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why are my plants taking so long to finish?

Sweetooth #3 , Cream Sodica, Early Girl, Mighty Mite, Gurilla Gold, Dutch Treat, KC 33 and 36 all start to flower sometime in late july to early august.


I have grown lots of Nirvana stuff outdoors in UK, had some great results, but also some less than great ones, although that is true of most strains from most seedbanks. I've never had anything to complain about with Nirvana, always had good germ rates and decent to great plants.

This year I have over 30 outdoor plants, 9 different strains, all all budding nicely, but have smaller than usual buds, it's the shitty summer we had, all my plants are smaller than other years and less buds on all of them apart from one Pure Power Plant that is 6 foot and approaching being ripe, she flowered really early, back in July, whereas the other two PPP look only halfway through now.

If we have a good summer in the UK, you can grow things like Durban Posion x Skunk #1 and White Rhino, I have both of these outdoors this year and they are doing okay, but are small and less productive than other years. Remember the long hot summer of 1997 when we had a month of 25+ really sunny weather and a couple of weeks after that of around 30? I had some monster Durban that year, got half a pound of one big momma.

However, in a bad year here, you will only get worthwhile results with strains specifically bred for outdoors in the Northerly climes, things like Hollands Hope, Top44, Early Girl etc. I always plant a variety of strains outdoors, and always plant a few early ones as a way of hedging my bets and insuring a harvest no matter how crap the summer turns out.


ICMag Donor
Go with Luc´s (Paradise Seeds) Sweet Purple (10 beans -20 $) , its not the strongest one out there , but solid,easy to grow and very uniform , just differing in the coloration and harvest yield ... + it gets ripe every year with no mold , i got from this strain about 700 g of mid grade nuggets ( but considering that they were grown on a balcony , in the middle of a big city [@ 47° Northern Lat ] were streetlights stress them severely ) as i said , its not the strongest nugs out there , but a good daytime smoke , which is hard to build tolerance to . We here made from 2/3rds of the yield bubble , which came out blonde to light brown and reddish , the bubble was some of the best we got to this time , being on par with taste/potency with Peacemaker and some other more famous and much more expensive strains ...

Just pollinate the fastest fem with a bunch of the fastest males , plant a bigger batch next season and there will be enough smoke for wake and bake the whole year :tongue:



New member
I've grown masterkush outside but it could have done with another week chopped her in mid october.This year im growing purple peace.She's got 50% red hairs today and has been flowering sine late july.

Anything thats early is also good early girl early biddy.


one in the chamber
slartibartfast4 said:
i have grown both those strains and like all nirvana (in my experience) seeds their genetics are all over the place and maturation times vary a lot but both BB and AK48 finish fine in my part of the world and i don't see why they wouldn't in england (although low light levels due to crappy weather can slow stuff down), Early misty on the other hand has only finished a couple plants for me and i will not buy their strains again ever expecting consistant results. All that being said i have a couple clones that i have selected from their seed that have been doing well for me so if you set your sights low and hope for a couple of good girls you might end up happy with what you get.

Very good input! I'm glad you shared your experiences. Unfortunately, my AK-48s didn't make it too far into flowering before being destroyed. :( I guess you get what you pay for with Nirvana genetics, but if you find a good mom it's all worthwhile eh?


update!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 days later !!!!!!!!!!!!!

update!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 days later !!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi everyone, thanx for all the replies, they helped me out alot. next year i plan on going for a good early flowering strain. the buds still havnt stopped growing which is great but still arnt very big( dont let the pics fool you ).

i guess the big plant should have about 1 month left of flowering and the 2 ak48s will probably need to go another 2 months which is very annoying because the description was 'fastest finishing white strain'. and as you can see by the pics, look how purple one of them is and the overone is just normal...they are 2 completely different phenos.

well im sure i will get something good to smoke anyway, but im still dissapointed seeing as they are called 'big bud'

and as you can see even the ones under 300w of light have very small buds, they have been flowering for about 40 days:( they are all big bud cuttings under the lights )


big bud

big bud

big bud


ak48 purple

4 big bud cuttings

under lights

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y would i bother posting an update if no one is going to reply, i mean it seems pointless of me posting pics that could possibly send me to prison when no one is going to reply...


Do you have any streetlights or other outdoor lights near you? I only ask as I had to induce mine by covering them up for a few weeks as we have a couple of those lurking nearby - also if you have a veg mix and a fair bit of nitrogen in the soil it can delay them.