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lost in a sea

the ones at giza were where the osirian mystic schools initiated people and are aligned to orions belt,, the most enlightened priest would never leave them.

anyone who looks at the whole hellenistic greek/egyptian/hermetic thing and thinks its an open book is deluded and doesnt know shit really,, because its one of the biggest parts of history that has been covered over and hidden from the masses. some of the most wonderous and super human feats were achieved by the understanding of this age.

the pyramids were not giant tombs for pharoes! that is retarded. the pharoes were buried in the valley of the kings,, and the entire egyptain chronology has been twisted and also retarded in understanding on purpose. tutankamun and his father were not in the lineage of the other kings and akhnaton was the first attempted step away from the pagan system towards a monotheist (still pagan much like catholicism) sun worship..

metallic framed pyramids harness an ion wind that is constantly pouring out of the earth and can stop milk from curdling for 3 times longer because of how it this wind shields what is underneath from falling charged particles including bacteria and spores. and the whole gnostic hermetic connections from the druids to the greeks and egyptians with huge influence both ways and trade into india as well suggest that pre the last world age and the arrival of the romans there was a network of enlightened people running large areas of this planet,, but the romans and their babylonian church (catholic) landed in italy and set to work destroying that network in gaul,, later the normans did the same thing in the most horrific ways and the state/church (crown and gown) has ever since..

its like a cancer working its way west,, till it found the district of columbia,, and now its working its way back east where the morning star is.. and this promethius/lucifer crap is written all the way through our society and will get the next generations of kids worse than ever..

history is written by the victors.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
10 year old seeds are the oldest I have germinated from the fridge.. I try to grow out my older stock in fear of losing them. If I realy like the plant I will make some F2's...


try the pyramid method alot of 2000 year old corn,wheat seeds and some others have been germinated that way.clean old seed in a pyshan 20 or simular solution for an hour prior to
germination to kill any bacteria,disease spores etc as alot that crack get an infected root tip and die of straight away or within a few days of sprouting.dont have your medium to wet as well.freezing prior to germinating can help shock them to sprout. pyramid method is make a small pyramid frame out of plastic straws or wooden skewers, germinate seeds in the frame.seen plants grown in pyramid frame weirdly enough they grew bigger and better yeild than the others of same strain they had near them not in a pyramid frame.a few old hippies i know use the pyramid method.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
to grovel the word rubbish is to subscribe to something outside of current facts at hand. I can think of no other preservatory device in the history of man that equals the pyramid. Lay down your faith then for that's what it is when you turn a blind eye to the facts. Btw, you may have to put together more than one word to sway me.



At seedbay/bou it may be Soma...


Tom Hill

Well-known member
I have some 30 year old seed that is viable. Mexico, Hawaii, Africa. I wish I would have stored them in the pyramids. Got decent Thai? get up with me :p
Complete and utter horseshit - pyramids do no more extend life of seeds, freshness of foodstuffs or sharpness of razors than keeping them in your ass.

Mr. Hill - I've seen some dumb things posted by some yokels here, but I would have thought a man of your talent would be more astute than to follow this quasi-metaphysical mumbo jumbo.

I guess you CAN fool some of the people all of the time. I am truly saddened for you, and the rest of the pyra-boosters.


Tom i guess you prefer to keep the germinating technique for yourself...
i hoped to hear some info from Tom or from any of the others here, but i guess we wont...


I have never sprouted Cannabis seeds older then 25 years that were not stored in a fridge or even better frozen.
I am not saying it can not be done, but I have never succeeded. I have tried with thousands and thousands of seeds.
If you freeze good seeds then 25 years is no problem.


Tom Hill

Well-known member
The only conditions I have ever stored seed in is very dried, sealed, and below the frost line at less than even fridge temps. Still getting good germ ratios wetted out just near the new or full moons taking advantage of tidal forces.

BurrZurrkurr, I am not some hippie dippy flowery flounder, in fact that kind of thing makes me puke. It might be the cooling stones, or the dry air, or a number of things in combination. but the simple fact of the matter is that some old ass seed -as old as I can cite- out the the pyrimids are germinationg. deal with this fact, attempt to explain it with an intelligent hypothosis, but dismissing it is just lame man, churchy ignorance.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
The only conditions I have ever stored seed in is very dried, sealed, and below the frost line at less than even fridge temps. Still getting good germ ratios wetted out just near the new or full moons taking advantage of tidal forces.

how exactly does a new/full moon effect tidal forces?

I thought they are just changes in the reflection of sun light throughout the moons orbit.

I don't understand how seeing more or less of the dark side of the moon is going to change the moons gravitational effect on the earth, perigee and apogee on the other hand is what causes tidal fluctuations in the moons gravity.



I have never sprouted Cannabis seeds older then 25 years that were not stored in a fridge or even better frozen.
I am not saying it can not be done, but I have never succeeded. I have tried with thousands and thousands of seeds.
If you freeze good seeds then 25 years is no problem.


