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Will there ever be a pure line of Zamal???


Well-known member
Zamaldelica has been described by my medical patient friends as "positive-yet scary, anxious, the ramping up effect before psychedelics hit, terror inducing but calm, penetratingly paralyzing and (my favorite) the scared adrenaline rush you get mid-flight while cliff diving."

The "fear" or "anxious" aspect the Zamal adds to the mix in Zamaldelica is not to be taken lightly. Its not paranoia, but as Wingdings said - you'll find yourself taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. Plan on saying "*deep breath* whoooooo.. its ok... its ok, I'm just high, its only weed" a lot.

I've seen similar effects from eating one too many sativa brownies - so high its reaching the ceiling of comfortable and the point of uncomfortable. Truly terror-iffic scary high. :biggrin:

This is why a cross to the nepalese or vietnam black which are supposed to be friendly smokes could create some wonders. I personally enjoyed the smoke of the VB x Thai but others I let sample it didn't think anything spectacular. Maybe replacing the thai with zamal would boost the potency. Would like to know what Dubi thinks


Well-known member
I've never before seen Malawi described as "too narcotic"- quite the opposite.

I'll need to actually smoke some to say any more than that.

Hey Jhhnn,

One of the ones that I smoked made me feel tired and it was hard for me to get moving. I don't think I'm the only one to report this, but then again, I just may have been tired that day before I smoked.

the ace site is down so I cannot verify. but the feminized version of the zamal is crossed with the reversed killer Malawi mom. but the regular beans are zamal * Thai/Malawi.

I could be wrong though I'm just learning ace's genetics

Lammy - I think you are correct about the offering from Ace. My concern stems from my personal experience that tells me that the genetics responsible for narcotic effects are dominant. It is probably too simple a statement to explain my experience when crossing a narcotic expression with a non-narcotic expression. At least 95% of the results are to some degree narcotic. The children very rarely have the narcotic component completely absent. I just don't smoke that stuff anymore. It is my personal preference to avoid it.

Having said that, Dubi tells me that the Zamaldelica is the one that he thinks I would want. I've been blathering on around here long enough that he probably knows my tastes.


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by narcotic i understand it as meaning hard drug. where others might think you are meaning more like indica couch lock.

in which case yes i agree. the malawi pheno of zamaldelica is more narcotic. however, ime, i saw a 3:1 expression of zamal traits over anything else.

i actually like the narcotic sativa. rare experience for me. also not many have.

head - center - body

body being different than couch lock.

center being about the best a broad leaf can hope for.

head being what is normally associated with tropical sativa while touching on little else.

i am more interested in shorter flowering/non-sativa hybrids with zamal.

zamal x nepjam
zamal x PCK/taskenti

whatever keeps the carrot flavor around.

i am starting week 5 of my own zamaldelica x johnny blaze(legends). out of 9 there is one that has yet to start budding proper. some are getting really interesting smells. still 8 weeks out from chop, ready or not. trying to find outdoor space for a couple that seem to start flowering quickly.

if you had a greenhouse and lived under 30 n, than ya, pure zamal sounds great. indoors she can be harder to handle than a haze. at which point i would rather have a zamal x haze than pure zamal. just hunt for a carrot pheno.


ICE Cream eater
Pure Zamal will be awesome for some connoisseurs for sure.

I personally would prefer some faster flowering crosses.
Zamal x Deep Chunk, Chemdog, Diesel, Kush what ever actually.
Those are all unexplored crosses that hide lots of potential
and would be friendlier and easier to grow for the growers :tiphat:


Well-known member
Thanks for Help With Language

Thanks for Help With Language

by narcotic i understand it as meaning hard drug. where others might think you are meaning more like indica couch lock.

in which case yes i agree. the malawi pheno of zamaldelica is more narcotic. however, ime, i saw a 3:1 expression of zamal traits over anything else.

i actually like the narcotic sativa. rare experience for me. also not many have.

head - center - body

body being different than couch lock.

center being about the best a broad leaf can hope for.

head being what is normally associated with tropical sativa while touching on little else.

i am more interested in shorter flowering/non-sativa hybrids with zamal.

zamal x nepjam

Hi JayJayFrank,

Very interesting post. It is probably the case that I am using the term "narcotic" in a way that others understand differently than I do. Even before your post, I was thinking that I like the effects of "real" narcotics better than I do weed with narcotic, make me tired, effects.

