Hi all,I love the U.P, very gorgeous their..
just dont forget your snow shovel up there hehe, is beautiful up there for sure though
CANNACO-OP left you a message. Thanks. Buddy
"If you do something, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act will likely pass, so pass this along like you'd pass along the bong.
If every person for the cause knew two people who chip in, there is no doubt this will pass. "
Quote from Madison Norml info page.
To read more and see and action checklist: (C'mon, do it)
Just do it. Now please.
I heard reports and read on the blogs that some politicians just down right walked away refusing to discuss "marijuana". Wisconsin lawmakers are out of touch, I think they are all elected and WILL have to answer to the people! It seems like they do not consider patients equal to "constiuents"; where are all the doctors?