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who loves BMW automobiles?


CaptainStoner said:
BMWs were awesome cars up until about 1991, then, in europe anyway, they seemed to take a bit of a downwards trend in quality. Dunno what they were like 2000-present but the 90s ones here weren't as good as their price tag.

I had a 1988 325i touring that was quite highly tuned up inc a 3.0 I6. One of the best cars I have ever owned. In fact the only big car i've had better was the Lotus Carlton (3.6 twin turbo) - google it - one of the best cars of ALL TIME

These days, for a daily driver, i'd pick Volkswagen over BMW all day, every day. For a sports car, Porsche>BMW. I do like my german metal but VW are better value for money on a daily driver and porsches are just better.

Me i've got a 1993 Range Rover Vogue SE 3.9V8. Top of the range luxury. Paid a couple of grand for it, nobody wants them in the UK anymore due to price of petrol. Converted mine to LPG which is half the price of petrol, gave it a mild tune on the engine, full new suspension & brakes.

Till you've driven a V8 rangie with a bit of extra power, and decent suspension, you haven't lived :p

my bimmer shares the same 4.4l v8 as the 2000 range rover :D






i also agree with whoever said the new m3 is the best looking bimmer. It looks magnificent...only seen 2 in person...but i couldn't take my eyes away

i also think the older 8 series was beautiful. That, and old e30 after a few exterior mods to make them look cleaner. those e30 325is are great cars...which i could own one for a daily
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I know i might get a lot of shit for this but... i think BMW SUCKS....reliability is shit...costly to maintain and are generally shitty now a days. the only BMW i would ever think of owning would be a M series...otherswide you can get way better performance/handling/relaibility from another car maker. PRE 1995 ish BMW was a WHOLE different story.company than current BMW though...same thing with VW/audi.

IMO the car maker nowadays is SUBARU... the BEST AWD system period...ONLY symmetrical awd in production...combine that with the proven boxer engine and you have a winner....plus when it comes to performace...BMW touts there new 335i with its TWIn turbo 6 cylinder is "state of the art" at 300hp..lol a STI is a SINGLE turbo 4 cylinder and churns out 305hp and better handling/performance and reliability plus a lot cheaper.

thats just my 2 cents


mangled said:
I know i might get a lot of shit for this but... i think BMW SUCKS....reliability is shit...costly to maintain and are generally shitty now a days. the only BMW i would ever think of owning would be a M series...otherswide you can get way better performance/handling/relaibility from another car maker. PRE 1995 ish BMW was a WHOLE different story.company than current BMW though...same thing with VW/audi.

thats just my 2 cents

it's obvious you've never owned a bmw, but if you ever have the means, you definitely should buy one. I thought the same shit before i got my bimmer, but honestly the attention to detail in the interior, as well as ride quality, blows japanese cars out of the water. the sti is probably the only car that can compete with bmw's line, and while i admit those are sick cars, i would still take my 320 ft lb bimmer any day. The problems with reliability occur when you neglect the car. If you give it synthetic oil when it needs it, and pay attention to it, it's just as reliable as subaru (let's not mention the sti's tranny). But then again, if you can't afford to repair your bimmer, you shouldn't own one in the first place
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lives on planet 4:20
this is my 530i...(2001-2003 model)......that I started writing this thread about...saying that I love it....this is when I was in Berlin in 2007 on my way to Enschede, Holland....excited as hell....to hit those coffeeshops for the first time in my life...that in the back is the monument for the Jews that were killed by the nazis in WW2

and as inverse correctly pointed out....if you have not owned some auto....you can't make an objective observation about it

as you can see I left everything original including the rims...etc

anyway here is the M3 I am dreaming about in the future....its just some random car I saw while on vacation

in white....imo....it is just awesome (eventhough I like black color myself)

and another one of my loves the X5....what awesome design.....I will buy this model...the last year they were produced...2006 year....maybe in a year....I just love it....and the M3 will buy for my wife and only drive it on vacation to Holland on the autobahn

