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Who has the best C99 for making a personal stash of seeds?


Active member
It's looking like c99 is on the horizion.
From what I gather, all of the offerings are good (although usually out of stock).

I'm wondering who's C99 would be the best to make a few seeds with?

Any recomendations on how many males and females to use could be helpful.

Would Wally's be the best to make seed form because they're f5s or 6s? AND the next gen will be very simmilar? OR would GN's be better since they're closer to the origional?



largest ammount of females and males you can use,

id take dutchgrowns sweet tooth#3 x c99 and cross between the GN collection c99 f2's,

your bound to find an awsome mom there

or you could just use the gn collection f2s and make some f3's, use all the males and females from the pack unless you get any weak plants,

keep crossing there till about f6 and youll have a c99 IBL,

I would suggest you get your C99 stock from as many sources as possible in order to increase your genetic diversity from the onset. Genetic diversity is very important when creating seed stock for long term use.
Grow out as many seeds as you possibly can and very carefully select your best parent plants to breed with. Once you have made your selections, openly pollinate as many of those selections, both male and female as possible.


Active member
id take dutchgrowns sweet tooth#3 x c99 and cross between the GN collection c99 f2's,

your bound to find an awsome mom there

or you could just use the gn collection f2s and make some f3's, use all the males and females from the pack unless you get any weak plants,

keep crossing there till about f6 and youll have a c99 IBL,


I like the sound of those two options.:biggrin:


OverGrow Refugee
i used JW's C-99 f2's and GN03 and used 2 females and one male and made myself f3's...now I have C-99 for LIFE
edited: sorry I used 1 JW C-99 f2 and 1 GNO3 C-99 f2 females
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Active member
Hopefully, my friend will have a pack of Mosca's C99bx and a pack of FLT C99 very soon.
So would it be best to use the C99bx for the pollen because they'd be more stable, making it easier to get lucky on picking the males?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I don't know who has the best but I can tell you mosca's is some killer shit:


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The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
I have been looking at GN's 09 C99 f2's for my next run for sure. They are f2's from original Grimm Bros stock, so you know you'll get something that should retain vigor for many generations.

After the first seed run with those, then I will come back with Dutchgrown's Sweetest Cindy and Killer Queen. The Sweet Tooth and C99 combo is a proven winner, and they were bred from F1 parents. The Killer Queen was bred with Rezdog's pineapple pheno and G13, and that combo is also a proven winner.

For the investment of $365 for the 3 packs, and one summer devoted to seed making, it should set me up for many, many years of some of the best C99 stuff around. I heard BOG was making more C99/Sweet Tooth, and I might throw some of that into the mix also.


the best investment any person buying the c99 f2s could do is to not cull males unless they lack vigor and are mutants, the same for females,

hundreds if not thousands of c99 f3 seeds would be a joy to hunt through,
I've recently bought Mosca's release (F1) I have Wally's, I have some old Spice Bros (only 8) stock, I've just ordered 2 packs of FLT C99 from the bay (hey, $35 for Cindy..? I was going to order 4 packs!!!) and a friend is sending some seeds he made from Joeys line. After I've made seed from Mosca's and Wally's I'm going to grow out 4-5 of each line and have an open pollination consisting of all 5 lines. I may have to lower the numbers down to 3 of each solely for security reasons but I figure even if one line is all male or female the diversity will still be there from the other 3 lines. I won't be able to do this for awhile but it's something that will definitely be worth the wait...I'm bound to end up with a highly diverse stock of C99 and It'll be interesting looking through the different phenos as so far I've only ever encountered pinapple, grapefruit/fruit salad and a pheno with barely any aroma at all. Between them the highs weren't all that different. Strangely though (please don't rip me to shreds) I personally liked femaleseeds.nl's grapefruit more than any Cindy I've had. Grapefruit was my holy grail as it wasn't as racy as C99 but still retained all the good traits and in general had more trichrome coverage. The whitest plant I've ever grown was a grapefruit girl who looked like she was going to suffocate under her trichs...


Ideally, the best possible way to make seeds would be to get the real-deal Cinderella 99 from The Brother's Grimm Seedbank. I grew it for years straight - always ordering the C99 from Brother's Grimm. I made seeds in smaller batches over like a 4 year period - using the best plants from each grow (usually starting from seed-ordering like 5 to 10 packs of seeds from Brother's Grimm at a time), so I'd germinate & grow 60 seeds at a time, as I was using 2 AeroFlo 60's - so I'd harvest 1 AeroFlo 60 & immediately fill it back up with 60 new seeds-then I'd harvest the 2nd AeroFlo 60 & fill it with 60 more seeds from Brother's Grimm and just kept repeating this over and over.
I would keep at minimum, at least 1 or 2 males & at least 1-2 females each time. So after doing this over and over for like 2+ years straight, making sure that I kept any females that were noticeably better(more potent/better tasting/stronger smelling/higher yielding ETC), as well as any Males that really stood out over the others.
With the # of Females/Mothers I had(which increased w/each harvest), I ended up making a totally seperate room just for C99 Mothers (as well as a number of Male plants I kept alive for as long as possible OR as long as needed - as with the Males I'd only keep one if it seemed to be something real special. Most of the time, I would just collect the Pollen(sacks) and store it for use at a later date).

