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Who remembers smoking before urine tests?


Well-known member
In my small blue-collar town (300,000 people) we used to have pretty happening bar/club/drinking establishments scene. I remember that on certain nights especially when college was out there would be waiting lines to get into the hot ones. Then came the big DUI push and I would estimate we loss 50% of all nightclubs and bars in our town. No body wants to take the chance of getting a DUI and loosing you license because it can mean loosing you job.

I am 40+ years of age and was talking the “back in the day” talk to a 50+ lunch money dealer I know. He said that back in the day he made enough money off selling of MJ to quit his job not that he ever did. He said that MJ smokers have been cut at least in half since the days of no urine testing.
His point and one I thought was valid was that when drug testing (urine testing) became prominent all the casual and even many of the die hards quit smoking because it was not worth the chance of loosing your job.
I have to agree because even though the MJ community gains new smokers from high school and college every year I would bet that less than 10% of them continue after the age of 26-30. You get a job and a family and again most do not want to chance loosing your income to support your family.

That’s my 2 cents what do any of you 35+ people have to say on smoking before urine tests.


I remember applying for a job before urine tests, I was in high school. They did however have a written preemployment drug evaluation. The exam was 25 to 30 pages of questions, with specific questions about drug use repeatedly laced throughout the thing. I guess they thought somebody would slip up and admit to at least one of the questions. I can remember feeling like a liar because I smoked a lotta pot during those days and still denied the questions. At the very end of the exam, I was asked once again to reveal any past drug use. Like a moron, I admitted to "trying speed in the past." It was probably a damn caffine pill! It probably freaked those twats out bad cause I didn't get the job lol.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I did a stint in the military in the late 70's early 80's. I can tell you that when I was stationed in Europe that I would estimate 60-70% of soldiers were weed and hash smokers. And there were an unbelievable amount of soldiers doing scag (heroin). The heroin was a bigger problem than was ever let out to the public...and it would have been a big time scandal if the truth were known to the general US population. Scary, but that is the way it was.

We always knew about the possibilities of the dogs coming in for a spot barracks check. It was common practice for us to put a couple of grams of hash in our floor polish. MP's were on to this, and knew immediately that a barracks had been hashed, as the dogs would do the dance before getting to the first room.
They would normally just go away when they came onto one of these hashed floor barracks, which quite a few were. Many folks would also hash up their shoe polish, and the dogs would go nuts over that as well. Makes it almost impossible for the dogs to zero in on a stash.

Then came the piss tests....
First one I experienced, we were awakened at 2:00am and lined up in the hallway and got in line to piss. Like I said, a majority of soldiers were smoking, and the first time we all just knew we were looking at Manheim correctional facility. But not a one of us smokers got the call from the commander.
The unit medics, who were in charge of this piss extravaganza, (and also smokers and some were jackers as well) told us that they were only to submit those who popped positive for heroin or coke (I figured the scag jacking medics took care of their own). THC positives were just disregarded.
Many a relieved soldier to say the least. And if you think about it, how could we defend anything if more than half of us were in rehab? The powers that be knew this would be a problem.

Nevertheless, times had changed. Piss tests were here to stay, and there was never any confidence that smokers would not be popped in the future. I am certain times have changed and soldiers are not let off so easy, especially in time of war.
I got tested on several occasions during my stint, and I was always a positive I'm certain, and not once got the rehab call. I don't have such a successful record in civilian life.

"Piss test...is this for distance or accuracy?" :rasta:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I drove every day for my employment in the early 70s, 80s, 90s,....... We smoked hash at lunch time....But...I did a good job...that might be the part that the piss test doesn't provide, how hard someone works. My employer knew I was a party animal but my sales and work ethic he couldn't ignor...I usually put in 12 hours a day and I was the top salesman and loved by all my accounts. I'm just lucky though...I could have killed myself or someone else...didn't think about it then but I sure do now. Hamstring.. thanks for the post that lets us get a little more aquainted with our friends here...DD
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im not old enough to remember any of that, but it sounds like a great time in America. I hate drug policies in this country...


Well-known member
Bro I was in the service also and they were drug-testing way before the civilian world. It was crazy seeing people drinking vinegar and other noxious drinks trying to get it out of their system. First couple of jobs out of the service no piss tests but it didn’t take long for the civvies to catch up with the military.

Disco Duck
That makes me laugh drug profiling with a paper exam dude I want to take that test.
1. Have you ever had refer madness?
Ans: Yes, I'm mad as hell right now because I cannot buy any.

I had a job (I was very young) where we would go out at lunch and do bong hits. I have to admit my work suffered. I used a nail gun and I still remember some of the crazy things that left my bench. I'm against being high at work just don’t think my private life should affect my job security.

Do you guys think the number of people who smoked MJ has shrunk since urinalysis?
I never ran this around in my mind until a few days ago and although my memories say no I think logic says yes.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
hamstring said:
Do you guys think the number of people who smoked MJ has shrunk since urinalysis?
I never ran this around in my mind until a few days ago and although my memories say no I think logic says yes.
Hamstring ...no I don't think so...but...logic says yes? DD


I was piss tested by an MD once, he was the only a$$hole that actually had a problem with me using mmj. He forgot he was working for me. I fired him, which was bad for his overinflated ego.
To further insult his ego I refuse to pay him. His office has called to make "arraignments". I told them I would not be paying for a test I did not need and I would not pay a doctor to be my adversary.
Piss testing is bad and promotes hard drug and alcohol abuse.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I remember when the U.S. Army only tested soldiers, that were under the age of 30 years old: regardless of rank. I seen a lot of pissed-off captains, lieutenants and CWO's. I know, I had to tell them, it's their random turn to go.

