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William 'Noodles' Hayes Appreciation Thread


Well-known member
Last year I created The Real Deal Skunk Bud thread; sadly, it is closed for replies. In that thread I shared my story of meeting a family from West Virginia in the mid-late 80's that claimed to be related to the man responsible for bringing RKS to the world. Recently, upon further investigation, I feel hoodwinked. Perhaps the RKS that was shown to me and that was distributed in the Cleveland area during that time may have been grown in WVA but Noodles of Meigs County, Ohio performed the actual cross. From what I have gathered Noodles was connected to some growers in the Appalachians. I surmise that the WVA family may have known Noodles and received seeds/cuts. The Skunk was the stankiest weed at the time and holds cherished thoughts for many.

In the early 90's I played guitar in a heavy metal band. The bass guitarist would bring this weed to rehearsals - he called it 'Meigs'. Golden tasty nugs that imparted a smooth functional high. Bass player said it was grown nearby in Meigs County, Ohio. I wouldnt call it 'knock your dick in the dirt' potent but golly it was great for jamming. We loved it.

When the bassist stopped bringing the Meigs we all asked "Whats up with the Meigs, dude?" he frowned and said, "Dude got busted. No more Meigs. Bummer". Like RKS, Meigs was never seen again.

My recent investigation reveals that Noodles also was responsible for what is known today as Meigs County Gold. This, along with RKS, is another cultivar that I have never forgotten. Oh, how I wished to have revisited those buds!

Yesterday, while checking out GLG site I discovered COPA had repopped the MCG. Oh, my goodness! Say it aint so! 2 packs of the Meigs are coming my way! Thank you, COPA!

Noodle's work have always left an indelible mark in my mind. I need to visit his grave in Vinton, Ohio and pay my respects.

Cheers to Noodles!
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Well-known member
Last year I created The Real Deal Skunk Bud thread; sadly, it is closed for replies. In that thread I shared my story of meeting a family from West Virginia in the mid-late 80's that claimed to be related to the man responsible for bringing RKS to the world. Recently, upon further investigation, I feel hoodwinked. Perhaps the RKS that was shown to me and that was distributed in the Cleveland area during that time may have been grown in WVA but Noodles of Meigs County, Ohio performed the actual cross. From what I have gathered Noodles was connected to some growers in the Appalachians. I surmise that the WVA family may have known Noodles and received seeds/cuts. The Skunk was the stankiest weed at the time and holds cherished thoughts for many.

In the early 90's I played guitar in a heavy metal band. The bass guitarist would bring this weed to rehearsals - he called it 'Meigs'. Golden tasty nugs that imparted a smooth functional high. Bass player said it was grown nearby in Meigs County, Ohio. I wouldnt call it 'knock your dick in the dirt' potent but golly it was great for jamming. We loved it.

When the bassist stopped bringing the Meigs we all asked "Whats up with the Meigs, dude?" he frowned and said, "Dude got busted. No more Meigs. Bummer". Like RKS, Meigs was never seen again.

My recent investigation reveals that Noodles also was responsible for what is known today as Meigs County Gold. This, along with RKS, is another cultivar that I have never forgotten. Oh, how I wished to have revisited those buds!

Yesterday, while checking out GLG site I discovered COPA had repopped the MCG. Oh, my goodness! Say it aint so! 2 packs of the Meigs are coming my way! Thank you, COPA!

Noodle's work have always left an indelible mark in my mind. I need to visit his grave in Vinton, Ohio and pay my respects.

Cheers to Noodles!
Lucky you, keep us posted friend when you get set up.

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