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Winter Wonderland ❆❅..Ultimate🎄Survival..❅ ❆ Guerilla Grow 2017


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Finally got all the plants gathered around the safest spot I could find. What a fucking back ache I have going on, I am dealing with so much right now, I have all card's on the table. I know you guy's probably don't want to hear me whining, but hey, I admit it lol. The game is real and shit get's hard and deep in the worse times. If I pull this off, I am relocating my OD grow next year and minimizing this particular area to only a few plants. Don't get me wrong it is a nice spot, full sun, well hidden, but that neighboring land is the problem.

Anyway, the good news on that move is that watering/feeding and all other upkeep will be much easier to tend to. The choppers are done flying for the year and no one hunts this specific land. So, I do have that going for me.

I am also currently in the middle of construction of an underground 18ft L, 8ft W, 6 1/2ft grow op.

Then I just received my new cuts which I will be running in that said room. Got some amazing cuts on the line up thanks to an amazing guy that I call a true friend.

Hang in there with me..... Once the chaos dies down I will be updating with photos.



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Well folks, a little update. The neighboring farmers were back again yesterday doing some more bush hogging. I ended up putting most of the plants in my current underground grow op which is currently under construction, I placed them inside around mid day.

Luckily there is a little light that leaks through which is a good thing for now and maybe it will not interrupt the light cycle too bad. They are crammed in there like sardines as of now, but from what I can tell the guy's should be done bush hogging by tomorrow evening.

Then I can pull them from underground and continue their full sun schedule and hopefully not have to worry about them returning till spring. Fingers crossed.

I am putting incredible amounts of labor into my guerilla grow this year. It is insane, the problems that arise out in the bush, but shit happens. I go through it every year in some form or fashion.

I am going to try and get updates and pics by the end of the day! Stay tuned!!!



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
No bush hogging today either. I cant just leave them underground due to the fear and probability of mold and rot. So around dark this evening I am going to pull them out and spray them with Flint fungicide.

We are expecting a possible first frost tonight, well early morning. So I may just pull them out to spray them, let the fungicide absorb and dry, then throw them back underground for the night since we are expecting a light frost (32/33 degrees). I had the idea of covering them with frost cloth and throwing hand warmers at the base of the plants. But it just dawned on me that the temperature underground, such as in caves, stays a steady temp year round. So this method of frost protection will be cheaper and less attentive, and likely more effective. Sure, it will be labor intensive hauling these heavy bitches back and forth through the night but the attentiveness will be much less this way. Also frost cloth stands out pretty bright.

This is getting much harder than I had first thought... It is time for lot's and lot's of brain power to come into play here and give me ideas and plans to make this more manageable and workable.


Well-known member
Low points will frost but with that being said here in Indiana even a little hole or dent on top of a hill will frost up so keep that in mind however I think you will be ok

I have actually seen frost on the edges of the big fan leaves but none on the buds or even sugar leaves, it actually looks really cool. I think the plant stores enough internal heat to make it past your temps just fine.

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
I don't know how many plants you have, but that's a lot of heavy lifting. If your getting frosts already you may want to consider a different approach. The cool weather may not kill the plants but believe me growth can slow to a crawl if the cool night temps linger on into the day.

Just throwing out ideas... but I would keep the best 50 % in the under ground spot, fire up some lights and let them finish with some heat. The other 50% throw them outside and pray for warm temps.

You know the weather there so maybe I'm wrong. What is the average daytime and night time temps there for the rest of flowering?

How are you moving those 20 gal pots around? on a dolly or cart?

Peace GG


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Low points will frost but with that being said here in Indiana even a little hole or dent on top of a hill will frost up so keep that in mind however I think you will be ok

I have actually seen frost on the edges of the big fan leaves but none on the buds or even sugar leaves, it actually looks really cool. I think the plant stores enough internal heat to make it past your temps just fine.

The underground cavern should protect them just fine, it feels pretty good in there. I have left a few outside tonight, a few that are nearing harvest just to see how it goes. May throw some plastic over them in an hour or so just to be on the safe side.
I would imagine that would be a beautiful view Boogieman.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I don't know how many plants you have, but that's a lot of heavy lifting. If your getting frosts already you may want to consider a different approach. The cool weather may not kill the plants but believe me growth can slow to a crawl if the cool night temps linger on into the day.

Just throwing out ideas... but I would keep the best 50 % in the under ground spot, fire up some lights and let them finish with some heat. The other 50% throw them outside and pray for warm temps.

You know the weather there so maybe I'm wrong. What is the average daytime and night time temps there for the rest of flowering?

How are you moving those 20 gal pots around? on a dolly or cart?

Peace GG

I have 52 plants total GG.. More than can fit in the underground room. But this is not a permanent temperature change, it is just a swing. Day time high later today is 63 degrees. There is one more cold night in the extended forecast and that is Sunday morning, suppose to get down to 30 degrees. The temp usually through the day is in the 70's right now, anywhere from 72 to 78 degrees.

