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wild in punjab (india)


hey everyone

oh god how i love india. my dear old dad is from punjab but alas i was only a pup when i was taken there. havent been since but i cant wait to get on a nasty horribly long plane trip and stand in the sunshine among the plants of northern india.

my dad told me that someone gave hime a few tokes of the good herb when he was five. he said he couldn't stop laughing and he played peek a boo for like five hours. we both had a good laugh.

ganga baba i love looking at your pictures. even though theyre stills there is so much the faces have to tell.

im wondering about seed locations. can u tell me where u got your seeds, how u went about getting them and if uve grown any out, what are like, oh yah and what kind u got.

im going to go to punjab stictly for seeds, screw the relatives, and i think u might be able to give me some focus.

great thread ... and keep posting more pics please. :joint:


great thread,hmmm mandala seeds got a strain frome punjab,its called white satin not 100 % pure landrace but its great atleast the indica pheno,the one of your picture looked exactly like the indica pheno ive grow frome mandala..coooooool
peace & love
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Great thread and very interesting reports, Ganja baba

Best weed I have smoked in India definitely is the keralan stuff. For resin, I rate nepal better than india though, of course, the best-of-the-best charas is super fine stuff.



Thanks Punjab,reminds me of my time staying in the golden temple,wandered around the punjab for a few months,great place:tiphat:


there are many people who claim to have ancestry from Alexander's army, there are still children born there today with blonde hair and blue eyes that are thought to be signs of the genes still lingering around.
I worked in Peshawar and NWFP for a time,I used to kick around northern pakistan quite a bit,saw loads of blond'ish haired people,green eyes,grey eyes etc:tiphat:


Active member
Hey what a nice thread.

Havent seen it before :)

Hope to visit one day.

I have a friend from punjab also. He told me you could literally stop the car get you and make as much hand rubbed hash as you like anywhere around thoose parts.

anyway thnx for sharing!


Active member
some punjab pics...

wow, those pics are GREAT punjab 420...thx for rebump this amazing thread! very informative posts!!

Keep those comin guys!

PS: wtf...Is the guy in third pic sellin bhang lassis? whats up with his leg?"!?

Best vibes all!

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
awesome thread I going in jan. is it cool to blaze and drink bhang everywhere in india or just certain spots?, can u guys recomned anywhere that I should go, going to see the taj, and then to goa, I think landing in mumbi \Bombay


Active member
Yea i missed this one!, Great Thread!,
love to visit northen india one day...

Peesh, hope to see you at the cup for a chat mate....

Ganja baba

Active member
wow, those pics are GREAT punjab 420...thx for rebump this amazing thread! very informative posts!!

Keep those comin guys!

PS: wtf...Is the guy in third pic sellin bhang lassis? whats up with his leg?"!?

Best vibes all!

i am only guessing but it may be due to monsanto and the crop spraying .

thanks for the great comments guys , sims ill see you at the cup for sure .
punjab420 great pics . sat suri akal


Active member
my home town

my home town

i was staying around the phagwara area .... all the plants were in flower around there .... the only thing i can think of is temps ...... their must be two strains , one that germs and sprouts later and finishes later , may be they are the ones that are small in the fofos ,
i am thinking , the ones that were flowering started sooner and germed in the colder temps , then it warms up for a while and the more sativa dom plants germ and being more sativa must take a few months to show ....
by which time the early plants have finished .... never thought of this possibility before , an until now never met any one else i can have a two way conversation with about it ...… much thanks for the info mriko ...
its strange to think that seeds taken from the march plants could be diff to the September plants , but it is quite possible ,
i am getting chundigara seeds this week , i wonder how diff to the phagwara seeds i got they will be ...

Hey mriko if you can remember what was the main smell and taste of the weed in Punjab ...?

i am sure it took me about 5 hours drive to get from delhi to amritsar or may be phagwara , but it took hours to get to amritsar from phagwara

punjabs land was so vast it covered afghanistan , one of the sikhs casts are called jhats , if you look um up in wiki they came from siberia ,, i all ways wondered why punjabis are lighter and very big people compared to the rest of india ..... may be lol

irie .

phagwara is my home town . there is a road called grand trunk road( gt road) runs from delhi all the way through to mountains . the most dangerous imo .

hash over there , differs from region and farmers , but the more north you go were its less people and more lands the place , ie manlana . himer predesh .

you the ganja man , man .


Active member
Ganja baba Ive got seed from these locals listed below..Most of the seed looks quite normal Canna seed but 1 looks very racy and almost like a wheat grain..Any input or coments on what you think these will show is more than welcome..Great thread and very kewl..the comments made are my friends and not my own...
-Punjab near Fridkot/Moga (where my friends ancestrial home is)

-Punjab near Amritsar - close to the Sikh Golden Temple

-Kerala - south India

-Manali (Kasol actually. it's a about 1hr hike before manali. IMO this is where the really dank hash comes from)

-Chandigarh ( Foothills of Shivalik mountains. the begining of the Himiliyan chain i believe)

oh thodi , lol , thats spot on .


Active member
Thanks so much for the pics people! I had the pleasure of being in india for several months when I was 18. Went to Dehli, Stayed in a village in Haryana for much of the time. Visited Chandigarh, Shimla and much of Himachal Pradesh, Agra in Uttar Pradesh, and Jaipur in Rajahstan. Brings back so many memories. The hashish I found there started me on my life journey.