So, eventually I ended up with something like 20-30 Mother Plants & like 4-6 actual Male Plants (and many different bags containing male pollen).
Then, I took clones of my best Mother Plants (which I think I narrowed down to about 4 Mothers that were something VERY special!), let the clones grow out a bit and then filled a room with all but the 4 or so very special mother plants, using the clones in place of the 4 or so Mother Plants (straight from seed - which I kept to begin filling the AeroFlo's with clones from the 4 mother's I had narrowed it down to).
So anyway, I put all the other big females & the clones from the Mother's I was keeping into a seperate room. Then I budded all those plants I had been collecting, and put the 4-6 male plants I had kept alive in the room & let Nature go to work.... Except for the Clones from those 4 VERY special Females (in a room filled with Special C99 Females). With the Cloned plants, I took some of the very best pollen I had bagged & saved and with a brush I pollinated certain branches on each of the different clones - using a number of different bags of the male pollen I had saved. I'd use 1 type of pollen on 1 branch each of the 4 clones (then tied a baggie over the branch) - I then repeated this a number of times, using different male pollen each time, on a seperate branch of the clone then tying the baggie around it. I left a couple branches on each of the clones alone, so they would get pollinated by the male plants I had in the room.

It took a long time, but when I finally did make seeds the whole entire crop of seeds were all from the best possible C99 Plants.
Ya, it would've been a whole lot faster to just grow out a shit-load of seeds all at once & pick the best Males to pollinate the best looking Females. But, then your breeding by using the best looking Females - Where I actually had the chance to smoke the bud from each Female plant & then picked my female breeding stock by the quality of the finished smoke.
ANYWAY - that was basically one of the only times I ever made seeds that way. Dont get me wrong, making seeds as I described above gave me BY FAR the best seed stock I ever had (the Plants that I was growing from the seeds I made were actually better overall than the Seeds that I could/would buy from Brother's Grimm.

UNFORTUNATELY, The Brother's Grimm Seedbank has been out of business for quite some time now, so ordering your seed stock from them is pretty much impossible -Unless you find Someone OR Some Place that still has some Original Brother's Grimm C99 seeds (If by some MIRACLE you did find someone that had some of the Original Brothers Grimm seeds AND could/would sell them, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! I'd buy some in a Heart-Beat!)

I have tried a # of the C99 strains on the market (including RezDog's(when it 1st came out) as well as BOG's and NEITHER of them - or Wally's or the GN's - none of these really compare to the real Brother's Grimm C99. I'd say the GN was closer than the others from what I remember (Def. better than Wally's!). But again, none that I've tried even come close to the quality of the Brother's Grimm - ESPECIALLY to the quality of those 4 Mother Plants I had! I don't know though, maybe I am just real picky(and spoiled) when it comes to the C99 - as that was my Bread & Butter for at least a good 4 years straight. I had growing that plant down to a Science. I knew EXACTLY what strength Nutrients it liked from the time they sprouted thru Veg right up to Harvest - I knew exactly how strong to keep the Nutrient mix at each stage of growth & also knew exactly which Macro & Micro Nutrients+Supplements to use and when - so after a while, I had it so every plant on my AeroFlo was growing in perfect health & was easily harvesting Minimum 2 Oz's per plant, off all 60 plants in the AeroFlo every time.

ANyway, to quit my rambling, I'd do as someone suggested in one of the 1st posts & buy yourself a pack from as many different Breeder's (that are making quality C99 seeds) as possible. That'll give you the best chance of finding yourself a nice Quality Female or 2.

As far as actually making the seeds, if your going to grow out a whole lot of plants all at once, then I'd just pick the best Male(s) and Females in the group by their growth characteristics & spread the male pollen through-out the room.
You want to pollinate your plants in the 2nd week of Bloom in order to make sure that your seeds finish so they are nice big, dark colored seeds with the tiger-stripes.

If your only going to be making seeds from a crop of say like 20 or so plants - I would take clones of each of your Female plants and keep them all labeled and in Veg. Then I'd bud the female plants from seed, harvest/cure & smoke each. Then pick out your favorite Females & keep the clone(s) you took from that female for Mother Plants. I'd then take clones from each of your Mother plants, grow the clones out & pollinate them in week 2 of bud.
Then you'll have yourself a nice crop of seeds that you know will produce some good plants.
Plus, unless you plan to really take the time to grow out all the seeds in order to make your own C99 strain/phenotype, your better off just keeping the seeds for a later date.
Then, just take clones from your C99 Mother(s) for each grow instead of having to start from seed each grow.

Well, you picked a good strain to play with. It's just too bad that the Brother's Grimm Seedbank is no longer around....


Active member
teddynugent - Awesome post, thanks for all the info, that sounds like a great project!

I'm sending in payment today for a pack of FLT C99 and a pack of Mosca's C99 bx1. I'll definitely be saving this thread as a reference. I might end up getting a pack of the GN's C99 F2s to add some more diversity to the mix. I look forward to having thousands of C99 seeds! :biggrin:


Active member
Teddynugent, Thanks for the detailed response. I'll be reading it a few times.
You ever thought about sending part of your project into the Bay?