According to accuweather next week is suppose to be in the mid to lower 70's all week long.

I cant run a light in there because the tops are touching the ceiling. The ceilings are 6 1/2 feet tall. Some of them are kinda bent over.

I have been lifting them beneath the grow bags with my bare hands, yeah I know, it was extremely fatiguing... I will likely use a wheel barrel from here on out!

I was a body builder for 7 years, just quit lifting this past winter and I can definitely tell lol.



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Forgot to add that the average night time temps have been in the mid 50's to early 60's.


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Well, look's as if it is not going to frost after all. The temperature is currently 36 degrees and rising. Thank God the weather man was wrong. Accuweather has updated this information within the last couple of hours.

The high today is 67, so it will be pleasant for the gals to step out of the ground, into the warm sunny weather! I know they are needing it and they are wanting it!

I am gonna try and get them all out and situated before the sun pops up, they get the sun first thing in the morning and all day thereafter. The only time they lack direct sunlight is the last hour of the evening when the sun is setting behind the Mountain.

I am going to throw the tyvek suit on and the respirator and spray them with some Flint to steer clear of the ole botrytis. Flint is extremely low in toxicity, I am just always cautious no matter what I use on any plant or garden. Supposedly the worse it can do is cause skin irritation and possible allergy over long periods of exposure.

It is likely due for a feeding time for a quarter of the gals and I am gonna go ahead and get that in as well this morning. It has been a long night. I have not slept since I woke up at 2 pm yesterday, but, man are these beautiful girls worth the trouble and investment. I LOVE growing weed!!! I have grown now for this makes the 15th going on 16th year and I honestly do not remember one moment, week, day or hour within the last 7 of those 15 years that I have not had at least one plant growing.

It is an investment of love, when I invest financially I feel as if I am investing in dates, expensive wines and chocolates. I am always tending to my girls and loving them the best that I can. I am there when they are sick, I keep them warm when they are cold, I lift there fingers when they are happy and I watch them while they sleep! I truly do have a spiritual heart to heart connection with my plants. I believe that is what it takes to succeed in the business, I also believe in some folks eyes that it is also what it takes to become labeled as "crazy" or "insane".

But I do my thing and they return all of the love and favor in the end! Hahaha...

I promise I will try for a few pics today. Hopefully they 2 day stay they had underground did not disappoint them too awful bad, cause much stretch, stir up any mold or fungus or mess with the photosynthesis too awful bad. Of course they were not able to receive and "direct" sunlight but they did get some light in there, especially the morning sun.

Update asap!



⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Well the girls are back outside and loving the sunshine! It is a damn good thing I had taken them out today, because over in the corner out of no where was a huge ass male that I must have overlooked. It was a very nice male as well, would have been an excellent breeder male! The sacks was about 13 hours away from opening, I am very very thankful that I made the move I made.

When running a large number of plants, it is easy to over look these kinds of things... I did put him down though, unfortunately. I honestly should have moved him to a secluded area away to himself and got me a few seeds this year. Even though I have already bred out one seed patch this year, those that were bred was my local personal strains I have been toying with for a few years.

Now a little bad news, is that I found a couple girls infected with bud rot. I have not had the chance to spray Flint as of yet, but tomorrow morning or possibly even tonight is a guaranteed go on that. One plant had it in small patches here and there, the other is infested with it. I took them both away from the crowd out to themselves.

I got a couple pics and will upload shortly!


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Here are just a few and at the time all I could fit into the picture. I did not stick around long enough today to get a bunch of photos, but as promised I did add one :D.

This taken from a really good distance away higher on the mountain looking down...

Tomorrow, first thing in the morning I will be doing some feeding, watering, and spraying fungicide so I plan to get a few closeups. Just bare with me...


2017-10-26 23.35.44.jpg


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Man the colors on Getaway Mountain's R-2 strain is killing it! Love the acrid skunk smell and purple coming through. This strain is bad ass and is hardy as hell too.

Suppose to be a clone only strain floating around in Canada that he got a hold of and perfected in seed form. Yes folks this is a true classic old school road kill skunk and it IS the real deal for sure! I will definitely grow this one year after year, if life permits that is...

There is only ONE pheno which proves its stability and loyalty. Bag appeal on this is top notch and frost factor is heavy snow. Smell is rotten skunk with not one sweet note whatsoever! It will get deeper purple as it grows, leaves are purple as well!




⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
Well folks, here is an Island Afghani covered in thick ice and frost right at sun rise this morning. I took my sprayer and mixed in a bit of liquid seaweed juice and thawed them out right before the sun hit them. They all looked dead as hell, seeing your plants covered in ice wilting straight to the ground is an extremely scary sight... They were literally "chillin" in 29 degree weather!

They were froze as fuck.

However, checked on them about 15 mins ago and they look identical to the way they did before the frost ever hit them. Leaves pointing up and healthy as ever!*




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