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Why is ISO a quick wash but ETOH is a long soak?


Well-known member
After pressing, the rosin chips have a noticeable 'sheen' of rosin still on the surface of the chip. If I use filter bags when I press, the bags are soaked with leftover rosin. I usually toss them in the crock pot with some oil, lecithin and myrcene. However, I am thinking that a quick EtOH wash will clean the surface rosin right off the chips.

Peppermint schnapps is a good idea.




As best I can tell from my reading, the standard MO for ISO is referred to as a "Quick Wash". Depending on the read, a few seconds to a few minutes.

However, when I read about extracting with Everclear (ETOH) it says to either soak it a month in your closet, or to use heat (water bath, whatever) to enhance/assist in the transfer.

I took wood shop instead of chemistry but if I do remember right, the ETOH and ISO are very much the same. Why is it the standard MO for one to be a long soak and another to be a 'quick wash'?


Also, I am constantly is search of an edible that doesn't taste like shit. That Everclear is some nasty ass shit. No matter what you mix it with, that horrible burn seems to work it's way though. I am doing a test with some standard Skyy Vodka (86 Proof, 43% alcohol). I put 14 grams of decarbed pot into 2 cups of vodka and I have it soaking in a jar.

Anyone have any luck with this low of a content alcohol?

Thanks again


try to extract with diethylether


its less polar, so less water soluble, less unwanted ingredients come with....

boiling point is low so you can get rid of it easy, take care its very flammable

when heat to boiling always use ventilation or better do it outside!


Well-known member
Years ago we use to do the long soak, for oil. Now I take the Kief, ever clear, and leave it in the freezer overnight, in the morning I put them together and shake to suspend the kief in the alc, I shake it a few times durning the day. I then leave it overnight and begin the straining process through coffee filters, once I strain it all I leave it in the sun for a few hours and then cook off the alc at 185*, when the alc is gone you can tell by the bubbles, I add some distilled water heat it until the water boils which decarbs the oil as well. I then take the pan and put it on a bed of ice, the oil sinks to the bottom and you can carefully pour off the water, then heat the oil again until the water boils off. At this point the oil no longer tastes of everclear and is ready for tinctures or ediables, or even vaporize without the alc taste...

Rico Swazi

Active member
After pressing, the rosin chips have a noticeable 'sheen' of rosin still on the surface of the chip. If I use filter bags when I press, the bags are soaked with leftover rosin. I usually toss them in the crock pot with some oil, lecithin and myrcene. However, I am thinking that a quick EtOH wash will clean the surface rosin right off the chips.

Peppermint schnapps is a good idea.


You are welcome. Take some of that schnapps tincture with you on a hike or walk in yard for that matter. Dropper full under the tongue and you will want to exhale just so you can inhale once again..
like others and I have said earlier, evap/purge the 190 til the oil is syrup consistency then add your flavoring. Much smoother.

Have you tried using the rosin chip extract for your edibles?

Doesn't that myrcene give a bit of balsamic flavor? does for me is why I ask. Might be another source of the yuck, might not. Don't know the amount you are using so might not might be the answer. Just spitballin is all.

I'll add sunflower lecithin at the end of extraction. Is there any benefit to adding it during the extraction that you or anyone knows of?

Gray Wolf..any thoughts?

Im guessing he means pucks left over from rosin-pressing, and the answer would be ‘because you can’t press *everything* out’
Thanks! I don't do any rosin pressing so I asked. No need to guess as he answered me in the post above. Which way do you do it?(clean filter bags, rosin chisp etc.) EtOH wash or crock pot oil with added ingredients? Lecithin or myrcene?


Well-known member
I toss my chips in a crock pot with some coconut oil or unsalted butter and water to cover. This batch was about 5 ounces of chips, a pound of butter and about 500ml of spring water.

After cooking at about 140F all day, I strain and mold. When I use the butter in a recipe, that's when I usually add the myrcene and lecithin. I use both for increased bioavailability but the sunflower lecithin has the added feature of making the blend very homogeneous. I made Coco Krispies treats last night and the butter and marshmallows just don't blend real well until you add some lecithin. Then, bingo, it is one. I sampled those today. Taste like a baboon's ass, but not as bad as some I've made.