I once had to take oxycodone for post surgery pain I had. Even besides relieving my pain, I liked the dream-like effects. If it helped me sleep, it was purely for its relaxing effects. The weed that I don't like makes me feel tired and sedentary, like I should get some sleep (couch lock).

Here is an excerpt from a Wikipedia post for narcotic:
"originally referred medically to any psychoactive compound with any sleep-inducing properties."

I experienced an "Early Girl" strain that looked mostly indica, with early flowering and big fat buds. However, it made me very relaxed while my mind was soaring. Someone else grew it, and it was one of the few products that I wanted to buy even though I had plenty made of my own strains. I tried some seeds given to me from this plant, but it did not seem to breed true. They made me tired. I think the Early Pearl strain, I believe it being Early Girl backcrossed to another Mexican, may be the one that I want, but I digress.

I like to describe various Columbian strains as having a dreamy effect that I like. Most of those don't make me tired. Almost all indicas make me feel tired, which I don't like.

Thanks for your post. I probably should not use the term narcotic in my description for what I don't like. While I love that dreamy, relaxed feeling. I still prefer the trippy, intense, energetic feeling, but I'm sure if that is all I had, I'd be searching for a good dreamy Columbian.

I'm encouraged by your Zamaldelica experience of 3:1 ratio against the couch lock, if I understand you correctly.





Lammy - I think you are correct about the offering from Ace. My concern stems from my personal experience that tells me that the genetics responsible for narcotic effects are dominant. It is probably too simple a statement to explain my experience when crossing a narcotic expression with a non-narcotic expression. At least 95% of the results are to some degree narcotic. The children very rarely have the narcotic component completely absent. I just don't smoke that stuff anymore. It is my personal preference to avoid it.
thank you for that information. in my thread "advice on my Malawi breeding project" that is one of the things I was trying to figure out. how likely the narcotic type stone is to come through in the offspring. especially when crossed with an OG.
it sounds like that should work really well for my project.


Well-known member
Pure Zamal will be awesome for some connoisseurs for sure.

I personally would prefer some faster flowering crosses.
Zamal x Deep Chunk, Chemdog, Diesel, Kush what ever actually.
Those are all unexplored crosses that hide lots of potential
and would be friendlier and easier to grow for the growers :tiphat:

these would be pretty cool. I don't picture Ace or Charlie using those lines however. The nepalese finishes in 10 weeks tho :tiphat: Uzbeki too


Active member
Magus Genetics 2005 through 2008 Crosses

Magus Genetics 2005 through 2008 Crosses

Zamal x Meao Thai
Zamal x (Green Haze x Thai)
Zamal x Double Thai
Zamal x (Vietnamese x Meao Thai)
Zamal x (Purple Haze x Thai)
Zamal x Congo
Zamal x Bangi Haze

In that order of preference, but I'd get off the fence and jump at any of these.

I think the Zamal x Congo may have already been done, but the description makes it sound like it is not that potent. It may have been a different La Reunion Island individual/strain.

Perhaps if we can keep this thread bumped to the top for a couple of years, who knows!




P.S. I should have made the Congo a (Congo x Thai) and the Bangi Haze a (Bangi Haze x Thai). Ha! I crack myself up.



How about Gerritt at Magus Genetics:

2005 (Zamal B x Warlock) x Warlock
- Zamal B = upright, less bushy cultivar -

2008 Masibindi (Zamal A x Warlock)
- Zamal A = super bushy pheno, carrot/pepper scent -

From what I understand these crosses were available on Seedbay for a very short time and Gerritt never really got back to the Zamals after that. They were described as dangerously psychedelic, much like Malawi Gold is reputed to be.

The Hatter

these would be pretty cool. I don't picture Ace or Charlie using those lines however. The nepalese finishes in 10 weeks tho :tiphat: Uzbeki too
There are some very fast finishing Nep Jam phenos. The quickest one I had this time finished in about 8 weeks. On average 10 sounds about right but if you can grow out a large number of plants for breeding purposes then I imagine you could select some very fast Nep Jam's to cross with. I crossed my nep jams with Sin Diesel. (cindy 99 x sour diesel) Hopefully the nep jam will pass on its mold resistances. I had a serious problem with my chunky indica leaning Sin Diesel pheno which was completely ruined by bud rot. It was a true shame as it was the frostiest plant I have ever seen grown in person.


