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Who uses a vaporizer...


Log vape of choice for me: Epicvape ENano
High-tech vape I have: VXL Evo... not a bad set-up
Best portable I've ever tried: Elevape SV

Play with the available temperature range... lower temps = more flavors, usually happier/lighter head
higher temps = toastier flavor, and more of the WHOMP!! to the forehead, and stone in the bones... I bump up the temps to go to sleep.

I will occasionally "burn one", but I'm so not a fan of the aftertaste...


Active member
Extreme q for me leave it on all day every day, it is always ready...

me too

Hello all,

Combustion now is nasty to me...leaves a nasty film in my mouth and tongue. Much harsher and the taste is nasty to me.

I only combust when away from my EQ.

I used a proto for decades and then found glass pipes to be superior. Since I have my EQ, they are in the drawer and only see the light of day occasionally.

Same with joints.

as a 6 year Volcano abuser I no longer do the knuckle dragging act of combustion
a piece of 5/8 silicon hose and I'm a whip master as well


Well-known member
ive been vaping almost exclusvely for a few years now. I use an Arizer Solo for portable uses, and at home its the Vapexhale Evo.

The high, taste, and everything else is superior imho. I like the high from smoking too, but the taste and effects on the lungs arent worth it imo if i can vape and not have any combustion. Fuck combustion.


if it smells like fish
I don't really like them .. I had a aeromed and a vap bros.......I prefer a bong or j and my lungs are just gonna have to man the fuck up lol.....yeehaw


I went and got a Da Vinci ascent portable vape with water tool that sits on top. Its a total game changer for me, but there are a few cons as well. Here is my pro and cons list:

Taste is way better (i tried a joint the other day and it was DISGUSTING)
Obviously health benefits from non combustion.
Overall look healthier better appearance
No paranoia from vaping (i can hit the vape and go straight out into public; this was not an option when i took huge bucket bong hits all the time)
Improved state of mind from not being so over blazed all the time

Vaping will not get you as high.
The high does not last as long
You will use a s***load more weed especially if your a fairly heavy blazer.

Overall it has been fantastic for me, and one last thing, if you are going to purchase a vape i would personally only buy one with full glass pathways. Most of them use silicone tubing and/or other materials, which of course they say its safe, but glass ftw all day and all nite

the end


Active member
I remember when people used to get variable temp heat guns and custom bowls for their bongs. Everyone I know that had one of these ended up with a scar or two!

I've evolved since then...own a volcano, a plenty, and a cheap vaporbros. Really want something smaller and portable though. I'll probably pick up a solo unless something better comes along.


Many yrs ago i had One Called the Blue Meanie.. "Not flash but did the Job"
"She had a Screwable Glass Jar on top"
Ended up Stinking of Plastic! .. :-/
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I remember when people used to get variable temp heat guns and custom bowls for their bongs. Everyone I know that had one of these ended up with a scar or two!

I've evolved since then...own a volcano, a plenty, and a cheap vaporbros. Really want something smaller and portable though. I'll probably pick up a solo unless something better comes along.

Ive heard the solos work real good as well, i would check out the da vinci ascents as well calimed. They had a few problems with the earlier models but the current models work just perfectly ime. They do cost a bit more than the solo but i couldnt be happier with mine fwiw

all the best


Well-known member
Vaping will not get you as high.
The high does not last as long
You will use a s***load more weed especially if your a fairly heavy blazer.


get a better vape and youll change your mind :tiphat:
One day I calculated how many joints I had smoked in almost 20 yers. I calculated over 40K joints. I just needed something else and cheaper, coughs.

When I tried the Mighty it was quite a change because I was so totally used to rolling joints and combustion fumes in my lungs. After now half a year of vaporizing I consume not nearly the same amount of herbs. Costs reduced dramatically also because of this.

I do tend to smoke more tobacco!

Going back to joints? it just didnt taste good anymore, dont think of it.


Active member
One day I calculated how many joints I had smoked in almost 20 yers. I calculated over 40K joints. I just needed something else and cheaper, coughs.

When I tried the Mighty it was quite a change because I was so totally used to rolling joints and combustion fumes in my lungs. After now half a year of vaporizing I consume not nearly the same amount of herbs. Costs reduced dramatically also because of this.

I do tend to smoke more tobacco!

Going back to joints? it just didnt taste good anymore, dont think of it.

joints waste away quickly and the vape contains the herb in there longer and less of it too. the flavor and introduction of tapering compound absorption ( rate of evaporation) with vaping is key. Really heavy compounds do not vape out though unless you run it at the hottest temperature and then there are still actives in the herb. I make edibles with the left over dried up herb and have plenty good effects with using enough of the left over- compounds
joints waste away quickly and the vape contains the herb in there longer and less of it too. the flavor and introduction of tapering compound absorption ( rate of evaporation) with vaping is key. Really heavy compounds do not vape out though unless you run it at the hottest temperature and then there are still actives in the herb. I make edibles with the left over dried up herb and have plenty good effects with using enough of the left over- compounds

Man that hurts my throat knowing I wasted over a kilo of herbs by smoking joints:biggrin:


Well-known member
I do tend to smoke more tobacco!
thats because of nicotine addiction

Going back to joints? it just didnt taste good anymore, dont think of it.
my minivap broke on holiday ,,had to smoke a joint ,,it was disgusting,,ended up cold turkey in greece for 8 days :(



New member
I have a vape attachment for extracts and I honestly hate it. It tastes like chemicals, no matter what product I use in it. Perhaps it's the quality of the attachment, I don't know, but I find myself going back to the dab rig every time.

Vaping dry herb though, I find it really allows you to taste the flavour of the flower that you don't experience otherwise as it's a clean burn. It's a pretty clean taste. The herbal vaporizer I own isn't exactly user-friendly, though. I got it as a gift, and the model wouldn't be my first choice, just for how difficult it is to use (the Magic Flight Launch Box). But if I had a different herbal vaporizer I would probably use it more.