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Would you want ACE Seeds to carry Romulan?

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
^^^ JJ... That is what I am most interested in ... the regulars...I think that’s the true test of the strain in my humble opinion...Because for some of us it’s not really about purchasing the individual seeds.. it’s more about purchasing the strain..The seeds are not cheap...


That doesnt sound right, but I am not going to be questioning you after I leave my two cents here:

Not only are you the only person that has had any intersex traits show, but you are also the only person to report them taking longer than 10 weeks. And 13-15 sounds really off to me... not to mention not having Pine (its not even a pheno, its the cultivars main smell and taste)..

I think you may have had some mix-ups, or confusions, or something. Im not even sure how you would have had time to run her that much already.. we just started selling our seeds recently.

The whole thing seems... hinky because almost nothing you describe sounds like my reg rom seeds.

See, this is why I don't post on forums. I gave you what is a favourable report, only to be called out as a liar. I got my seeds from you 2 days before your official release last September. The third run is now on week 5 from clone. Maybe your interpretation of pine smell is different than mine , who knows?
I don't have mix ups, or confusions. I've been doing this for a very long time, and only do one strain at a time . Maybe the confusion is from your end.
You need to chill out, if you are under the impression that your strain is the holy grail of cannabis, give your head a shake. With your attitude, I am surprised that someone with the integrity of Luis at ACE would even bother dealing with you.
I'm done- I will not post on a forum again, mainly to avoid people with over grown egos (guys like you). Keep your seeds, and keep your self righteous attitude to yourself. I'm oughta here.


Active member
I think you're missing my point. His review doesn't sound like our reg rom.. I'm not upset, but I do want people to get good information.

None of what I say is "salesmanship".. that's not how I operate but I fully understand people directly questioning my integrity. I want people to have accurate information, not hype and bullshit. So my only reason for questioning what he said was that it literally doesnt sound like my Rom, and I dont want people taking information that is not an accurate description.

But again, it was a nice review.. it just doesnt describe what I know to be correct and true of our regular seed Romulan.


Active member
See, this is why I don't post on forums. I gave you what is a favourable report, only to be called out as a liar. I got my seeds from you 2 days before your official release last September. The third run is now on week 5 from clone. Maybe your interpretation of pine smell is different than mine , who knows?
I don't have mix ups, or confusions. I've been doing this for a very long time, and only do one strain at a time . Maybe the confusion is from your end.
You need to chill out, if you are under the impression that your strain is the holy grail of cannabis, give your head a shake. With your attitude, I am surprised that someone with the integrity of Luis at ACE would even bother dealing with you.
I'm done- I will not post on a forum again, mainly to avoid people with over grown egos (guys like you). Keep your seeds, and keep your self righteous attitude to yourself. I'm oughta here.

I'm sorry you feel that way, and felt so strongly to my response and the fact the I questioned what you had to say. I hope you have a better day, and can understand why I said what I said. You described something that doesnt sound like my seeds, and I want to make sure people know that's not a normal experience, in my opinion. I'm sorry if sharing my opinion of your review was wrong, and caused you pain. That was not my intention. :tiphat:
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Well-known member
any online forum involvement requires some nerves and a thick skin. Both are very helpful in real life situations, paired with persistence and power of argument(also being able to articulate one's thoughts) are great and useful tools, and I think and hope you will post more in this forum. No need to be too sensitive and take it too seriously.
Disagreement is a great situation for truth to emerge :)

Jake, my guess it's simply related to some variance in the line, probably not all plants fit the official description so it may be a combination of factors we're not taking in consideration. No info on grow room parameters and so on, anything could play a role in shaping the outcome.

Anyway it's an interesting and valuable report, thanks hinky :)



Active member
Romulan (regs) ready to be potted up, topped, cuts taken, etc.,
2 males (front), 1 female (back)


  • RomulanReg2-5:4:2020.jpg
    116.4 KB · Views: 34
  • RomMale1-5:4:2020.jpg
    86.7 KB · Views: 42
  • RomMale2-5:4:2020.jpg
    87.6 KB · Views: 39
  • RomFemale1-5:4:2020.jpg
    90.1 KB · Views: 38


Active member
Jake, my guess it's simply related to some variance in the line, probably not all plants fit the official description so it may be a combination of factors we're not taking in consideration. No info on grow room parameters and so on, anything could play a role in shaping the outcome.


That was exactly my train of thought. My hope was he would come back with useful information and we could discuss it. I am of the impression that he simply got a rare pheno that no one has seen yet, but my concern was that perhaps he was mistaken, and that people would assume that a non-pine massive yielding plant would be what they get. I've never seen 2lbs, or even close on one plant of our Romulan. If I did, that's all I would grow.. lol. I dont want people to think it's a huge yielder, and that pine is not common.. neither of those are things we have yet to see in all the grows and testing. So my assumption is he got a rare pheno, and had an unusual experience.

Please people.. dont think 2lbs per plant is normal. That's crazy.. I'd love it if it were true, and they all grew up to throw 2ft. colas, but I've never seen that. :)


How common is the pine in the male/female seeds?

10/10, 5/10, less? What are the other predominate odors?


Active member
How common is the pine in the male/female seeds?

10/10, 5/10, less? What are the other predominate odors?

Pine is the scent.