I just can't have a car like the M3 all the time...I would lose my license in my country for sure....I am a speed freak....so X5 will be the best choice for me

but my *ideal* dream car would have to be the BMW 6 model.....that beautiful car makes me piss in my pants....(like a dog does when its massively happy).....when I imagine buying something like that and driving it every day......when I move to Holland I will buy one....and take regular drives to Germany to drive it on the autobahn.....yeah baby...yeah!!!!

will take off that speed limiting shit off.....and go 300 km/h

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LOOOOL Clarence
Lexus is tha thing hehe one car to rule em all :)
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lives on planet 4:20
lexus is nice....but it is an expensive toyota...imo

plus they copy the shit out of mercedes and bmw....only their compact sedan is more or less ok (and seems to be original).....I'm not into japanese cars...something about them after driving bmw, mercedes and audi....I can't digest...if anyone knows what I mean

if I don't buy a bmw....I would only buy Mercedes....the new CL500...imo...the most beautiful car in the world
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I could never drive any japanese made car. yes they are nice, but they're designed for japanese men. tiny fuckers.

bmws are designed for people my size.

not to mention theyve got the best warranty for any foreign automaker (5yr/50k miles // 10/100k)

thats why I drive one.


all praises are due to the Most High
is no one concerned about their private information being revealed by posting so many specifics on where, how and when you guys got your car toys from? this thread sings to security concerns loudly...

aside from that, I do not own a car, my bicicle has a flat tire and I have not been able to afford a replacement hehehe...

peace all


lives on planet 4:20
no matter what happens in my life....when driving my BMW....i feel awesome....it is the most pleasure I get in life...for real...especially on good roads...like German autobahn....lol

imagine what you feel like driving this baby 300 km/h


Collie Man

If you have ever drove a M6 or M5 or a 5 series you will love BMW for ever! I adore BMW...I nut my pants whenever I get to drive my best friends dad M6, but that's once in a blue moon...It seriously feels like your taking off in a plane and the luxury and special options this car has is out of this world!!!! So yeah I would have to say I LOVE BMW's. Some of my other favorite cars would be SUBARU's.....the WRS STI fo sho!! and I like Mini Cooper...Have you ever rode a Mini Cooper John Cooper Works GP or S? They are so versatile and quick and take turns like its nothing. Mini Cooper has also stopped using German engines im pretty sure after 2007 models on the John Cooper works. So anything 2006 and before are very well built and engineered cars that you would love. I suggest somebody test drive one, unless you know somebody with one.

This is the 2006 Mini Cooper GP

And I dont have to tell you this...you should know it
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sow the seeds

mangled said:
IMO the car maker nowadays is SUBARU... the BEST AWD system period...ONLY symmetrical awd in production...combine that with the proven boxer engine and you have a winner....plus when it comes to performace...BMW touts there new 335i with its TWIn turbo 6 cylinder is "state of the art" at 300hp..lol a STI is a SINGLE turbo 4 cylinder and churns out 305hp and better handling/performance and reliability plus a lot cheaper.

thats just my 2 cents

I think the best car maker is Subaru also, but you can't really compare a BMW to a Subaru. Ya an STI makes the same power and handles better, but its also a hell of a lot rougher around the edges. In fact just about every Subaru is rough around the edges. They're not exactly a smooth ride, don't have the interior of a BMW, they also needs a few aftermarket parts to make it perform as well as other "performance" cars.

Despite this I still absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my WRX.

If I had the money I would have an e30 m3 as a track/weekend car. Damn I love those e30s. Once again its a car thats fun to drive, but also fairly rough around the edges. I don't mind that in cars if they have the performance (in 10-20 years that will probably change).