Some, seemed to hold that against me, personally: a lowly private. I told them; I'm only the messenger... :cuss:


I carried urine in a container to a piss test. I warmed it in the micro, made a mess. Then I taped it to my leg and burned myself with the hot container. Then I drove a stick shift to the lab, wondering if I'd have a wet spot on my pants.

After I poured clean piss in the lab container, I left the head and handed it to the technician. The tech looked at the temperature scale on the lable, (90 through 103) and it didn't register. She looked at me as if I'd attempt to smuggle clean piss into her lab!. Then she barely touched the 90 degree indicator with her finger. That must have been all it took because the "90" lit up lime green. She looked at me again while rolling her eyes.

I'm sure the tech new I cheated but hired me for the job anyway.

Bud Meister

I remember the Army in the days before drug testing. Mannn we pretty much stayed stoned. I was stationed at Ft Wainwright, Alaska for my first duty station and remember some smoking some great Alaskan weed.

Don Cotyle

Smokeing before piss-testing, HELL I remember smokeing before 7/8ths of the law dogs knew what it smelled like, HAHAHAhahaha! I can still remember walking down the street in broad daylight burning a doobie and walking past beat cops and they'd never give ya a second glance!!!

I belive I only had one job that I was piss-tested for back in the early 80's, all I did to prepare for the "test" was to stop smokeing on friday and the test was on monday, no troubles! I've been self employed since 88 so I personally could care less, but I still belive it's an invasion of privacy!!!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hoosierdaddy said:
I did a stint in the military in the late 70's early 80's. I can tell you that when I was stationed in Europe that I would estimate 60-70% of soldiers were weed and hash smokers. And there were an unbelievable amount of soldiers doing scag (heroin). The heroin was a bigger problem than was ever let out to the public...and it would have been a big time scandal if the truth were known to the general US population. Scary, but that is the way it was.

We always knew about the possibilities of the dogs coming in for a spot barracks check. It was common practice for us to put a couple of grams of hash in our floor polish. MP's were on to this, and knew immediately that a barracks had been hashed, as the dogs would do the dance before getting to the first room.
They would normally just go away when they came onto one of these hashed floor barracks, which quite a few were. Many folks would also hash up their shoe polish, and the dogs would go nuts over that as well. Makes it almost impossible for the dogs to zero in on a stash.

Then came the piss tests....
First one I experienced, we were awakened at 2:00am and lined up in the hallway and got in line to piss. Like I said, a majority of soldiers were smoking, and the first time we all just knew we were looking at Manheim correctional facility. But not a one of us smokers got the call from the commander.
The unit medics, who were in charge of this piss extravaganza, (and also smokers and some were jackers as well) told us that they were only to submit those who popped positive for heroin or coke (I figured the scag jacking medics took care of their own). THC positives were just disregarded.
Many a relieved soldier to say the least. And if you think about it, how could we defend anything if more than half of us were in rehab? The powers that be knew this would be a problem.

Nevertheless, times had changed. Piss tests were here to stay, and there was never any confidence that smokers would not be popped in the future. I am certain times have changed and soldiers are not let off so easy, especially in time of war.
I got tested on several occasions during my stint, and I was always a positive I'm certain, and not once got the rehab call. I don't have such a successful record in civilian life.

"Piss test...is this for distance or accuracy?" :rasta:
coleman barracks manhiem germany 80-82 lead follow or get the hell outta our way lol. only time i pissed was entery into army physical was cought in basic training w/oz FN hells yea wastn kicked out recycled nope. graduated with my cycle was handed a court martial artical 15 fined 115$ and sent to germany he he. where hash hookers and fine beer n food was topic of the day while at base or would be in graf or baumholder or wildflicken yea baby good n bad memorys. and scag yepper was rampet was sad alot of the nam vets where hooked bad a sargent i knew was cought with 1 lb of scag 3kilos hash. and honestly is still prolly in levenworth was a drag he was a good person just had a bad problem. back then we could score 100 gram plate hash for 100-120$
choking red
bubble gum red
morphene green
border black
an every now n then blonde lebonese
yepper them where the flavors of the day


being afraid of your urine talking to the cops a terrible symptom of a much greater problem


I was in the army in the 70's 80s, and Hoosierdaddy is right.. lots of drug use.. everybody smoked, or drank, and I never saw so many people doing skag... I loved germany though! I was on the PRP program and everybody was smokin in Stuttgart!..

seems like a long time ago, way before they started piss testing people
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Most of our medics were all strung on skag.
Our battalion physician got high with me and my roommate all the time.
Had to salute him before passing the hash pipe!
Our battalion had it's own bar back in the woods. What a drunken mess that was.


LOL.. ya. Im sure the military changed a lot.. We used to party with the MP barracks... I was a missle guy back then. its amazing the stuff we did then, and still worked our asses off.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
hoosierdaddy said:
Most of our medics were all strung on skag.
Our battalion physician got high with me and my roommate all the time.
Had to salute him before passing the hash pipe!
Our battalion had it's own bar back in the woods. What a drunken mess that was.

sounds like a MSGT Bilko outfit... :friends:


Well-known member
they had urine tests in the 70's but they weren't common. I got caught by an early one, I applied for an ROTC spot at a fancy U. I got turned down and couldnt understand it. I was way cooler than any ROTC guy I had met, had great grades, and tons of sports ect on my resume. I went back to the recruiting station and they told me I tested pos for pot.

Thanks be for urine tests, no telling where my life would have headed if that foolish plan had played out. :crazy:

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