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Why Pot?


King of Schwag
In the parts of the USA I've lived in, hash has always been referred to as hash. I've always found the european references to it being pressed 'pollen' as funny. :)

I find it interesting how easy it is to 'educate' the public with good/bad info. Everyone parrots the most commonly 'googled' information. I have no idea if the spanish reference is correct, but it's certainly the champion idea of the moment.

The european reference to "pollen" as you say, is infact polm a morrocan dry sift kiff.

I belive it's more a question of people not knowing, mixing the two words up and it's just become a normal term. Like many americans started calling solvents extracts for hash, and now thats more a general conception like "pollen hash"

True pollen hash, is am old old morrocan thing. When you mix in 5-10% fresh pollen, with last years kiff. It's then cold pressed, hot cured for some sort of fermentation.
Im experimenting with it again, learned about it from a old morrocan hash farmer 20some years ago.
It's very limited the people I have met, who even know about this old morrocan pollen hash. Where polm is a much more traditional drysift, making me fairly sure it's a mix up of words.

Handrolled and vacuum packed kiff balls

Months later under a constant 32C

Handpressed in a T-press


Well-known member
Palindrome, that’s interesting about the pollen being mixed in, I’ve never heard of that before:)
I had my own theary of where the word Pollen came from, I believed it to most probably come from the first smugglers to make it into countries like Afghanistan/ Lebanon and the such, I assumed some bright spark coined the term because of the similarities between unpressed resin powder and pollen that bees collect, lol
I guess my theary was wrong, ha
I think I came up with my theory after seeing the movie Rainbow bridge, in one scene, surfers cut open a surfboard and pull out a bag of unpressed resin, which they refer to as “ Primo Afghan Pollen “
The word Pollen has obviously been used since the sixties, I found that out from the movie.:biggrin:

Here in the UK people seem to refer to quality hash as Pollen, is the Dutch word Polm referring to Pollen??
I remember a shop in Amsterdam called Interpolm, a play on the word Interpol.
Edit: yes it is, I missed that part of the post above��
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King of Schwag
Window I am not 100% sure if the polm term is moroccan or dutch, but as I recall polm is high grade morroccan kiff (outdoor plants) like King Hassan hashish. I think it might be dutch, but I have also come across polm hash alot in Germany 15-20 years ago.

I got a 2-3 hour lecture in morrocan hashish, from an old uncle to a friend. Who had invited me to his sisters wedding Video reception, it was a very interresting and enlighting day, evening and night. (They know how to party)
With some very interresting looking food, that tasted amasing but boiled n BBQ'd sheep head was a first.

Anyway the pollen hash he told me about, was how they used to do before the foreign politics and goverments started hunting the farmers.
They would store the crop, in barns for up to a year before they made drysift.
Or it simply took up to a year to process the whole harvest, stuff like that might gotten lost in translation.
Key thing was, the kiff they made when the males where dropping pollen.
Where mixed with 5-10% male pollen, then rolled/pressed and stored air tight.
In hot "bunkers" untill it was done, now how long that was I didn't really understand.

I have once tried the kiff and fresh pollen mix, but thats many years ago. I don't really have access to fresh pollen, and had a 10 year break from growing.
But it was really nice hash I got made back then, the flavor was thru the roof.

The new ones, I have been making this year. Changed the flavor from "sharp" or how to decribe most homemade kiff, that can be really great but let's call it "young".
After 3-4 months of hot cure, it tastes much more like real good moroccan hashish.
Texture is also a bit different, so stuff is happening atleast to the plant matter.

Once I have experimented more, and maybe flowered some males.
I will try and make a thread about this experiments, for now there it's still too much unknown.


Well-known member
Palindrome, it makes sense that Moroccan’s would use male pollen as a cutting agent, they should of stuck to that one, lol.
You’ve brought back an old memory for me, I remember in the late eighties when Moroccan hash was still good, a friend after smoking would have a sneezing fit and would blame the pollen in the hash.

Yes, keep experimenting bro:)

Back to the thread title, I have no idea where the term Pot comes from but what I’m reading here makes sense.
I like a lot of the old school slang terms and still use them, like Pot and such, I still like the term Grass for some reason, ha ha, probably because it’s quintessential sixties.
I must look out my copy of Jerry Kamstra’s “Weed”, in the back of the book is a list of old school terms and they’re meanings.
Any of you Americans heard the term “Johnson Weed”?? Apparently it refers to low quality herb/Shwag.
Who was Johnson and why was his weed so bad? Lol


King of Schwag
I love words and the etymology - Could not find anything on Johnson Weed tho.

