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Will reversing cycles increase hermies?

Red Fang

Active member
Hello! I have a bunch of plants and clones of those plants. The clones were taken during the veg cycle and were intended to be used to clone for sex. But they took so long to root that I ended up flowering everything all at once. So atm, my question pertains to clones but it could hold true for seedlings as well.

The question is, now that the clones are 2 weeks into flower and I know which are females, can I reverse them back to the veg cycle so they become a 2nd crop? Or would that take too much time and increase the incidence of hermies and therefore not be worth it? Would it save much time over taking fresh clones from lower branches of the flowering seedlings and could it be done without hermies, or would the hermies be a problem? Also, I need to start more plants now to minimize the gap between crops, and I have no idea which females seedlings are the best so far. So do I start more seeds and risk having too much later if I want to clone keeper seedlings or how would you handle that? thanks


a ton of people reveg without a problem. if the genetics are good and not hermi prone.. it shouldn't be that huge of an issue.. just try to keep the plant as healthy as possible.

Red Fang

Active member
yes I am not talking about revegging a plant that has been harvested, I have done that too but it takes forever for me to see new growth. The resulting plants seem to have much more vigor and better yield though. But what I am talking about is putting whole plants/clones back into veg. I think we are on the same wavelength but not sure.


Kiss My Ring
you understood well enough.
reveg them, the whole plant.
every time you start flowering, start seed or take clones to eliminate that gap.
(if you have room).
it'll take time for the reveg, about the same time it takes to show inflorescence when flipping to 12/12 (or longer depending on environment) so work on whittling that gap down to certainty.
imo this does not increase hermis. the risk is already inherent in the genes. (if you get them now, you'll get them then...).
good growing bro...
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Astronaut Status
I'm revegging some clones right now that came off my outdoor plants that were at least three week into flower. They just started to get some new veg growth. I have some ssh x sssdh clones that were two weeks in when I took them and they are fully reverted and full fledged growing plants now. It just takes a little time, and some veg nutes.