Thats a win for the cause.....I FUCKING dig it!
Arizona For The Win!
Arizona For The Win!
Kinda surprised me a little. I thought Arizona was a gun-ho state with lots of gun-toting folks, that might of turned a mean eye towards the plant. Oh well, glad I was mistaken for the opposition for the plant, not for the gun part though, LOL! Arizona stands right next to Florida for the largest amount of registered gun owners.
The main difference, recommendation vs prescription. No doctor can prescribe a federally illegal narcotic, however recommendation is different.Didn't Arizona pass a medical marijuana law 15 years ago?
How does this differ?
Is it absolutely illegal to cultivate your own if you are within 25 miles of a regulated clinic?
As soon as dispensaries open in AZ no on will be able to grow legally due to the 25 mile clause.
As soon as dispensaries open in AZ no on will be able to grow legally due to the 25 mile clause.
The new AZ MMJ laws really suck. They are the worst I've read between all the MMJ states so far.
There will be plenty of low-cost and free medicine made available for those in need under the law construct.
Ive always made sure that any patient that TRULY needs medication and cannot afford it will still receive it, as do many of the other dispensary owners I know. I also believe it is vital to be able to supply high quality medication that is affordable to every patient. I believe it is one of the key values to any reputable dispensary. I dont believe any patient should be turned away. Our donation is always based on the yield of the strain, so we can make quality medication affordable, such as Casey Jones, Chem4 and Heavy Duty Fruity for as low as $8/gram. Some of these dispensaries can be detrimental and a drain on society, but we have always brought compassion and cooperation to the community through helping charitable organizations, working with local civic leaders and never forgetting the true nature of our being; making sure that the people who need the most help, always recieve it. We only have one world and one life to live, why not make the most of it? Through helping each other we can make this a better world to live in for everyone.