:thank you:

now that's an answer. thanks a lot sam.

acctualy, i'm testing right now some dormancy breaking methonds. i found some information about dormancy of seeds and i'm trying it for the last 2 months, the process is kinda long but still worth the try. i do know gibberelic acid can help for this kind of situation but i prefer still not to try it because i prefer the nature way... if the dormancy breaking techniques will not help i'll try the gibberelic acid.

also, i allready started a post about it couple of months ago, i tryied many techniques with no success...

anyway, many thants sam for the share.


how rediculous.

whats unexplained about the pyramids?

the energy they conduct and focus. pyramids are usually built on aquifers because induction of the water moving through the ground causes minute electric currents to be generated on a large scale through out the aquifer. the pyramids at giza were made of a high magnesium content limestone which is highly conductive, and then covered with a non conductive pure calcium carbonate limestone as an insulator. the oldest pyramids still emit measurable exotic energies today. if people were actually allowed to do research on the pyramids they would find many things off. for example if its a tomb, wheres the heiroglyphs inside?? every other egyptian tomb from eras before and after are decorated with great detail and to ancient egyptians your name was sacred and it would be very unusual to leave a kings name out of his tomb. what are all the chemical residues that were found in the chambers? well never know because the rooms were "restored" aka scrubbed of evidence. watch the pyramid code series on netflix. that will give you a small portion of the unanswered questions involved in egyptology.


I had some late 70s Hawaiian seeds about a year ago, most where dried out and dead, a few almost germinated but alas I got nothing to grow from them.


I recieved old seeds from a friend of differing strains,a few from most poped,and alot had to be binned as no matter what,no joi.
Ive kept them as some are viable.

Props to to collectors,hindsight is a great thing for cannabis,some lines are gone for good.


I have never sprouted Cannabis seeds older then 25 years that were not stored in a fridge or even better frozen.
I am not saying it can not be done, but I have never succeeded. I have tried with thousands and thousands of seeds.
If you freeze good seeds then 25 years is no problem.


What are the oldest seeds you've ever grown into a plant Sam?


the ones at giza were where the osirian mystic schools initiated people and are aligned to orions belt,, the most enlightened priest would never leave them.

anyone who looks at the whole hellenistic greek/egyptian/hermetic thing and thinks its an open book is deluded and doesnt know shit really,, because its one of the biggest parts of history that has been covered over and hidden from the masses. some of the most wonderous and super human feats were achieved by the understanding of this age.

the pyramids were not giant tombs for pharoes! that is retarded. the pharoes were buried in the valley of the kings,, and the entire egyptain chronology has been twisted and also retarded in understanding on purpose. tutankamun and his father were not in the lineage of the other kings and akhnaton was the first attempted step away from the pagan system towards a monotheist (still pagan much like catholicism) sun worship..

metallic framed pyramids harness an ion wind that is constantly pouring out of the earth and can stop milk from curdling for 3 times longer because of how it this wind shields what is underneath from falling charged particles including bacteria and spores. and the whole gnostic hermetic connections from the druids to the greeks and egyptians with huge influence both ways and trade into india as well suggest that pre the last world age and the arrival of the romans there was a network of enlightened people running large areas of this planet,, but the romans and their babylonian church (catholic) landed in italy and set to work destroying that network in gaul,, later the normans did the same thing in the most horrific ways and the state/church (crown and gown) has ever since..

its like a cancer working its way west,, till it found the district of columbia,, and now its working its way back east where the morning star is.. and this promethius/lucifer crap is written all the way through our society and will get the next generations of kids worse than ever..

history is written by the victors.
wow your an idiot, some were burried in the valley of the kings to stop robbers stealing their possesions. they had tombs not pyramids.
the ones which had pyramids were burried inside. you dont even know that and proclaim no one else ''knows shit'' .

ive been to the pyramids i love egypt and the stupid shit you hear is rediculous- i beleive in aliens personally but still dont believe they made the pyramids. i also have a degree in biology and chemistry and the ion wind stuff you said is silly. do you even know what an ion is?


wow your an idiot, some were burried in the valley of the kings to stop robbers stealing their possesions. they had tombs not pyramids.
the ones which had pyramids were burried inside. you dont even know that and proclaim no one else ''knows shit'' .

ive been to the pyramids i love egypt and the stupid shit you hear is rediculous- i beleive in aliens personally but still dont believe they made the pyramids. i also have a degree in biology and chemistry and the ion wind stuff you said is silly. do you even know what an ion is?

dude, i think he's right at least about one thing for sure. the pyramides is NOT tombs. - this is nothing we can argue about.
quick explanations, when the egyptian burried an important man/king they used to write hes name in the area. in the pyramides there's no name regarding for any king nor man that burried over there. - and this is one thing that most if not all the researchers is agreed about. the only reason people called it tombs is because of the egyptian museum that released this theory long long time ago.

- nothing i'm sure about. and acctualy i dont belive anyone is sure about somthing in the pyramides. all we can say, they look nice... :blowbubbles: