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Winter stews


So a friend a few weekends ago cooked this while camping and it gave me the idea to do it at home... its finally getting cold here and its so easy to make. I'll put the recipe i made from looking at maybe 5 different stew recipes online. Feel free to post your own... I wish i had a crockpot for these.

I browned 1.2lbs of stew meat in olive oil with some peppers and onions. (maybe 1/2 cup of each)
then I added the beef broth (2 cans) n salt n pepper and cooked on low for about 45 mins, covered.

Then i added chopped celery, carrots and garlic (i woulda added teh garlic at the beginning but my stoned ass forgot). and covered again for another 30 minutes. At this point I chopped up some baby Bella Shrooms and added them(i dont want my stew tasting too shroomy, even though me and the g/f both like em' so add at ur discretion, i used maybe 6 baby bellas)

followed with another 3/4 of a yellow onion, decent sized, and finally
one can stewed tomatoes.

Its gonna cook another 25-45 minutes, depending on when my g/f gets here, and then were gonna eat it over egg noodles. She is also bringing flower, cause i didnt have any, i will mix about 2 tbsp with 2 oz cold water, then slowly mix into the soup to thickin it about 20 mins prior to eating.

I didnt take any pics preparing it, but i'll get one or two in a minute and right before we eat.

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sounds really tasty king, a tip though... have you tried using cornstarch and a little milk to thicken?? that seems to work better for me. Props on a tasty stew!


Ready to eat:

Forgot to mention the stew meat was browned in olive oil first thing, and I actually liked the way the flour thinkined/lightened up the color. I prob used more than 2 tbsps, no idea really, but it took two batches of water/flour mix to get it too the thinkness i desired, and remember peeps' it thinkins a bit more while it cooking if u have the lid off.

I also made egg noodles, 5 mins before its ready to serve boil water and throw them in... i was pretty baked when i made the post ;)
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Registered Cannabis User
whats up the king, I got a recipe for a nice winter soup that I've been making at my restaurant. It's called cheesy lager soup.

I saute garlic and sweet red onions and thyme in butter. After the red onions are sweated and almost translucent I add chicken broth and some water, bring that to a boil and add lager. I use yuengling. after that boils and the alcohol cooks off, turn the stove to low and add a bunch of cheese. after that has melted add roux (equil parts flour and butter mixed) to thicken. after its thick add some milk/ heavy cream and bring to desired temperature to serve.

the thyme accents the lager so well. you'll love this soup man, promise.

keep it fresh and green!!