Mojave desert.
If you can grow good weed in the Mojave, you have my vote. So much has to do with strain vs. climate.
We all have our individual challenges and who best meets that challenge might be considered the best until their situation changes. My vote is for those who share. Pass that shit over.
Down and dead yucca or JT, dug out of the sand and added to the worm bin or made into tea.
Just my own theory mind you. Anecdotal evidence. Locals will tell you, plants grow better where yucca once grew. I tend to believe it has to do with Bacillus endophytes that enter the plant cells. Microlife within the plant, especially desert plants that grow in harsh conditions in poor soil.
If you can grow good weed in the Mojave, you have my vote. So much has to do with strain vs. climate.
We all have our individual challenges and who best meets that challenge might be considered the best until their situation changes. My vote is for those who share. Pass that shit over.
Down and dead yucca or JT, dug out of the sand and added to the worm bin or made into tea.
Just my own theory mind you. Anecdotal evidence. Locals will tell you, plants grow better where yucca once grew. I tend to believe it has to do with Bacillus endophytes that enter the plant cells. Microlife within the plant, especially desert plants that grow in harsh conditions in poor soil.