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Willie Nelson takes a hit: arrested on pot charge in Texas


Willie is the ultimate native son... I agree with an earlier post, no way in hell that a texas jury would ever sentence him to time... maybe some public service, which fits right into his deal anyway...
I do question the bus drivers route... coming thru el paso doesnt make much sense, knowing full well the border patrol is checking along the route... Surely those guys arent that high all the time to forget that.
At any rate, I hope my old freind Willie continues to do well.


Active member
WILLIE NELSON HAD WEED ON HIM????? noooo that cant be true. next thing you tell me your gonna say Keith Richards got caught with coke and the sky is blue.

is any one here surprised i mean really.

it would be more shocking if they raided his bus and didn't find ANYTHING!!!

officer west got a huge ol hard on when he saw willies tour bus and decided to make one of them big ol smugglin busts. too bad 90% of the populous now hates him.

good job officer dick weed.


Congratulations TEXAS, you caught a very dangerous, hardened criminal for possessing a plant. Certainly it must of been hemlock or strychnos nux vomica, CANNABIS? thats illegal? YOUR KIDDING RIGHT? 77 years old and he has to spend an afternoon with officer to fukn dumb to find realwork. I gots me willy nelson for trafficking that god damn CANCER CURE! I think of thoureau, IF YOU ARE RIGHT, YOU ARE A MAJORITY OF ONE! Willie is so stand up that when they ask who's dope is it he says MINE! Cop doesnt deserve to share that mans air. When the cops are criminals and the honest man is labeled a criminal, we may want to reevaluate our criminal system, wouldnt ya say?


I didn't know CA to Austin TX took you out of the fucking country and allowed the FEDERAL FUCK PIGS to raid your shit with out a warrant.

Thank god China will own this shit hole soon enough.


Why even say stuff like this? It doesn't contribute to the conversation, doesn't put forth any useful information and makes you look like you actually don't know what you're speaking about in the first place. Try to contribute information to threads so people don't have to sift through meaningless dribble as they seek factually based information to further their understand of life as it relates specifically to pot. Have a good day.
I dont think it has been 5 years since he was caught in louisiana with close to a pound on his bus. He got a slap on the wrist and the laws there are much worse than texas. If pot is never legalized the least that could be done is give everyone the same jail time as Willie. Rest assured if Snoop Dog's tour bus got popped with an lb in louisiana or 6 ounces in Texas the treatment would have been different. I would like to know what it would cost the state of texas or the feds to jail him for 6 months vs what they would make taxing his income for 6 months.

That's right, LA is pretty wicked with their pot laws. When i was there after hurricane katrina, (wasn't volunteering, but living there and working for wages, but still helping with the clean up and rebuilding none the less) I got popped 2x with pot. One of those times, I actually didn't even have the pot in my possession. The first time I got popped I fought the charge. I had about a quarter oz of some really nice nugs, probably the best buds in the city at that time. They had been brought by some guy a friend of my gf knew from CA, so naturally it was stupid fire compared to whatever else was around... Anyway, the cop that pulled me over did so illegally (coruption, corner cutting and general disregard for citizens right is the norm in NOLA, not an exception) and so I fought the possession charge based on the illegal pull over/search and siezure with a public defender. I actually got the charge dropped in that case based on the fact that the cop stated he pulled me over for an infraction that physically couldn't have been done. I pushed the public defender to investigate and once he did, he drew the same conclusion and really got into it. Anyway, they wanted to put me away for 6 months for having a quarter ounce of pot. Comparatively, I got a 9 month sentence of which I served 5 months and am on probation for three years for the butane mishap I had last year. The charge was felony manufacturing in that incident.

This is what NORML says about LA's pot laws...