A pure zamal would be great. Speaking of ideas for zamal crosses, next year i have plans to cross a (zamal x nevilles haze) with (zamal x pakistan chitral kush). Keeps the zamal ratio at 50% and should shorten flowering.

I have some (zamal x nevilles haze) x 501st OG which should be interesting as well. Good times ahead :)


Active member
i'm actually working on this ( pure zamal phenos).

again, i'm just an enthusiastic amateur sharing my research,perspectives and experiences.

Gerrit, i'd like to thank you again for share this marvelous clone. We grew 3-4 meter zamals outdoors 5-6 years ago, sadly we couldnt keep clones and preserve the strain. Zamal line mostly produces females, males are rare and usually hermie.
I was seriously impressed with zamal vegetative vigour, branching and psychedelic effect. Zamal outdoors in a warm climate is a beast that can easily reach 4 meters, she is so bushy and branchy that you can not see the stems! The ones we grew didnt had any special taste or aroma, taste was very woody, not especially pleasant or desirable.
Your zamal mother shows the auto flowering trait, commoun trait in other african sativa lines like malawi, ethiopian, angolese etc ... Indoors is almost impossible to keep her in good vegetative state, even under 24/0 and strong HPS lights she keeps flowering and flowering.
the beautiful zamal has finished earlier than expected, harvested 1st November. Resin production has been very strong in the last 2-3 weeks, aroma is strong floral and divin
Zamal has a unique kind of high, it's crazy, psychedelic and out of control, especially i have found extremely powerful and crazy plants crossing zamal with other sats and sat/ind hybrids. It has huge breeding potential to get incredible sativa experiences in the hybrids.

2). you can find zamal dom phenos in zamal hybrids. i found one in zamaldelica. i crossed her (zamalish) to angola red and i also found very zamal dom phenos in zamalish/ar seed plants. so, zamal is dominate. it may not be pure zamal but zamal dom phenos are easy to find.

3) due to zamal's auto-flowering tendicies she is very hard to keep as a clone. i lost mine, dubi lost his (i believe based on his posts). this is an example where selfing makes sense imo. my zamalish s1's have lots of vigor.

4). it is hard to find a good non-hermie male in zamal. this is a good example of where feming two strong zamal phenos if you don't want to exclusively rely on s1's makes sense imo.

5). there are different phenos of zamal. even in la reunion it is hard to find a good strong zamal pheno. the Gerrit's cut is prized because it is an excellent (hard to find) zamal pheno. just because i found a zamal dom. pheno out of zamaldelica does not mean it is a good zamal pheno. this is important imo. i'm an outdoor grower and i only judge my product by od results. od this year i've got 2 zamalish/angola red seed females and two zamalish/nepalese females from seed stock. the zamal/angola red phenos are the mosst vigorous plants i've ever grown. one is 8' tall bush last week and had to be topped. i'll take pictures next week when i go back to tie her down. she is going to outgrow the trees surrounding her for camouflage from ground view.

^ i don't know yet if my zamalish pheno is powerful. she is very frosty and i'll put her taste appeal up against jillybean (subcool).


Well-known member
Pure Zamal will be awesome for some connoisseurs for sure.

I personally would prefer some faster flowering crosses.

Zamal x Deep Chunk, Chemdog, Diesel, Kush what ever actually.

Those are all unexplored crosses that hide lots of potential

and would be friendlier and easier to grow for the growers

It's hard to disagree with the notion of a faster flowering cross. I would want to do it with something early, energetic, and euphoric.

these would be pretty cool. I don't picture Ace or Charlie using those lines however. The nepalese finishes in 10 weeks tho Uzbeki too

I think Dubi likes your idea. I finally got off the fence and ordered several packs of Zamaldelica. Dubi sent me Nepalese Jam as a freebie.

A pure zamal would be great. Speaking of ideas for zamal crosses, next year i have plans to cross a (zamal x nevilles haze) with (zamal x pakistan chitral kush). Keeps the zamal ratio at 50% and should shorten flowering.

I have some (zamal x nevilles haze) x 501st OG which should be interesting as well. Good times ahead

Those sound great, and I like the way you think. I don't have to sit here, hope for the ideal, and be jealous of what is already out there anymore. I'm now holding the Zamaldelica, and I have seeds from a special Neville's Haze that I am holding in reserve for breeding when I find a great one. I'm thinking these Zamaldelicas could be it!

