Hey canna, I got a real neg response letter from my Rep. I dont know where he got his info..He told me the people i represent dew not support MMJ...Maybe he should ask first..If anyone gets negitive letters from a Rep,, please send them to Gary Storck...or NORML we have to know whos againist the bill, Jimi
Time is running out,Ask your Wisconsin State Legislators to Cosponsor the Jacki Rickert
Medical Marijuana Act: Deadline is 5pm Thursday Oct. 22!
The deadline for Wisconsin State Assembly Representatives and State
Senators to sign on to the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act (JRMMA)
is fast approaching! Now is the time to contact them and ask them to do
It is important that the JRMMA be introduced with strong legislative
support. While an overwhelming majority of state residents support legal
access to medical cannabis with their doctor's support, the legislature
needs to catch up, and the only way they will do that is by hearing from
their constituents.
My buddy just made the effort to voice his opinion. He also said their was something on CNN this morning about legalization in general....he took a phone vote poll. Says they wanted to see a million votes for it?
MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Gov. Jim Doyle says he supports legalizing medical
marijuana in Wisconsin if a law can be written that restricts its use to
people who have a doctor's prescription.
At an appearance in Wausau, Doyle says he has no problem with the use of
marijuana to treat severe pain and other medical conditions, if it's
prescribed by a doctor.
Doyle's comments come after a decision by the Obama administration not
to prosecute users and suppliers of medical marijuana in the 14 states
where it's been legalized. The decision is a clear break from the
policies of the Bush administration.
The governor says restricting the use of medical marijuana makes no
sense when doctors can already prescribe more dangerous drugs like
thumbs up for Gov Doyle! Keep the phone calls and letters going into your legislators, the phones are ringing in the Madison office's, there is a "buzz" going around the Capitol.
Send all your extra Karma our way...we pushing hard! Local library screen Marijuana type movie and think the NORML speaker was asked for a few words of his.... things are looking great.... lots of support both inside and outside the capitol....
Our Gov just basically endorsed it today, sounds like with in next couple days we should be hearing some press.
The Gov's blurb hit all the local nightly news shows also.
Ok, its morning and yep, we still need your help. I am going to see some people today, my goal is to get 5 more to call their legislator while I am with them..... should be fun....
I'm writing to urge your support as a co-sponsor to the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act.
This act seeks to enact statewide legal protections shielding those seriously ill patients who use cannabis therapeutically with a doctor's recommendation from criminal prosecution.
The use of marijuana as medicine is a public health issue; it should not be part of the war on drugs. According to a recent national survey of U.S. physicians conducted for the American Society of Addiction Medicine, nearly half of all doctors with opinions support legalizing cannabis as a medicine.
Some 80 state and national health care organizations, including the American Nurses Association, American Public Health Association and The New England Journal of Medicine, and the Wisconsin Nurses Association support immediate, legal patient access to medical cannabis.
Most recently, the largest association of doctors of internal medicine and the second largest medical association in the country, the American College of Physicians, released a policy paper in support of medical cannabis, stating, "The ACP strongly urges protection from criminal or civil penalties for patients who use medical marijuana as permitted under state laws."
Prior to the 1990s, even the federal government allowed specific patients to use marijuana medicinally via the Compassionate IND program. Jacki Rickert, a Wisconsin native, was accepted into this program -- only to learn that it was abruptly closed to new applicants. A handful of patients still receive medical marijuana from the federal government, but most patients like Jacki are forced to suffer needlessly.
Today thirteen states - Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington - have enacted laws protecting medical marijuana patients from state prosecution. These laws are operating primarily as lawmakers intended and have not led to widespread abuses among adolescents or adult recreational users.
I believe it is unconscionable to criminalize patients who find therapeutic relief from marijuana, and I urge you to support the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act.
Good morning, Canna,,Well one day left.Its looking good,i think and i think its about time we see some media coverage,,Seen a report on chan 6 news..ill try to get at least five myself also,hopefully more.I have people write there name addy on a on papper,,and i sent it out for them..I sent two out last nite..Thanks for the Jacki heart Canna.. If you live in Wis, Today is the DAY....do your part and send a letter or call....Thanks to anyone that helped so far...Jimi
Fox News I think, check Gary's post for sure, but I thought it said something like
we spoke to both sides of the party and at this point medical marijuana is not a top concern.
Now is the time, today more then ever to call. Call your legislators office, let them know you want this to be an issue, pass the message to a friend, go and visit your local legislator here or there, send an email, ACT NOW!
i didnt hear anything on the news about this yet....
i've sent a letter before, i'll send another today....
this is very exciting, if we get medical it will be one of the happiest days of my life...