<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr valign="bottom"><td class="report">Any amount (first offense)</td> <td class="report">misdemeanor</td> <td class="report">6 months</td> <td class="report" align="right">$500</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Any amount (second offense)</td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">0-5 years</td> <td class="report" align="right">$2,000</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Any amount (third or subsequent offense) </td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">0-20 years</td> <td class="report" align="right">$5,000</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Possession within 1,000 feet of school, church or public housing </td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">MMS* of 1/2 maximum penalty</td> <td class="report" align="right">variable</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report" colspan="4">*Mandatory minimum sentence.</td></tr> <tr> <td class="report" colspan="4" bgcolor="#cccc99">Sale or Cultivation (or possession with intent to sale)</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Less than 60 lbs</td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">5 - 30 years</td> <td class="report" align="right">$50,000</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">60 - 2,000 lbs</td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">5 - 30 years</td> <td class="report" align="right">$50,000 - $100,000</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">2,000 - 10,000 lbs</td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">10 - 40 years</td> <td class="report" align="right">$100,000 - $400,000</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">More than 10,000 lbs</td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">25 - 40 years</td> <td class="report" align="right">$400,000 - $1,000,000</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Sale to minor at least 3 years younger than the seller</td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">double penalty</td> <td class="report" align="right">double penalty</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Sale within 1,000 feet of school, or specifed areas</td> <td class="report">felony</td> <td class="report">MMS* of 1/2 maximum penalty</td> <td class="report" align="right">variable</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report" colspan="4">*Mandatory minimum sentence.</td></tr> <tr> <td class="report" colspan="4" bgcolor="#cccc99">Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Paraphernalia possession or sale (first offense) </td> <td class="report">misdemeanor</td> <td class="report">6 months</td> <td class="report" align="right">$500</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Paraphernalia possession or sale (second offense)</td> <td class="report">misdemeanor</td> <td class="report">1 year</td> <td class="report" align="right">$1,000</td></tr> <tr valign="bottom"> <td class="report">Paraphernalia possession or sale (third offense)</td> <td class="report">misdemeanor or felony</td> <td class="report">5 years</td> <td class="report" align="right">$5,000</td></tr></tbody></table> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#cccc99"> <td class="report" colspan="3"> <table bgcolor="#cccc99" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="report" bgcolor="#cccc99">Details</td> <td class="report">
</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr> <tr> <td class="report" colspan="3"> Possession of any amount of marijuana is punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $500 for a first offense. For a second offense the penalties increase to up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $2,000. A third or subsequent offense increases the penalty to up to 20 years in prison.
Cultivation or sale, or possession with intent to distribute less than 60 pounds of marijuana is punishable by 5 - 30 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000. For greater than 60 pounds of marijuana a fine of up to $50,000 - $100,000. For greater than 2,000 pounds the punishment ranges from 10 - 40 years in prison and a fine of $100,000 - $400,000. For greater than 10,000 pounds the penalty increases to 25 - 40 years in prison and a fine of $400,000 - $1,000,000.
Any sale to a minor at least three years younger than the seller doubles the possible penalties.
For felony possession or sale within 1,000 feet of a school, religious building or public housing the penalty includes a mandatory minimum sentence of at least one half of the maximum penalty for the offense.
Possession or sale of paraphernalia is punished by up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $500 for the first offense. For a second offense, the penalty increases to up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. For a third offense, the penalty is up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.

Mandatory minimum sentence: When someone is convicted of an offense punishable by a mandatory minimum sentence, the judge must sentence the defendant to the mandatory minimum sentence or to a higher sentence. The judge has no power to sentence the defendant to less time than the mandatory minimum. A prisoner serving an MMS for a federal offense and for most state offenses will not be eligible for parole. Even peaceful marijuana smokers sentenced to "life MMS" must serve a life sentence with no chance of parole.


chalk up one more for homelame security and the stolen state of northern mexico


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Why on earth would you wanna make a 77 year old man cook and clean, Also why would you want to treat a celebrity performer like that to begin with, Everyone knows willies a peaceful guy....


i was thinking the same, those rap guys usually have a weedcarrier to take the hit if they get busted.

but the article says instead willie took the hit for his entire crew??
seems almost like he wanted to get busted, only willie knows.

anyway totally fucked up to lock up this old fart for some weed, the pigs must be real proud of themselves.

Are you kidding me? Willie is old school, bro. If anyone is going to take the fall, he would, doesn't suprise me in the least. He knew he would have the best chance of getting the least penalized out of everyone. I vote Willie for president!!
I hate to say this I really do, but it's actually unfortunate Willy won't be going to jail for 180 days, we need something like that to happen for more people to realize how draconian & bullshit our countries MJ laws are. My parents won't touch mary, but I'll guarantee you they would be BULLSHIT to hear of Willy Nelson being thrown in jail for possessing a plant, it would make headlines all around for sure. Noone, no matter who they are, famous or not, deserves jail for this, but someone famous & well liked doing hard time would help the cause.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Are you kidding me? Willie is old school, bro. If anyone is going to take the fall, he would, doesn't suprise me in the least. He knew he would have the best chance of getting the least penalized out of everyone. I vote Willie for president!!

+1 :yes:


Active member
Willie was arrested for 6 oz. but was only charged on a 2-4 oz. possession. Making it a misdemeanor.

dunno if this still goes but you can get them to de seed and de stem it to bring the final weight down if it will make that difference....However unless he had the whole tree on the buss i wouldnt think he had 2 zips of stems and seeds;)

the bigger bedder deal was struck or someone is smokin the true "Willie Nelson" bud:)


Willie has dealt with more shit than this. I think he will be well represented. Those tour buses are equipped with CB radios. They should have known of the road check and took precautions. But when the driver opened the door the cops smelt dope. Seen so many people forget it is a crime in most states. They went easy on him with six ounces they could have charged him with intent to distribute. Even in med states personal security must be followed religiously.


Active member
My home town recently added traffic cameras that automatically ticketed whomever ran a stoplight whenever they ran it. People knew the cameras were going up just not where. Within a month there was such an uproar the cameras were removed. The same situation played itself out 6 months later where I currently live. Rich, poor, politically powerful and politically weak were ticketed based on being photographed red handed running red lights.

How does this tie in to Willy?

If the drug laws applied equally to all who were arrested like the traffic cameras drugs would have been legalized a long time ago. I am not opposed to Willy's weed charge being dropped down to a misdemeanor. I am opposed to everyone else not getting the same treatment. What do you think the odds of the weight of all of the other drug busts in this texas county being lowered by 1/3?

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I dunno where someone heard they will de-stick /seed your bud then charge you ?, when they bust grow in Canada , alot of the time you will hear crazy weights # seized cause they weight the plant alot of the time with dirt/ roots attached , anything to add weight to their bust and then your charge......

I think Willy wanted to take the charge for everyone aboard or else someone would have stepped up on his behalf ....



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