I have only heard one person, with one pheno (the above Hinky post) that said otherwise. And that should be taken with a grain of salt since that is the sole experience. I would say (only because of his post) that 9/10 times you should have a strong Pine, with skunk undertone. They essentially should all be Pine, with perhaps a rare pheno showing up that isnt, like he had. We state that on our website seed listing, that a homogenous crop should be expected with perhaps a rare pheno showing up from time to time. Our website also lists the odor/tastes as they appear in predominance.

Here is a review from one of our first customers to finish growing out our regular Romulan seeds, in it he describes the smell and taste better than I can.. he left this comment on ACE Seeds Instagram page, when they first made it public that they were carrying our seeds:



ACE Seeds Breeder
Please, be kind and respectful of each other, we need to take care of ourselves and others, in these days more than ever.

We can disagree without being harmful, aggressiveness and rudeness are not the attitude i like to see in this room.

One thing i've learnt after so many years running a seed co, dealing directly with customers and moderating a forum is that the experiences of other growers with same genetics can vary a lot ... each grower grows in a different environment, each one with very different growing styles and with different growing variables.

Criticism, when done in a polite, honest and constructive way can be very enriching, most of the times more than positive reviews.
Positive feedback is always comforting, but we learn mostly from our failures.

I don't address this comment to anyone in particular, but please take it in consideration before continue this conversation.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Dubi...It will be nice to get feedback on the Romulan from growers “in this forum”” on ICMAG...It’s intriguing ...we want that pine smell...That’s his whole huge selling point...A cut and paste report from Instagram is sketchy to me...That could be from anyone or anything


i have some recent experience
with romulan s1
it is in my diary

mixed feelings

now i am growing another
romulan s1
in the middle in the photo

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ICMag Donor
That doesnt sound right, but I am not going to be questioning you after I leave my two cents here:

Not only are you the only person that has had any intersex traits show, but you are also the only person to report them taking longer than 10 weeks. And 13-15 sounds really off to me... not to mention not having Pine (its not even a pheno, its the cultivars main smell and taste)..

I think you may have had some mix-ups, or confusions, or something. Im not even sure how you would have had time to run her that much already.. we just started selling our seeds recently.

The whole thing seems... hinky because almost nothing you describe sounds like my reg rom seeds.

I've been hesitant to post about your Romulan after my experience with it, but I will add to this discussion.

I have 2 packs that were purchased directly from you.

There were seeds grown out, fully photo documented from seed pack to finish. 8 seeds started, 6 males, 2 females.

I got zero pine on either of the fems I flowered out. The smell was sweet.

I saw nanners on some of the buds but not in large numbers that made me worried.

Imakandi documented his attempt with your Romulan seeds in your thread and he ended up killing the plant because of intersex traits he saw.

The structure of the buds I grew out looked nothing like the photos you posted in your thread when you introduced it to icmag.

Your pics look like a gg4 cross with its pointy triangular shaped buds. The plants that grew out of your Romulan regs seeds didn't look anything like that.

Has anyone else seen the budlets that grow on the large fan leaves of your Romulan?

I saw those on both fems I grew out. Cool, but never saw it mentioned by you in any of your posts about the Romulan.

Are you sure the correct seeds were packaged when the Romulan regs were first released?


Active member
Yes, they were the correct seeds..

I'm sorry you had a bad experience and didnt want to share. I'd rather people be happy than anything else.. so hearing you say this, when all I've heard so far is good things is heart breaking. Literally.


Active member
Anyone else that has had, or is having a bad experience with any of our seeds.. please speak up.

Staying quiet, while it is nice and awfully polite, it does nobody any good.

I cant stop selling something bad, if people only tell me its turning out perfectly. So until further testing is done, I have just pulled our regular seed Romulan from our shelves and added a note in our website as to why we have pulled it. Until I can have more testing done, to ensure that the bad experiences are not a common thing, I wont be selling anymore regular Romulan seeds..

I care more about your experiences than any of you will ever realize.. Im damn near in tears over this.


Well-known member
I had intersexed traights before on my old romulan clone. Never got a seed. I had 2 plants look like a straight male before. Just grew male flowers everywhere outdoors before flowering even started. I killed the plants.

Even if you got 1 plant in a pack that had that pine smell, it would be worth it for me. I have been meaning to order.

I'm wondering which of the romulan seeds are more accurate. I wanted to try the fems.

That last picture doesn't look like rom but s1s have variation


Anyone else that has had, or is having a bad experience with any of our seeds.. please speak up.

Staying quiet, while it is nice and awfully polite, it does nobody any good.

I cant stop selling something bad, if people only tell me its turning out perfectly. So until further testing is done, I have just pulled our regular seed Romulan from our shelves and added a note in our website as to why we have pulled it. Until I can have more testing done, to ensure that the bad experiences are not a common thing, I wont be selling anymore regular Romulan seeds..

I care more about your experiences than any of you will ever realize.. Im damn near in tears over this.


thank for your feedback

seems your measures are extreme
is not about that

as grower, one is not exempt from mistake
some hermaphrodite is expected always
for X or Y reason, it does not matter

what matters is breeder feedback/support
and open to suggestion or other experience
as a cross from many origins
you must expect such variancy

my feeling is i still can find a winner
or i would not waste my time

just be open
and not a dick
