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With Marijuana Price Down 70%, Colombia Growers Are Bailing


See the world through a puff of smoke
On a drug farm miles from anywhere in the central Andean mountains of Colombia, workers are digging up marijuana bushes and replacing them with avocados.

They’ll get no subsidies from a government crop substitution program since the state barely exists in these remote mountains in Cauca province, 30 miles south of Cali. They’re responding instead to a 70 percent crash in prices over the last year after farmers here planted so much marijuana that they saturated the market.

“It’s barely profitable anymore because everyone’s growing it,” said a farmer, who asked not to be named. “I’m getting out of it.”
The price of a pound of the potent “creepy” strain of marijuana grown in Cauca has plunged to $15 from $50 per pound a year ago, according to local growers. That’s aggravating poverty in a region where some laborers earn as little as $3 per day, according to Vladimir Bueno, a community leader.

Wholesale marijuana prices in the U.S. vary from $300 to more than $4,000 per pound, depending on the quality and region, Special Agent Eduardo Chavez of the Drug Enforcement Administration said in a phone interview. Most Colombian marijuana is consumed domestically.

In the mountains near the town of Caloto, low-tech farming methods and the high cost of transport along winding dirt tracks have made legal crops barely profitable. That has led many farmers to take advantage of the virtual absence of the state to grow marijuana, and coca, the raw material for making cocaine.

The government’s presence is so weak that buyers weigh sacks of drugs openly by the side of the highway, and load them onto trucks, safe in the knowledge that government forces seldom travel along these roads for fear of coming under fire from the Marxist rebels who control the area.

The guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, have held talks with the government since 2012, seeking a peace deal to end the conflict. The FARC last week announced a one-month unilateral cease-fire, starting July 20.
(An earlier version of this story corrected the name of the Drug Enforcement Administration in the fifth paragraph.)


Keep on growing :)


ICMag Donor
Too bad they can't grow coffee beans and ganja in same area...their version of "wake and bake". Mmmmm!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
” the potent “creepy” strain of marijuana grown in Cauca"

So potent that my Colombian friend describes it as "puta mierda" - fucking shit... and refuses to smoke it while he was back there recently, despite having a free supply from a close friend who has moved up to supply several barrios.

He was complaining that it was very hard to get any proper Colombian weed now, in the city anyway, sure there will be some heads here and there, like anywhere but there, if FARC catch you, they kill you if it is not their crop. Selling likewise is also totally sown up and not something you want to be caught doing.


Andinismo Hierbatero
another reason is that since the Venezuelan economy has fallen incredibly fast the last couple of years due to the biggest corruption in government in the world; and since exchange controls of foreign currencies are in place for about 15 years now, people are hardly able to import herb into Venezuela from Colombia anymore.

Venezuela used to be flooded with Colombian herb back in the day; now it is harder and more expensive to find herb than to find and buy cocaine and heroin, which are imported using government dollars and distributed in the barrios to all gangs backing up the government.

in 1999, for example, you could go to this dude's house and find a vast variety of whole 1kg bricks straight from Cauca valley... now you'd be called lucky to find some homegrown properly flowered...


Active member
I was thinking that they were trying to say crippy. Believe I heard that col or mex invented crippy weed in 1 of those drama filled tk / crippy threads .
Who calls potent weed creepy weed ?


Active member
Sorry about their luck....... If the U.S. would get a clue and legalize it I believe that most of the importation would cease. But NO...... the Feds wouldn't be able to justify robbing our wallets for more uselessly spent cash. Makes total sense to me, spend Millions to fight Marijuana but nothing to fight the Radicals cutting off people's heads....nice


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
another reason is that since the Venezuelan economy has fallen incredibly fast the last couple of years due to the biggest corruption in government in the world; and since exchange controls of foreign currencies are in place for about 15 years now, people are hardly able to import herb into Venezuela from Colombia anymore.

Venezuela used to be flooded with Colombian herb back in the day; now it is harder and more expensive to find herb than to find and buy cocaine and heroin, which are imported using government dollars and distributed in the barrios to all gangs backing up the government.

in 1999, for example, you could go to this dude's house and find a vast variety of whole 1kg bricks straight from Cauca valley... now you'd be called lucky to find some homegrown properly flowered...

The Venezuelan crisis is also largely down the the drop in the price of oil, they got away with spunking billions on local socialist vantiy projects and supporting, subsidising their allies, now with crude oil at half the price it was recently, their backs are against the wall despite being cash rich from some of the biggest oil reserves around.

Household goods are now smuggled more than narcotics, mad cheap subsidised stuff from Venezuela and the things they can't get back from Colombia.

I was thinking that they were trying to say crippy. Believe I heard that col or mex invented crippy weed in 1 of those drama filled tk / crippy threads .
Who calls potent weed creepy weed ?

I was told it was the Colombian name, that it came because the earlier vintages were crossed with Colombian strains, so they had a creeper, "cripi” effect.

What the truth is, who knows, you need to find a very well traveled person with connection in both countries to really move that discussion forward, otherwise it just bogs down in re re repeated stories and bullshitters fantasies.

Nowadays the Colombians like to stay at home and get the Mexicans to do the US side of the businesses as the DEA and Penitentiary shit has put many off, but they have been linked for years, making it harder to really find out who started it off.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
Plant more coca. The 80's were along time ago! Bout time coke became popular again.
Hopefully the heroin epedimic will die down. That shit hurting lotsa folk.


