You bring beauty into our world, dear neighbor. Thank you for that!
Thanks also for the inspiration you've given me. I've been procrastinating on a rolling tray project, and you've relit my fire!
I just love your use of cool burl chunks with rough live edges. As soon as I finish typing, I'm gonna go dig through a big pile of Russian Olive burl that has some cool outer bark figure. I'll post up a photo of the tray you've inspired, when it's finished.
(Now I have to avoid procrastinating again.)
I can say with confidence that this piece of wood is perfect for interior decoration or creating small products. It is worth paying due attention to the processing of the material and you will be surprised by the results. If you have the opportunity to do it yourself, using a grinder or contact a specialist for better processing of parts. I have been working with woodworking more than 5 years and I can say with certainty that the result is highly dependent on the tools and experience of the master. I use high quality sanders for maximum results. If you decide to tinker with your own, you can check out some great sander options here. I will be glad if you share the result.
So I'm gonna ask do I get one and how much do they cost? Or is that "custom" order price.nicest trays I've ever seen for your work