Johnson is an old US slang for penis, so it could be as simple as it's just "dick weed"

Found something unrelated, but funny non the less!

jimson-weed (n.)
also jimsonweed, 19c. American English corrupt shortening of Jamestown-weed (1680s), from Jamestown, Virginia colony, where it was discovered by Europeans (1676), when British soldiers mistook it for an edible plant and subsequently hallucinated for 11 days.

Redcoats on Datura .. For the queen!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
When I made that 'Kif from the Rif' documentary in 2003 - many of the plants they were bashing thru the screens up in the mountains were hermie's - so I guess that is where the pollen in Moroccan hash comes from -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm not sure what has happened to it Pali - it used to be on this site somewhere - I'll ask Payaso about it - It doesn't even look to be on youtube - which is strange -


Well-known member
That’s a great vid, I have it on dvd:biggrin:
Gypsy, is the cellophane they use for packaging some sort of extra strength stuff?
I’d like to get hold of some for my own little hash pressings:)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Good man Tycho - thanks -

window - yeah it was thick plastic wrap - not sure where the hash farmers got it from - but I'm sure you can find something suitable somewhere -


King of Schwag
That’s a great vid, I have it on dvd:biggrin:
Gypsy, is the cellophane they use for packaging some sort of extra strength stuff?
I’d like to get hold of some for my own little hash pressings:)

Yes the cellophane bags are a good quality, thicker then most cheap wrapping cellophane. Too thin a cellophane, will crack/rip under pressing.

What I did, was source cellophane bags from a local cosmetics shop. They often have some nice, high quality bags with a peal of tape in the top. This was before Ebay and alibabba, so today i'd prolly look there.


Well-known member
Early 80's in Spain, specially anywhere up from coastal Andalucia, there was little variety to choose from. Worst quality was "ficha", which was soap bar. Anything slightly better was soon called "doblecero" or "goma". And the blonde spongy fresh crumbly stuff that was less common was indeed the "polen" or "polen rubio".
Then in Amsterdam coffee-shops I saw it written in at least four different ways, (polm, palm, plom, plam, often following "super") maybe just by chance, but it make me think that it's a bad translation of the spanish word polen (pollen) also used by the riffians since they've got a lot of language syncretism with the spanish.

PS. When doing little plaques, like pressing 20 grams, we'd go to the sweet shop. Those plastic bags worked great.


Boreal Curing

PS. When doing little plaques, like pressing 20 grams, we'd go to the sweet shop. Those plastic bags worked great.
Then off to the chocolate shop I go. lol

Note that they puncture the bags to avoid blowouts.

Is that a 20 ton press? It's a big one for sure.


Well-known member
I remember calling it pot in the 60’s, have always wondered where the name came from... Kinda like the line that is tied to the dingy called a painter...


Well-known member
Then off to the chocolate shop I go. lol

Note that they puncture the bags to avoid blowouts.

Is that a 20 ton press? It's a big one for sure.

Sorry, I mean pressing a chunk of 20 grams of hash, little better than soap bar. We were 15 yos! The 20 grams, cut in bits and grinded in the electric coffee mill, were placed in the sweet bag, extended and punctured. Then we'd wrap a piece of newspaper, then another but this time sprinkled with water, then another dry one and last some foil.
That made an average envelope 3mm (1/10th of an inch) thick, we'd apply some heat from the stove and then that was pressed against the floor, rolling a big metal bottle of butane over it, like those for portable stoves. Then cut it with the ruler and a hot knife.

St. Phatty

Active member
Because - if it didn't exist, you'd have to invent it.

Cannabis, that is.

was just reading about Hearst's hard-on for attacking hemp because it was threatening his paper empire.

His media pogrom being one of the main reasons some Californians think Cannabis is "bad".

Midnite Toker

Active member
A great video, Gypsy, very cool. I smoked the best hash of my life when I was 15, in 1975 as well. Them were the days.


Well-known member
window - yeah it was thick plastic wrap - not sure where the hash farmers got it from - but I'm sure you can find something suitable somewhere -[/QUOTE]

Cigarette packet cellophane works ok for a bit of Shoe Hash :biggrin:

Shoe Hash is good for resin powder from the second sift or poor quality that has trouble pressing:)


Wrap the powder in the cellophane, put it in your shoe and walk around all day.

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