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Who grows Glue better than you

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Hmmm I don't remember chunkypigs 2.0 being a s1 dude. Far as I remember he's got something going called cookie boy or something. I'm told by my buddy who handed me them, they are regs.

I grow regs and fems without regard for such things. If it pops a dope plant I'll grow it, f1, ibl, bx, s1, regardless seed I don't care I'm happy to grow them all

If the Gluebreath is not good why would the scout breath be? Forgive me but I'm not likely to grow the descendant of something people don't like.

I'll talk to chunky about the Gluebreath I wanna pop those seeds

Edit I looked in chunky thread. Yeah my shit is reg ogkb cookies dog, they come from a cookie lookin male of his.

I'll have to make more...

Maybe bx the Gluebreath to gg4 was the wrong direction, maybe should have been a cookies bx...

I wonder how it would have been hay done organics that gorilla breath. How many seeds did you pop whodatis? Maybe bad phenos or maybe just a horrible mix...

I see it yielding well and making me money though so I'll pop the shit

You are talking about Scoutbreath seeds which are regular. The cross is OGKB 2.0 x Cookieboi. He also released Gluebreath S1s as well as other crosses to clone onlys with the Cookieboi as the father. Gluebreath was an accidental cross when OGKB 3.0 (not 2.0) hermed on a GG4, https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=305173 So although similar to OGKB 2.0 it was not the same cut.

I didn't pop seeds as I ran the clone only cuts. This was before Chunky had released any seeds. For my own edification and also being able to truly compare the different cuts I literally ran GG4, Gluebreath, and OGKB 2.0 side by side. Although the plants were smaller and in 5 gallon containers as opposed to 7s that I now run, the GG4 was some of, if not THE best I've ran to date. The OGKB 2.0 was beautiful and terrific as well. The Gluebreath received the exact same feeding and attention that the GG4 and 2.0 did. Here is a post harvest shot of the trimmed and dried nuggets of the 3 for comparison.



<--2.0 GG4-->


Active member
Ah well they came to me as ogkb cookies seeds.

I have forum x Gluebreath, sfv x gluebbreath, wholet bunch of shit a friend gave me

Well I have seeds of the Gluebreath maybe I'll find a nicer cut. Yours looked great maybe it didn't like the feeding g some plants are weird fucks.

Pretty plants and buds

who dat is

Cave Dweller
9/12 - Dank Zappa. They've since gotten bigger. Going to be flirting with the ceiling probably.


9/30 - Star Dawg IX


Funky variegated leaf on one of the Star Dawg IX



Still Learning
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WDI, good looking plants but what strain is the plant on the lower left of this first pic?? I see the buddage but leaves look a little like aloe, very saw-toothed.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
who dats crawlspace; flirting with the ceiling and 4.5 feet - glad u got it rocking in there again!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
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WDI, good looking plants but what strain is the plant on the lower left of this first pic?? I see the buddage but leaves look a little like aloe, very saw-toothed.

You know I can't remember for sure but maybe some Bodhi testers I was running for a minute? Lemon Diesel x Apollo11G F4?

who dats crawlspace; flirting with the ceiling and 4.5 feet - glad u got it rocking in there again!

Thanks man. I was just sifting through my other pictures from all the outdoor stuff and realized how much I had of the evolution of the Dank Zappas. I'll end up having to put together a proper up to speed post in here. Probably in the next hour :good:

who dat is

Cave Dweller
9/11 Dank Zappa males, culled one and chopped up the other 2 to reduce size and stress test some more


9/12 Bringing us full circle to this same picture of the Dank Zappa females in the crawlspace


9/24 (Skunk 91) Excited as fuck to see what these plants are about. Fingers crossed for not too many herms


9/30 Star Dawg IX


who dat is

Cave Dweller
10/1 (Day 5 of flower) The remaining 2 DZ males that I chopped their root balls in half and crammed the both of them into a 2 gallon container. I'm going to flower them in my isolation chamber next to the DZ females and cross my fingers that this time I won't pollinate the whole crop with some adjustments I made to the chamber.


I stuck spare clones or ones that I'm fazing out all into this 3 gallon container to flower out sitting right next to the DZ males in the isolation chamber. Never done anything like this but I assume that it will work :dunno: Lineup is, Chem 91 SkunkVA, Sour Dubb, "Daywrecker", OGKB 2.0, and GG4.


Whole crawlspace lineup as of yesterday. I need to get the isolation chamber in place before the males get excited and start spewing.



who dat is

Cave Dweller
Figured I would at least post a written update as posting up an official update complete with pictures takes too long.

Today is the first day of week 7 and the DZs are packing it on. I'm really impressed with not only the frost but the GREASE factor. It's not simply a sticky factor on a light pinch or brush up against them but a straight grease factor that is followed by the traditional stickiness. I've not ran a strain like this in the grease department. The structure of these is amazing too. I only placed a single bamboo stake to brace the meristem from leaning over too far as they reached for the light during stretch. I might have to brace them more towards the end of flower but I'm going to let them ride as is until they need it.

As is right now, I'm not finding the smell I was hoping for with the females - only on the stem rub for the male that I decided to keep to use. The jury is still out though until the flowers are chopped, dried, trimmed and cured. One cut is amazing looking but lacks the smell that the other two have. We'll see. The isolation chamber is rocking too with the little cuts swelling up with seeds to test. From what I can tell too the isolation chamber has done its job so far and no accidental pollination of the DZ females has happened (fingers crossed). One DZ female has a pretty unique pissy/ammonia smell to it too that is interesting. I'll be taking everything to 63 days unless they tell me otherwise.


who dat is

Cave Dweller
Freaking great show man! You sure know how to grow the glue ;)
Greetz from Southern Europe

Thanks for stopping in :yes:

I'm approaching Day 63 and have started watching trichomes for turning. Last time I checked several days ago everything was still clear for the most part. I would have thought these would have been a little faster to finish with their lineage but oh well. Running stuff 10 or 11 weeks never hurt my feelings.