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Who remembers smoking before urine tests?


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Getting Understood

doobieduck said:
I drove every day for my employment in the early 70s, 80s, 90s,....... We smoked hash at lunch time....But...I did a good job...that might be the part that the piss test doesn't provide, how hard someone works. My employer knew I was a party animal but my sales and work ethic he couldn't ignor...I usually put in 12 hours a day and I was the top salesman and loved by all my accounts. I'm just lucky though...I could have killed myself or someone else...didn't think about it then but I sure do now. Hamstring.. thanks for the post that lets us get a little more aquainted with our friends here...DD
I had a user send me a Private Message asking "what did you mean by this...did you not think you were putting others in danger"...my reply to the PM was --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I meant that I was putting myself in danger, others in danger, I could have killed someone, a little kid going to school. I probally didn't perform my job as well either. OK when at home but not for the work place. Medical patients should be allowed to smoke when not working and not have that affect thier employment. Thanks for asking...this trying to get things across on the internet...the idea can sometimes get lost in the typing...DD
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Jack Crevalle

meant that I was putting myself in danger, others in danger, I could have killed someone, a little kid going to school. I probally didn't perform my job as well either. OK when at home but not for the work place. Medical patients should be allowed to smoke when not working and not have that affect thier employment. Thanks for asking...this trying to get things across on the internet...the idea can sometimes get lost in the typing...DD

If you were impaired to the point you may have killed someone maybe you shouldn't be smoking Cannabis. I never have been impaired by Cannabis, It actually helps me concentrate and slow down and notice things around me more. Why would you kill someone? I didn't pm you, but I don't get it....even posting that on this site is lame IMO..


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ICMag Donor
Jack has got my number...

Jack has got my number...

Jack Crevalle said:
If you were impaired to the point you may have killed someone maybe you shouldn't be smoking Cannabis.
Quite true Jack..my thoughts now exactly...I'm glad you understood that part of my post.
Jack Crevalle said:
I never have been impaired by Cannabis, It actually helps me concentrate and slow down and notice things around me more.
Never impaired...that's a pretty bold statement my friend. I always thought just the same about my concentration...and still do..I think it does make things more clear and I do slow down and think things through before doing them...I do dumber stuff now days when I'm not stoned.
Jack Crevalle said:
Why would you kill someone?
Jack I said "could have killed someone"
Jack Crevalle said:
I didn't pm you, but I don't get it....even posting that on this site is lame IMO..
But Jack you did leave me rep asking me basically to keep my opinions and posts to myself as it was hurting "our cause"...your cause Jack..I don't belong to a cause...but I sure didn't want to hurt your cause either...I appologise and will refrain from posting my opinions and views in this thread in the future...I'm not here at IC to stir up shtt...and "lame" yes Jack...you're very observant...I am about as lame as you can get...three major back and neck surgeries with hardware implanted, I have a seizure disorder and can't drive...just the tip of my iceberg friend. I'll stick to posting images...DD



Active member
meh, I haven't killed anyone yet.

Don't make a big deal.

I'm sure if anyone were put up to reaction time tests, you would all do worse than your sober selves. If anyone disagrees, then you must've tested yourself and ended up with X (sober) milliseconds vs Y (high) milliseconds, right? RIGHT?!?!

If you practice driving while high, you get better. If you're smoking shit that gets you really toasted - you better know your limits. Being high really isn't anything, but being too high is bad.

I remember weed helped me with driving. I live in Wisconsin and you'll hit 2 animals driving to your friend's house and back...almost every time. I was high and starting thinking too much and I noticed the deer will usually be in packs, so when one deer crosses and you wait for it, then go, you'll stop again to wait for the other deer or you'll hit the other deer that are crossing. What do I do? Full throttle with the horn blaring, everything stops taking it's grand ol time and fuckin scrambles!!

nice pot plant there doobieduck! looks like christmas and easter combined :p
If I had to have my urine tested to gain employment I'd piss everywhere but in the bottle and offer my ass up for a big kiss goodbye. Fuck 'em man, who owns your body?

Jack Crevalle

If I had to have my urine tested to gain employment I'd piss everywhere but in the bottle and offer my ass up for a big kiss goodbye. Fuck 'em man, who owns your body?
Exactly my thoughts, do not contribute to this bullshit, there are many careers and companies that don't discriminate against MJ.

Jack I said "could have killed someone"

Explain to me how the hell you could have killed someone? It's like me saying I could kill someone by going for a bike ride after a joint...ridiculous IMO

as it was hurting "our cause"...your cause Jack..I don't belong to a cause...

Yeah my cause, the cause of spreading the truth about MJ, because the world is full of liars and people who make up hilarious "facts" on tv commercials, campaigns and posts on this very board perpetuating ignorance. Insisting on negatives only adds to the authoritie's arsenal in the persecution of us who like to medicate or "use" Cannabis. All I was saying was that you should try to shine light on facts and keep negative BS to yourself. The media already does a great job of portraying us as drug dealers, losers, ignorant, uncoordinated druggies, and by stating shit like "I could have killed a child" makes us look that musch more idiotic.Keep it real, or maybe you are, you have no cause, I forgot, you just abuse MJ and it's status as an illegal hard drug Saweet


Eugene Oregon
OMG, I was just thinking about how carefree I was back in the 70's and 80's seriously I would show up to work stoned of my ass and they couldnt KNOW for sure, my poor attitude got me fired ONCE and of course the joint I forgot that was behind my ear =/
I was so pathetic and not smart at all and put no thought in what I did with that ONE joint.. and there you go it made me get fired my first month on the job no joke.. I laugh at it now but hah.


Freedom Fighter
You guys are hitting it on the head about the military in the 70-80's!!
I got my first piss test in 81, about 2 weeks before I was to get out-- I handed it to my Division Officer, saying he didn't really have to test it...and he said, yeah, because you are so short?? I told him no, just hold it up to the light, and you can see the little marijuana leafs floating around!! :muahaha:


Active member
hamstring said:
Do you guys think the number of people who smoked MJ has shrunk since urinalysis?
I never ran this around in my mind until a few days ago and although my memories say no I think logic says yes.

YES! Can't you tell with all the screwed up druggies and alkies we have in the US?

Used to be you could go into almost ANY store and find the stoner dude that could find ANYTHING you were looking for or knew who did. Now you just get blank stares or "That's not my department"

The straight kids I see as employees these days suck and most of management that's too scared to toke are freakin' anal.

Soooo nice when your employer knows you smoke for medical purposes and doesn't care because your performance is always there.

Back when I applied for jobs before piss tests I was always more worried about getting the job than anything smoke related. LOL

I have Asperger's Syndrome but didn't know it back then. Wow... what a lot of stress to handle without knowing the source...

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