Getting Understood
Getting Understood
I meant that I was putting myself in danger, others in danger, I could have killed someone, a little kid going to school. I probally didn't perform my job as well either. OK when at home but not for the work place. Medical patients should be allowed to smoke when not working and not have that affect thier employment. Thanks for asking...this trying to get things across on the internet...the idea can sometimes get lost in the typing...DD
Getting Understood
I had a user send me a Private Message asking "what did you mean by this...did you not think you were putting others in danger" reply to the PM was --------------------------------------------------------------------------------doobieduck said:I drove every day for my employment in the early 70s, 80s, 90s,....... We smoked hash at lunch time....But...I did a good job...that might be the part that the piss test doesn't provide, how hard someone works. My employer knew I was a party animal but my sales and work ethic he couldn't ignor...I usually put in 12 hours a day and I was the top salesman and loved by all my accounts. I'm just lucky though...I could have killed myself or someone else...didn't think about it then but I sure do now. Hamstring.. thanks for the post that lets us get a little more aquainted with our friends here...DD
I meant that I was putting myself in danger, others in danger, I could have killed someone, a little kid going to school. I probally didn't perform my job as well either. OK when at home but not for the work place. Medical patients should be allowed to smoke when not working and not have that affect thier employment. Thanks for asking...this trying to get things across on the internet...the idea can sometimes get lost in the typing...DD
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