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Wing Wang Sour Diesel


Well-known member
Nah defininely not. Im not saying you havent had anything called sour that had that lemon head taste, but I doubt it was actually a pure sour diesel. All the sour diesel cuts going around are gassy diesel skunky, maybe a small lemony back end on nugs that arent as developed or chopped early, but not any lemon heads candy as the main taste. Ive smoked karma gear that has that sort of terp. Ive also heard the Riri cut has it as well. As well as some sour x kush crosses etc. If anyone comes across a cut with lemon heads candy as the main terps and its called sour diesel i'd be wary lol. Id be interested in it too though lol.
The only thing known as Sour Diesel in the late 90s/early 2000s had the sour lemon head fuel taste and is the real Sour Diesel. Why do you think so many people are still looking for it? All of the cuts going around are gassy diesel skunky, but yet nobody found the Sour in them because they aren't it. Us old heads were growing it and smoking it before all of the remakes, and we remember it well.

Does your ECSD have the lemon heads sour smell and flavor or is it gassy diesel skunky?


Active member
The only thing known as Sour Diesel in the late 90s/early 2000s had the sour lemon head fuel taste and is the real Sour Diesel. Why do you think so many people are still looking for it? All of the cuts going around are gassy diesel skunky, but yet nobody found the Sour in them because they aren't it. Us old heads were growing it and smoking it before all of the remakes, and we remember it well.

Does your ECSD have the lemon heads sour smell and flavor or is it gassy diesel skunky?
Weird how weasel and the guys who were around at the time dont say anything about lemon heads candy, fuel yes, not lemon heads candy tho.. have you listened to podcast ?, and my ecsd I just ran is the same as the ECSD in the ecsd thread so read through that to get your answer. Its straight nostril crinkling diesel with a slight tang to it. The main taste is straight diesel fuel. Im not saying you guys havent smoked what you're describing, if you find it LMK Im curious to grow it. Weird nobody can find it because was it actually sour or being sold as sour at a time when sour was the wave?(genuine question) and then what do you tell guys who have been holding their sour cuts for 20+ years too? That they're bogus lol, idk this shit will go in circles forever. Ive yet to hear any of the OGs who were around sour diesel or made it say it had any lemon head candy flavor. Im located in Mass too btw. Ive talked to a bunch of guys who are sour heads etc. Ive heard other people say they smoked lemon head candy sour diesel, I have as well before but I didnt think it was actually pure sour diesel though.
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Active member
"diesel gas skunky" on the internet translates to: "it smells like plastic because I don't know how to grow."

Sour Diesel is sour lemon fuel (not Lemondrop).

Not plastic aka "gas". Not a significant skunk level either.

They don't have skunks in California so none of those people have a clue what a skunk smells like. They think weed is supposed to smell like shoe stores and upholstery shops. Cuz they do not know how to grow.
You trolling? I agree on the Sour Lemon(small hint) especially on lowers and Fuel/diesel(main taste). I get a lemon back end on nugs that are lower down on the plant. Not really a main taste though. And I wouldnt describe it as lemon heads candy either.
It's real, and it's spectacular. ;
No man, not NYCD. I've ran that too. We had a grapefruit NYCD that was an absolute fucking monster. The most potent weed I have ever smoked. And I have grown/smoked most of the good things that are out there. Absolutely not NYCD, that isn't even the same gene pool really... And at this point I have said all I'm going to say to explain myself. I'm not into arguing on the internet.

All good not trying to argue with anyone. Just genuinely interested as well.. if you still have access to said cut Id like to run it myself to see what you guys are talking about. Im always down to learn some new shit or being wrong. Doesnt matter to me a long as we learned some more. If you guys run across said cut, bring it to the Icmag community for us all to enjoy Id love to smoke it
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Well-known member
Weird how weasel and the guys who were around at the time dont say anything about lemon heads candy, fuel yes, not lemon heads candy tho.. have you listened to podcast ?, and my ecsd I just ran is the same as the ECSD in the ecsd thread so read through that to get your answer. Its straight nostril crinkling diesel with a slight tang to it. The main taste is straight diesel fuel. Im not saying you guys havent smoked what you're describing, if you find it LMK Im curious to grow it. Weird nobody can find it because was it actually sour or being sold as sour at a time when sour was the wave?(genuine question) and then what do you tell guys who have been holding their sour cuts for 20+ years too? That they're bogus lol, idk this shit will go in circles forever. Ive yet to hear any of the OGs who were around sour diesel or made it say it had any lemon head candy flavor. Im located in Mass too btw. Ive talked to a bunch of guys who are sour heads etc. Ive heard other people say they smoked lemon head candy sour diesel, I have as well before but I didnt think it was actually pure sour diesel though.
I've listened to the podcasts and heard all the stories. I don't consider it to be a lemon flavor but I can see why everybody calls it lemon heads. It's a sour tart twang for sure with a straight up diesel fuel truck explosion.

