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Who love's cats?


Hi ho here we go
When I was in college, many years ago..

When I was in college, many years ago..

When I was in college, many years ago I lived with a bunch of guys in an old and large declining mansion. There was an access road to the Kentucky Fried Chicken trash cans next to our house and many feral kitties hung out.

This was in in the late 70's and we were a bunch of hippies.

One of the guys tried to pick one up :party: and it bit clear through his thumbnail

I don't have any cats but will tolerate other people's cats :kitty:


Well-known member
Had a feral kitten sneak into my business, only knew cause I heard it meow. Little thing, it was hiding behind some shelving and boxes. I tried to reach in and grab it and that thing started snarling and hissing like a cornered lion, scared the sh*t out of me. I finally got a landing net, caught it and turned it loose but there was no way I was going to try and handle it. Also wasn’t sure if it had any diseases. Wild cats are just that…wild.

Mine is a stray I got as a kitten yet somebody must have dumped a litter because it seemed conditioned to people.

St. Phatty

Active member
This batch of 3 I got at about age 4 weeks. First time they ever had a roof over their head.

They are making good progress learning to use the kitty litter. I want to see some good action there before they get the run of the house.

The hissing & spitting is sort of like a dog's bark. They usually don't bite.


Well-known member
i like cats, & have cats & dogs both. cats sleep 18 to 20 hours a day, so are far easier to care for than dogs. i have gone to work before & come back 12 hrs later, & my cats had not moved in that time span...:biggrin:


Active member
When I first moved to my latest home, a tiny kitten moved into the space under my trailer. I saw him poking his skinny nose through a hole in the trailer skirting. He was alone and terrified. I coaxed him out with food and water. The poor thing was skin and bones. I fed and watered him... he gained weight... I had the veterinarian fully check, neuter, deworm and administer all his shots. Then I asked the vet to find him a new home. They laughed at me and said, "There are countless feral cats around here... no one will want him".

I don't really like cats... but I'm stuck with this one. He's okay as far as cats go... but I like dogs.


This critter came with my current girlfriend. I wasn't happy about the idea at first, but he is pretty chill. I even think I would miss having him around now.


I don't think he liked having his picture taken. LOL


ICMag Donor
Awesome creatures, felines. Have had them for 30 years, but currently, a terrier dude.

Midnight Tokar

The descriptive terms, "terrier" and "dude", don't belong in the same sentence.:D

Obviously you've never had a Terrier. I have been around many, many Terriers and I can't recall a single one that didn't think it was a Bull Mastiff!
My ex-wife raised Yorkies and all of them would take on dogs 10 times their size.
BTW, Pit Bulls are also Terriers.........

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