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why cant i see full size pics in my albums?


Well-known member
im on a mac laptop

i go to my albums, i see my images as mid size thumbnails.

I click the image, and i get the error screen as others have posted earlier.

i can drag the image as a mid size thumbnail from the window on to my desktop, and it does become a tad larger, but not much

are you saying there is a way i can get the image back to full size quality?

i tried your method, but what application should i use for a mac? i dont have photo shop. I can hold control and 'copy image' but where would i paste it?



🦫 Special 🍆
no clue i have no mac

this is the best i can save



Well-known member
crap...i cant get it. I tried the Kleki paint tool, i was able to paste the image, but it was still very low clarity.

Im not sure how to get it full size clarity like you did above. If you or anyone can help me with this i will make it worth your while for sure.

appreciate the info, if anyone can help me out im all ears


Well-known member
crap...i cant get it. I tried the Kleki paint tool, i was able to paste the image, but it was still very low clarity.

Im not sure how to get it full size clarity like you did above. If you or anyone can help me with this i will make it worth your while for sure.

appreciate the info, if anyone can help me out im all ears

Im on a phone and first pic is how it turns out for me ,second pic shows the options i see . I use "attach file" at the bottom and once loaded i tap insert image then you will see what is in second picture ive posted , the option for full image or thumbnail .
Choose full image .
I hope this was what you were after .




🦫 Special 🍆
do not copy the preview stamp image.-open it and copy the full screen one

and no absorber problewm is not the posting full size. read back earlier posts


Well-known member
all i get when i click the thumbnails of my albums, is a message saying "the requested comment cannot load, please try again later"

If i attempt to open the preview image in new tab, it just opens a larger but very blurry image


🦫 Special 🍆
try get something with window 10-11 an old laptop will do maybe on win 7 as well


Most Loved
I also have this problem on my phone. But you're saying if I open my old albums on my computer I can copy paste the full image into photoshop and save because downloading won't work.

Also does this mean all the threads the pictures were in will show blanks now? I'm sure I have most if not all these pictures on a hard drive somewhere I'm just trying to see how much work is involved. Might be easier to just reupload.

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