Well-known member
some damn fine ganja comes from there, i aint writing them off. if it was legalized here, they could grow it & make hash & save a buttload on shipping, plus fill a niche that needs it. will it ever bring what it did? no, but i would still buy good Colombian if i could get it today...the killer redbud went for $35 to $40 a bag back when other weed was twenty bucks a bag. bet you could get more for it now...:biggrin:
The ironic part of it all is that even hard drugs are really not that harmful, it's the adulterants i.e. cuts what really causes harm. Pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine is prescribed to morbid obese people and to people that suffer from narcolepsy, you don't see these individuals full of scabs looking like they were part of Michael Jackson's Thriller video.I lived in Miami for more than a decade and I had came across a lot of blow, then on a road trip to Texas I crossed the border through el paso into ciudad Juarez and less than 2 hours from our arrival we were being taxied around and offered every substance imaginable. We scored some blow cause we were going to a strip club later that night. Needless to say after doing blow in mexico I never had anymore when I returned to Miami. this was the silkiest shit that ever went up my nose ,almost undetectable. The high was a sense of peaceful alertness, no jitters no sweat no tweaked feeling. Drank a lot that night, never felt drunk.


Andinismo Hierbatero
The Venezuelan crisis is also largely down the the drop in the price of oil, they got away with spunking billions on local socialist vantiy projects and supporting, subsidising their allies, now with crude oil at half the price it was recently, their backs are against the wall despite being cash rich from some of the biggest oil reserves around.

Household goods are now smuggled more than narcotics, mad cheap subsidised stuff from Venezuela and the things they can't get back from Colombia.

Hola Chaos :)

they still are cash rich, sure, but it all mostly exclusively goes into politicians' private banks account. If the price of crude oil had not dropped, they would be depositing bigger amounts is all.

those people really destroyed a country that once held a very high standard of living...


Andinismo Hierbatero
The ironic part of it all is that even hard drugs are really not that harmful, it's the adulterants i.e. cuts what really causes harm. Pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine is prescribed to morbid obese people and to people that suffer from narcolepsy, you don't see these individuals full of scabs looking like they were part of Michael Jackson's Thriller video.I lived in Miami for more than a decade and I had came across a lot of blow, then on a road trip to Texas I crossed the border through el paso into ciudad Juarez and less than 2 hours from our arrival we were being taxied around and offered every substance imaginable. We scored some blow cause we were going to a strip club later that night. Needless to say after doing blow in mexico I never had anymore when I returned to Miami. this was the silkiest shit that ever went up my nose ,almost undetectable. The high was a sense of peaceful alertness, no jitters no sweat no tweaked feeling. Drank a lot that night, never felt drunk.


even good quality cocaine will screw your brain chemistry very badly after not-so-long period of use.

basically, the dopamine will stop flowing and you'll depend on the cocaine to make it flow, if you don't have cocaine to 'jump start' the "system", you'd become pretty miserable to say the least. no dopamine = hell, basically.

ever seen someone withdrawing from cocaine addiction? I have; a cousin of mine would only get the best, directly from Colombia, during withdrawals he shot himself in the head through his mouth, the bullet came out the other side and he was fine as fine as you can be after you tried to blow your brains off...


Active member
I read Columbia is recently producing vast amounts more poppy to convert to heroin.
Mexico also...
Just like we (the USA) tought the afghanis... U can get multiple crops per year and it pays better per acre.
There is one of the reasons why we r seeing such a surge of heroin in the USA..

even good quality cocaine will screw your brain chemistry very badly after not-so-long period of use.

I will agree with you only in the fact that high purity cocaine (30% upwards) will mess with your dopamine levels, 5-HTP prior to partying will counteract those effects.The key here is "period of use" implying continued use. Anything in excess is bad, even water. Cocaine happens to be more like PGR's in this case, it's all about knowing what you are dealing with and you administer it.

even good quality cocaine will screw your brain chemistry very badly after not-so-long period of use.

I will agree with you only in the fact that high purity cocaine (30% upwards) will mess with your dopamine levels, 5-HTP prior to partying will counteract those effects.The key here is "period of use" implying continued use. Anything in excess is bad, even water. Cocaine happens to be more like PGR's in this case, it's all about knowing what you are dealing with and how you administer it.
That is unless you happen to suffer from mental health issues such a chronic depression, then you should' the using cocaine, amphetamines or heroin in the first place.There are also many other factors if you think about it.Doing cocaine in cold, dark, rainy weather locked up in a room with curtains shut while downing a bottle of whiskey vs. out on the beach in a tropical sunny day sipping on an ice cold beer…two very different experiences.Again, it is still about knowing what you are dealing with knowing yourself and your limits.


ICMag Donor
Boy oh boy I remember watching over the boats as they were being loaded up, Rooster bags but there was another one that had these corn flakes in em.........yup on small lots of less than 1,000 lbs $315 for the roosters in ft Lauderdale, gone like a cool breeze in Brooklyn for 335-350 and the cornflakes, oh my, smelled like licorice, $350 for as long as it lasted.

Fired that SeaRay up and ws so gone. Agggg the pretty damn good days

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