So getting back to the topic I love Subaru, but I'd take a BMW;)


lives on planet 4:20
my wife wants a mini cooper...a new one...I like them also...but in my country....you'd be considered gay if you drove one....if you are a man....of course

but if I lived in a normal country like holland I would drive one...maybe even own one as my own car.....they look really stylish....and I'm sure they are a fun ride

but in the end I would choose between M3 or M6....if I had to choose the two top cars


"IMO the car maker nowadays is SUBARU... the BEST AWD system period"

The new R35 GTR, has a much more impressive AWD system IMHO. Coupled with it's Dual Clutch Transmission, it shifts in the blink of an eye. I realize it cost quite a bit more, but having owned a M5 and driven a M6, I was not impressed. The M5 is gone, and the GTR is a completely different animal then anything BMW has to offer. The new M3 is nice, for the same money, but really can't compete. If you haven't noticed, I am a GTR fan. As soon as the markups die down, I will be visiting the dealership.
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sow the seeds

As far as AWD goes the GTR does have a more impressive system, but is it actaully better? I guess time will tell. I'm also a fan of the GTR (how could anyone not be really?) but I've heard that Nissan is trying to control every aspect of the tuning so other cars could conceivably surpass the GTR. Kind of funny I think since sure the skyline is a supercar, but people have always tuned it also.

When you take the testdrive I wanna hear how it was! Shes a bit of a boat but heard handles it well.


lives on planet 4:20
why are there so many comparisons with Subaru?....I had a Subaru Imprezza (bought for the wife...she wanted 4 wheel drive) with an automatic transmission.....they let me test drive the GTR and yes it was awesome to drive.....but it could never compare to how I feel when I sit in my BMW 5 model...or any of the new BMW models the 6 or 7 models...you feel like a king in that seat...and the interior doesn't compare...and the overrall quality of their production every inch of the cars...they are two different types of cars

subaru GTR is for rally racing around the forest.....BMW is a car you can drive anywhere (except forest) and look and feel good in it.....but in the end I just love BMW more than any other brand of car.....so to me it doesn't matter if there is a better car.....I'm into owning and doing things...I LOVE...and the rest of the world can do whatever they want

and plus in that GTR you always feel like hauling ass everywhere...trying to prove something to someone....in a nice BMW 5,6,7 or X5 you can drive slowly...and just chill...or you can floor it and that mofo will fly
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I was not talking about a Subaru GTR, I am talking about the new Nissan R35 GTR.

Yes the car is very difficult to tune, however 0-60 in 3.3 seconds and a 1/4 mile of 11.6, does not really merit any tuning. When I get a GTR, I will change out the exhaust with a full Titanium set up, and change to a lighter set of wheels, and that's it. The last thing you want to do, is void the warranty on a 80K dollar super car.

I am done with the Germans for awhile. Merc, Bimmer, and Porsche, have had their respective butts handed to them by the new GTR.
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lives on planet 4:20
CTSV said:
I was not talking about a Subaru GTR, I am talking about the new Nissan R35 GTR.

Yes the car is very difficult to tune, however 0-60 in 3.3 seconds and a 1/4 mile of 11.6, does not really merit any tuning. When I get a GTR, I will change out the exhaust with a full Titanium set up, and change to a lighter set of wheels, and that's it. The last thing you want to do, is void the warranty on a 80K dollar super car.

I am done with the Germans for awhile. Merc, Bimmer, and Porsche, have had their respective butts handed to them by the new GTR.

thanks for that link......I checked out those comparisons...and true coming in third is impressive for that price tag

I'm in a situation where I want to drive in a comfortable car....and sometimes when I can (situation allows) to hit it...like when I drive on the autobahn....250 km/h is enough for me...especially a few hours and Holland border...lmao

I would lose my license in a few hours in a true sports car.....maybe when I move to Enschede, Holland, near the border with Germany I can buy a real sport car and drive in Germany on a regular basis.....because I love driving really fast...200 km/h...+

and autobahn is a place where I can do it on a regular basis.....every weekend if I wanted to

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