I just drank a shot of the vodka I made the other day. I love the taste of Skyy but this soak really made it taste like shit. It is a nice golden brown, though. Made a vodka and Cranapple on the rocks and it tasted not bad. I added a little paper umbrella and it made it taste much better. Be Somebody ;) LOL

Rico Swazi

Active member
I found that post helpful as now I know who to ask!
Taste like a baboon's ass, but not as bad as some I've made.

Kidding aside, I read it as you put it all together in the pot. Now I see that I was mistaken.
Agreed the sunflower lecithin rocks, glad to see you are not using soy.

Take your kief and put it in a new bottle of vodka and see what you think as there will be little to no chlorophyll to blame the taste on

I have had cannabis cultivars that didn't taste good no matter how it was grown prepared or extracted. Genetics simple as that.


I've done QWISO with less than 20-30 seconds washes. Usually 2-3 washes depending on the material used. Good results. Haven't tried with Everclear but I believe you have to soak it for 3+ minutes if i'm not mistaken.

Rico Swazi

Active member
same info, different website from post#4 in this thread
Gray Wolf has my respect.



are you trying to use everclear in a tincture ?

extract first in everclear, evap/purge then add vodka to a desired consistency
it will be much less harsh. for edibles I would recommend using butter or oils for extraction
then use those infusions for your treats
good luck


hoping to get an answer on a question I had earlier, if GW or someone else with the answer happens to see it.

I'll add sunflower lecithin at the end of extraction. Is there any benefit to adding it during the extraction that you or anyone knows of?
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White Beard

Active member
No reason to include lecithin *IN* the wash: it’s not a solvent, it’s an emulsifier. The emulsion is made from the extract and the butter - add lecithin to help it come together, and not too much, either.

For edibles, don’t add vodka, just evaporate out ALL the alcohol used for solvent. Add butter or oil and mix, adding 1 or 2 ml as you go. That’s all the lecithin is good for here.

Rico Swazi

Active member
After pressing, the rosin chips have a noticeable 'sheen' of rosin still on the surface of the chip. If I use filter bags when I press, the bags are soaked with leftover rosin. I usually toss them in the crock pot with some oil, lecithin and myrcene. However, I am thinking that a quick EtOH wash will clean the surface rosin right off the chips.

Peppermint schnapps is a good idea.


Had me confused with this post. glad you cleared it up

White Beard; thanks for the reply, gonna hope GW stops by to give his insight too.

I was just bouncing off what Ringodoggie posted in bold and was curious is all.

You may have missed my earlier question?

Which way do you do it?(clean filter bags, rosin chisp etc.) EtOH wash or crock pot oil with added ingredients? Lecithin or myrcene?


Well-known member
I don't understand what you're asking in your last question.

I take my chips, filters, etc and toss them all in the crock pot with lecithin, myrcene and butter/oil.



Well-known member
Sorry about that, wake and bake confusion here too. LOL

I was actually contradictory in my previous statements. Again, sorry.

Here's my order. I take flowers and press them in my rosin press. The leftover chips go into a crock pot with butter and water.

After I strain the butter and water from the chips I separate the butter and water and mold the butter.

THEN, when I use the butter in a recipe, I add the lecithin and myrcene.

Sorry for the confusion. I am testing a new vape and some Hazeman Grape Stomper this morning. LOL


Rico Swazi

Active member
Cleared that up nicely my friend , thanks you
Curious still on that myrcene, I stated earlier it has an 'off' taste for me, a bit balsamic
Have you tried an extraction without adding myrcene?
Does it affect the flavor for you?


Well-known member
Yes, in the past I never used any add-on terps [and it still gags me]. Now, I use terps, simply because I have them. A while back, we were working on terp recipes to add to the rosin to make it 'effect specific'. At that time, I bought a bunch of different terps and now I am just using them up.

Most of the edibles I make, I give away. I have tolerance issues and they are never strong enough for me. For me, I use the rosin, decarb it on a hotplate. Add oil/terps/lecithin and put it in caps. Edibles [terps or no terps] usually gag me so the caps make it totally tasteless. My standard dose is 1000mg of rosin. That's a whole shitload of brownies if I had to eat brownies. LOL

I am going to visit California next month. I am looking forward to trying some 'store bought' edibles.


Rico Swazi

Active member
prepare to be disappointed in anything you can get in the "store" as compared to what you can make yourself.
Bet you have fun trying though !

putting medicine in caps negates the taste issue for sure.