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My local nurserys can provide the following:

Alfalfa Meal (some for tea, some to mix in)
Cottonseed Meal
Kelp Meal (cold-processed, thats right...:))
Fish Meal
Bone Meal (I'm having a hard time finding Fish Bone)

With this mix burn my girls if mixed into my soil? I'm aiming for a mix that will need water only or some fine ACT. The soil mix I've been using is LC Mix #2 but will be mixing up a batch of #1 next.

I can order other seed meals or organic meals online but would like to avoid so.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
Alfalfa Meal (some for tea, some to mix in)
Cottonseed Meal
Kelp Meal (cold-processed, thats right...:))
Fish Meal
Bone Meal (I'm having a hard time finding Fish Bone)


My suggestion would be to forget the cottonseed meal for a number of reasons. A quick search will give you a lot of information why the majority of organic farmers stay clear of this soil amendment. According to what I've read, the cotton industry (worldwide) is one of the heaviest sprayed crops around - pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers. Cotton is not regulated because it is not a food crop, per se. The seeds are a by-product that can be turned into food (*cough*cough*cough*) in the form of cottonseed oil - one of the worst oils a person can ingest. Cottonseed oil is widely used by food processors because it's cheap. Really cheap.

IF you can find an organic source (very, very rare and generally expensive) then you'd be good to go but finding this product in that form is a challenge.

Also, cottonseed meal is very, very acidic so you might want to look into what a safe rate of application would be.

I'd avoid it altogether and look for another seedmeal source like flax seed meal (aka linseed meal) or canola seed meal (aka rape seed meal), soybean meal or sunflower seed meal.



Clackamas Coot

Active member

Here's a link to Down-To-Earth out of Eugene, Oregon

On the top left are links to their various products - many/most are organic products. Towards the bottom of the page is a Store Locator button/link so perhaps you could find a retailer near enough to you to make it an option.

In particular, I like their Bio Live and Bio Fish mixes specifically though all of them are good quality products. One nice thing is that when you do hit a link to one of their mixes you'll get the listing of the ingredients that are used.

See if this can help you round out your soil amendment profile.


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