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Who's all been breeding their own autos?


thanks aridbud for believing me man.

thing is my crazy plans won't work, but the even less crazy ones will. They'll find their path.

I have a path to create autos. i took it. seeds are coming, I got soil. everything.

I only said you didn't want someone else doing seeds so you'd respond that you didn't coz I don't know why people don't like me. even though when they snip, i snip back. I'd never get mad or mean unless I was insulted continually. Which happens.

And new to the game? I haven't even uploaded my large plant yet, that's in perfect health. I think i know how to grow, you ammmend soil and then water. Not hard. I don't ph. :)

I got yellow pollen in centrifuges tubes now. Two are dusty. Next Ill just put inside a glass jar with the rest of the pollen.

3 Think different are coming to breed with. or make seeds at this point.

And no I don't go off spewing at the mouth whatever I want. You all have taught me basically how to breed and especially autos. They are harder to bred, yet again you cycle faster too.



Mr Jay

Well-known member
He still doesn't have documented grows that verify the age of the plants.

I'm still calling it, goob doesn't have anything worth anything.

Start to finish, document grows and breeding or shut the fuck up already.

Mr Jay

Well-known member
anycase maybe everybody is being abit harsh on the guy (angelgoob)?

Nah, he has it coming.

He doesn't just stick to making one garbage thread in the auto forum, he tries to dominate the front page with implausible wet dreams. Autos already have a credibility problem even with Mephisto and DP rocking it on the breeding. The auto forum here on ICmag already doesn't get all that much traffic, and he's diluting the quality and credibility of the forum.

I'm just making sure it's publicly posted that we know this goob is a goob. Considering all the commiserating messages I've received, including those from site founders, I'd say I'm spot on with this.

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Bona Fortuna

Well-known member
Anyways, back to the thread at hand....

Anyone try out flash's New Mexican rudi crosses?
I plan on crossing holy man or the heavens haze auto to a cannabiogen cbg auto.


Active member
Nah, he has it coming.

He doesn't just stick to making one garbage thread in the auto forum, he tries to dominate the front page with implausible wet dreams. Autos already have a credibility problem even with Mephisto and DP rocking it on the breeding. The auto forum here on ICmag already doesn't get all that much traffic, and he's deluding the quality and credibility of the forum.

I'm just making sure it's publicly posted that we know this goob is a goob. Considering all the commiserating messages I've received, including those from site founders, I'd say I'm spot on with this.

Yeah i see it now, as i said in a follow up post i would retract my defense if warrented. Consider it retracted.


Im not flooding the page with auto stuff.

You guys are inactive and mine's most active, most top.

Second of all, I haven't seen any of your grows with timestamps or journals. I want screenshots or GPS or you're a liar.

Because that's what we do, we assume people are liars.

I have picks of germ water, seedling, veg, flower, end of flower all with dates.

They're coming tomorrow along with updated picks of TD I am breeding with. A have a lot more pollen now.

If you don't believe me and think I am lying about a sub60 strain, then I guess I am doing the unbelievable. Which makes me feel special.

"Your plants are so fast, you must by lying!"

So they're literally so fast they're unbelievable. Thanks for the compliment.

It's funny. I got pollen. I got the plant. I have the pollen. I am growing a female. You know what that means?

I would like everyone to say to people when they say : "I have this superskunk growing, it's 30 days old and showing sex"

Then your time is wasted saying "I don't believe you"

The reason you don't believe I have a fast auto, is because I DON'T create grow journals?

Alright, then I guess everything out of sight is a lie for you. Right? Never looked at the Earth and you're told it's round. So maybe you think it's flat, because you've never seen it, but still think people are lying even though you've never measured yourself.

Do yourself a favor and watch me pollinate this in a few weeks. within 2 months seeds'll be popping. And I guess it'll blow your mind.

Becuase if I told you I have a 85 day autoflower. You'd believe me.

But since it's 57 1/2 including germination to 20% or more amber, you say it's not true.

You've never seen or heard about anything faster than 60 days, have you?

I am not a breeder selling seeds and lying. They're 60 days it 75. mine is a straight 57 1/2 days exactly to 20% amber.

Need trich pics? I'll litter this place with them.

Guess I'll do a journal of this cross. (Think different x SourAK ) So that means I gotta make seeds first of it.

My TD is at 25 days. Doing good. No discolor, Multitopped without topping it. Little training. It's gonna leaf out then stretch then leaf out, then flower, if it's anything like PLP.

So, just to let you know, TD is about 85 days to maturity. I am crossing it with mine. Both strains are multicola, and both have ak in them.
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New member
breed out you gens for a stronger more stable auto flower on first seed production the auto trait becomes reccesive so its up to you to find the auto trait and continue to cross auto with auto until you have a stable auto flower.


I can see it has to be that way gnome. so far it's been through 5 generations of the short time autos.

It represents 2/3 of all plants. The 65 day one? 1/3 of the plants.

On top of breeding it with an 85 dayer.

Person wants seeds in 2 years the person I am working with to send it out. They don't have room right now.

This give me time.

I have ideas I am going to be using. 16 ideas.

About 6 of them are really weighty to me, the other ideas light or maybes.

I think I've told some ideas. People didn't listen. Good for me, I have no competition that can use the ideas now.

I wanted to talk about them so bad. How bad do you guys want to know though and would you use them.

If you want them, say yes.

BTW my SOURak auto puts out more shoots than a Think Different. Or should I say "thick different"

Look up why TD is special. It holds a title.

Oh and I can't wait to try. will it match the 9 in creativity? Or in spiritual feeling?


New member
then breed out all your shorter period plants to make the 65 days auto trait stonger.. or maybe im just confused a to what you are asking


ICMag Donor
Think Different has had mixed results, but mostly positive results.

You aren't looking hard if you haven't seen journals, websites selling seeds, etc.

It takes several generations to shave off 85 days to 60. And those that know or have grown 60 day autos...flavor, potency & yield are sub par.


thanks arid. yea the TD has to come through in the high.

This stuff has a confusing, but not strong enough high.

Never knew about shaving days like that. I thought they either adopted one veg and one flower and combined them if you know what I mean.


Active member
I've been growing out some auto x photo f1 plants before and also made my own f2s, grown them and made 100% autos from the ones that autoflowered.
And I can confirm what has been stated here before - the autoflower trait seems to behave as a simple recessive trait. Doesn't express itself in f1, expresses itself in 25% of f2 individuals and auto x auto = auto.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Auto update

Auto update

Hello all,
These Auto's aren't mine. I'm running Auto Malawi x Northern Lights f4 from Ace seeds. One plant is being crossed with both of my Lebanese males. The other plant will be crossed with one of DJ Shorts Blueberries.

The buds are dense and heavy. The bud pictured by itself is getting the Blueberry f4 pollen. I will run the f1's outside next season. The semi auto flowering Lebanese females I have one is also getting Blueberry f4 pollen. I will run at least one in the greenhouse and one or two outside next season. Peace