It was the only Sour D around at the time for us in NY and I first smoked it in the late 90s. It didn't explode until the mid 2000s in our area so why would people fake it if nobody really knew what it was?

Your ECSD doesn't look like the cut Chaco was running. It could be, but his never turned purple and didnt have foxtails like that. I saw 4 or 5 different plants called ECSD in that thread, even as far back as when it was started in 2009, and earlier on other forums.

We've held plenty of cuts since around the year 2000, so we would tell ourselves and everybody else we're all smart and lucky for holding onto cuts this long, whatever they are. I'd be glad to roll up with them and compare flower. Good luck finding a cut of this, everybody has been looking for it for decades.

If you weren't growing it back then, you can't really claim to know what it looks or tastes like. I was, and so were a lot of us, which is why we're telling you what we know about it. Make of that what you will.


Active member
I've listened to the podcasts and heard all the stories. I don't consider it to be a lemon flavor but I can see why everybody calls it lemon heads. It's a sour tart twang for sure with a straight up diesel fuel truck explosion.

It was the only Sour D around at the time for us in NY and I first smoked it in the late 90s. It didn't explode until the mid 2000s in our area so why would people fake it if nobody really knew what it was?

Your ECSD doesn't look like the cut Chaco was running. It could be, but his never turned purple and didnt have foxtails like that. I saw 4 or 5 different plants called ECSD in that thread, even as far back as when it was started in 2009, and earlier on other forums.

We've held plenty of cuts since around the year 2000, so we would tell ourselves and everybody else we're all smart and lucky for holding onto cuts this long, whatever they are. I'd be glad to roll up with them and compare flower. Good luck finding a cut of this, everybody has been looking for it for decades.

If you weren't growing it back then, you can't really claim to know what it looks or tastes like. I was, and so were a lot of us, which is why we're telling you what we know about it. Make of that what you will.
Ive had plenty of knowledgable people tell me its definitely the ECSD in chacos thread and within the first 10 pages of the ecsd thread you can see buds that look exactly like mine with the fade. Even in some of chacos pics you can see some purple fade starting on the leaves, he might not have been running as cold temperatures under HPS. She definitely does have a reddish purple fade on leaves when shes finishing up in colder temps. This run I had her in 58-60F at lights off and 65-70 lights on until the end under LEDs. Look back through the ECSD thread and remind yourself


Active member
I have the same cut Jcue and Flower Power were running from Cloney himself in the beginning of the Albany Sour Diesel Thread and I can tell you this and the ECSD I just ran are different but habe similarities. Mine is defintely Chaco's cut according to multiple knowledgable people who got their cuts from Chaco himself. She can show herself in a multitude of way in different gardens. Heres some more examples of Chacos from his own thread posted by chaco himself. Can clearly see purpling on the 4th picture..


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Active member
Here's another of mines. Different light sources as well but generally the same or similar.. u can see purple starting on the leaves of chacos in picture 3 as well as structure similarities. I also have pics of the other sour i ran too if u want to compare hit my dms. This came to me as Chaco's cut from a very reputable breeder from the eastern mass area, and definitely grows differently and more finicky then the one I got form Cloney.. Will believe the guy i got it from and who used it for projects, over what you think it is lol. I didnt directly get it from Chacos hands though so at end of day I will go with the guys who were there at the beginning of Chacos thread and are still around to this day and what they think. Send me some pics of the sour you've grown


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Elite StrainCloneHunter
i like to have Chaco`s cut back , its a nice SD or Sour cut from him he was really active here before at IC

i got seeds from its like over one decade ago but lost them ....


Well-known member
Here's another of mines. Different light sources as well but generally the same or similar.. u can see purple starting on the leaves of chacos in picture 3 as well as structure similarities. I also have pics of the other sour i ran too if u want to compare hit my dms. This came to me as Chaco's cut from a very reputable breeder from the eastern mass area, and definitely grows differently and more finicky then the one I got form Cloney.. Will believe the guy i got it from and who used it for projects, over what you think it is lol. I didnt directly get it from Chacos hands though so at end of day I will go with the guys who were there at the beginning of Chacos thread and are still around to this day and what they think. Send me some pics of the sour you've grown
I'm curious how old you are


Well-known member
Here's another of mines. Different light sources as well but generally the same or similar.. u can see purple starting on the leaves of chacos in picture 3 as well as structure similarities. I also have pics of the other sour i ran too if u want to compare hit my dms. This came to me as Chaco's cut from a very reputable breeder from the eastern mass area, and definitely grows differently and more finicky then the one I got form Cloney.. Will believe the guy i got it from and who used it for projects, over what you think it is lol. I didnt directly get it from Chacos hands though so at end of day I will go with the guys who were there at the beginning of Chacos thread and are still around to this day and what they think. Send me some pics of the sour you've grown

I'm just going by the looks of the plant since it's very hard to believe the names of these cuts are correctly attached. I believe the looks over what somebody else says, every time.