The only tough part is I'm just starting another grow that will compare some cuttings that I am holding (see link in signature). The good news is that I'll get to try something with Purple Haze Thai in it. Once I'm finished, I should be able to reduce my collection and pop those Zamaldelicas.

All the Best,



Well-known member
Hello Idiit,

You make some great points and seem to be thinking things through carefully. I plan on making seeds from the first test grow right away, just in case. I also like your idea of selfing, but doing so in ways to preserve some diversity.

The best news is that the Zamal cut was reported finished by November 1. This is ideal for me. With my local climate, I believe November 1 is doable with a greenhouse. I'm shopping for a deal on one. Even if I have to bend it a bit using something like Bangi Haze, I think it could still be a very good high.

Thanks for your post, and the links that you included.



Well-known member
I think Dubi likes your idea. I finally got off the fence and ordered several packs of Zamaldelica. Dubi sent me Nepalese Jam as a freebie.


lol I hope he does. Would be pretty cool to see some of my input influence Dubi's work. I've been running his lines more so than any other vendor, maybe aside from bodhi. Was about to start posting pics once Kanga got into the game but we all saw what happened there. The timing couldn't have been any worse with that


Active member
What about Seeds of Africa's Zamal Reunion they have available? It is supposed to be a pure landrace from La Reunion Island. Anyone have any info about SOA's Zamal line? I picked up a pack and looking forward to seeing whats its all about.

this is an ace thread so i waited a while before posting on soa. their zamal line has mostly larger seeds that don't look to me like zamal from gerrit's cut. they do not auto flower fast. they don't have the vigor of my zaml leaning zamaldelica pheno. my only male zamal from soa that has thin leaves did start to strongly auto flower once rootbound. it did go hermie on me but i'm dusting one zamalish clone with soa zamal hermie male so i've got some zamal regular beans off zamalish female zamaldelica pheno.

zamal is dominant in crosses. the zamal pheno pops out from zamal hybrids and i'm still searching for a good non hermie zamal male from some zamalish hybrids i made so i can make lots of zamal regular seeds.

this is one awesome cut to have (ace zamal leaning pheno). i've got some pics on my albums. the zamal/angola red has a very potent uplifting very euphoric high. true kine bud. great bag appeal for od weed. pics of mature zamal hybrid bud coming soon to my albums. heavy yielder and good bud density ( prob due to ar). the vigor of zamal/x hybrids has been exceptional.

if you get a strong auto flowering pheno in early veg with thin leaves then you might have a keeper. if it is male and doesn't go hermie i would definitely put some pollen up in freezer.


Active member
Does anyone know the break down % of CBD's and CBN's on these ace strains? I just wonder what the CBN'S % is for Malawi? I know strains high in CBN's will make you tired and sleepy and is a good sleep aid. CBD's more narcotic. Some sativas can have more or less then others which will effect the desired effects of the MJ.



Well endowed member
I love what I'm seeing in my Zamal Hyb's, I would love to try some Zamal pure, this herb reminds me of the old strains I used to smoke back in the days.


Active member
I can't make any promises but I still hold 5 pure zamal seeds and will consider doing an open pollination of any viable plants perhaps for the server fund in 2014.

They'd most likely be completely untested and plants grown just to make seed.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Very interesting zamal breeding ideas floating around :) I especially like a few ones:

Zamal x Neville haze
Zamal x Angolese
Zamal x Nepalese highland
Zamal x Bangi Haze
Zamal x Panama

with the right combination, all this hybrids have the potential to offer outstanding sativa effects.

Lately i'm more interested to work with the selected Zamaldelica phenos we have in the mother room, this Zamaldelica mother plants have a more refined terpene profile, they produce better yield than straight zamal, have very high potency and amazing effect: trippy clean euphoric .... they have all the positive things i was looking for in zamal but they avoid the auto flowering and hermie traits, or the rough terpene profile that sometimes are commoun with straight zamal hybrids.


Active member
I have been working the lines that Gerrit from Magus Genetics created in 2003-2008. His Masibindi is particularly of interest since it is 50%/50% Zamal A x Warlock. This last summer I crossed a Masi male with a 100% landrace Brazilian Sativa girl. Next spring I'll jump in there and see what kind of expressions stand out.