the wire is thin.Garden net is pretty much made for the job. Some people can't get along with it though, and will weave one from string. The first few woven are usually disastrous, and having just 4 poles to attach to, means more supplies to make a horizontal frame in most cases. The supplies bit bothers me. I like to cut a net to size, and use it many times. If I make a frame, it is wood not plastic. Planed not treated. The norm seems to be pvc pipe (not suitable for food) drilled out, making plastic waste and off-gassing. Then it's glued, so it's not flat-packing for redeployment. It's all so wasteful of materials and time, when a cheap net and some (reusable) cable/zip ties is easy to manage in such a small space.
You fit the net high, then slowly slide it down, feeding the branches through the holes you desire. Which you can't do with fixed height framework
I saw someone use a coated plastic once, that was a soft rubber. It's shadow lost a meaningful amount of light. A net is very thin.
A few friends really appreciate me going round to do their nets for them. Otherwise they make one from string. I will only use 100mm square net though. I won't even take diamond pattern net from it's box. Square net has a simple geometric shape, where you can count the squares. If held between two people, you know if you are pulling on the same lines. Diamonds offer no such confirmation. They are not set at any particular angle. Diamond nets don't have a straight edge. There isn't 4 sides to pull tort if you want a squared off grow space (like every grow space I can think of).
If I buy diamond, I will be chucking it away before opening it. I don't want to feel defeated. My mind tells me I can pull it into squares, but the reality is I'm pulled into a bad place.
Such a small space shouldn't cause a problem.
What are the string nets with bungie line corners? I imagine terrible... but available
(See no one cares