I've seen posts since around '04-'05 that clearly show different cuts than what they were labeled. Go look through the ecsd thread again and you'll see on the first page and all throughout that people were calling their obvious Albany cut and Rez cuts as ECSD.

Sour photos from the early 2000s? Lmao. I didn't take photos of my plants for at least 15 years after I started growing.

Things were different back then. You had to get photos developed at a store and that evidence could easily get you locked up. No digital cameras, no cell phones and when people had them the cameras were garbage, plus I wouldn't carry around evidence.

I grew Sour until around 2014 and swapped it with the Purple Sour D. I have tons of pics of that and it looked very similar to the Sour D structure, similar sour tart lemon heads fuel taste but finished about 3 weeks earlier. Pink pistils, giant colas, bursting bracts, no giant foxtails, and it smelled like Sour about a mile away. If your Sour doesn't have those properties, it's not the Sour. Period.

It's hilarious when people who weren't growing back then and probably never even had real Sour Diesel act like they know what they're talking about.





Purple Sour.jpg

Purple Sour 1.jpg



Active member
I'm just going by the looks of the plant since it's very hard to believe the names of these cuts are correctly attached. I believe the looks over what somebody else says, every time.

I've seen posts since around '04-'05 that clearly show different cuts than what they were labeled. Go look through the ecsd thread again and you'll see on the first page and all throughout that people were calling their obvious Albany cut and Rez cuts as ECSD.

Sour photos from the early 2000s? Lmao. I didn't take photos of my plants for at least 15 years after I started growing.

Things were different back then. You had to get photos developed at a store and that evidence could easily get you locked up. No digital cameras, no cell phones and when people had them the cameras were garbage, plus I wouldn't carry around evidence.

I grew Sour until around 2014 and swapped it with the Purple Sour D. I have tons of pics of that and it looked very similar to the Sour D structure, similar sour tart lemon heads fuel taste but finished about 3 weeks earlier. Pink pistils, giant colas, bursting bracts, no giant foxtails, and it smelled like Sour about a mile away. If your Sour doesn't have those properties, it's not the Sour. Period.

It's hilarious when people who weren't growing back then and probably never even had real Sour Diesel act like they know what they're talking about.

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Sure so you had years to take pics of the sour you grew back then like plenty of other people did stop the bull shit excuses you grew it until 2014 right, and you could of took pics in the early 2000-2014s as well like tons of other people did.. If you knew about sour enough, then you'd know she can look different in different gardens , even in the same garden on different runs with it. So you should know you can't just go by looks all the time. The homie i got the cut from is a very reputable breeder and his homie who he got it from received it from Chacos hands personally, end of story..stop acting like you know it all. You're just spouting bullsht with that claim like you know what cuts people were running or where/who they received them from early in the ecsd thread. You can speculate all you want. I read through it plenty of times, more than you it seems, because you said chaco's doesnt show purple and I proved you wrong with chaco's own picture too within the first 15 pages of the thread...Stop acting like you know everything, show some more humbleness. Seems you can use some.

Grow some fire sour and post it up, and stop trying to say what people have/dont have like you are there in their gardens. I have the cloney personally from cloney, and I have the chaco. What sours are you running right now? Or are you just here to talk shit to people and say they "dont have the real sour" or "thats not so and so cut because I know everything". Ive talked to ChunkyPigs who knows chaco personally, Ive talked with the homie MeltingPot , and I've talked with others who are knowledgable in the MASSACHUSETTS scene and NY scene.. I'm not just saying what I think. Ive even smoked AJ sour from Chemdog's personal garden, he grows at the dispensary not far from where I Iive at, and we have mutual friends..It's hilarious when some dude who doesnt have pics of sour he grew for so many years comes on here and acts like he knows it all and what cuts everyone is running. Be humble. Have a good night.
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Well-known member
Also, just for clarity. You're saying this has a mild citrus to it, but mostly skunky diesel, right? If so, I don't know if it is the same as what I had last time. Really wish I could have gotten a few cycles in with it, indoors and out, to get a feel for it. But what I broke up and smoked last night had distinct and strong lemon out front even being two years old. The "Sour Diesel" I grew around 2005-2010 was all diesel, skunk, and sort of a grapefruit citrusy thing. But not lemon.

I don't know why I even care about the name. What I am really after is that lemon head flavor, with the energetic high. I want the skunky diesel one too, and think I have that now. But as I remember them, they had very different highs, with the skunky diesel one having a heavy come down.
No lemon

⛽🦨 and lime skittles

That's my first my last my everything Diesel/ Sour D . Nothing I've smoked in recent years is it


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