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Which vape brand impresses you?


Well-known member
Flowerpot does seem somewhat similar to sublimator. Not cheap and not very portable. But.. it hits great. About time for me to go run some Malawi through it..

moose eater

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Premium user
Have had several, though tried very few others. None fill the bill entirely, imo. They all have draw-backs (no pun intended).

My PAX III seems more functional than my Pinnacle Pro did, though, despite having gone to a vaporizor for health reasons and not wanting to screw up my immune system more than it might otherwise be, more often than not, I've gone back to joints, or hash from a pipe. Tradition and ritual are strong draws.

And putting out a half-spent joint rarely wastes that much weed.


Well-known member
Flowerpot is a bit clunky if you are used to a portable. If you put it in your favorite seat and leave it all you have for moving parts is you moving the heater to the chamber and hitting an on off switch. I’ve never used a balloon before but the concept seems unappealing to me and flowerpot is an alternative to getting a good hit.


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Well-known member
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ICMag Donor
more often than not, I've gone back to joints, or hash from a pipe. Tradition and ritual are strong draws.

I tried full bore vaping for a year and a half and I missed the smack on the side of the head that smoking gives you. I don't know how else to describe it, but vaping creeps and smoking smacks you.

I have an Arizer ArGo and a Mighty. The Mighty works very well and the nastier ArGo is great for out and about.

moose eater

Well-known member
Premium user
I tried full bore vaping for a year and a half and I missed the smack on the side of the head that smoking gives you. I don't know how else to describe it, but vaping creeps and smoking smacks you.

I have an Arizer ArGo and a Mighty. The Mighty works very well and the nastier ArGo is great for out and about.
I looked at the Mighty a time or 3, but never sprang for it.

Traveling as I do at times, a pack of papers is easy enough to toss, stash, or explain away. Hell, I've told them I use them to look down the bore of a rifle or handgun when I'm cleaning it and need a bright object to iluminate. If I toss a brass or glass pipe in dire times, I lose a few bucks,.If I have to toss a vaporizor of decent quality, I might be tossing as much as $350 or $400.

But my biggest turn-offs to vaping thus far, (not that I can't be turned around on it) include the prep time for some of them, dexterity and precision required to fill a chamber on the move without making a mess and losing weed, they often seem to smoke hotter at the end of the bowl, whether ceramic element or what ever, than it seems they ought to, making that last puff or 3 a bit harsh, the previously mentioned value, and, when stashing shit for specific times, etc., they're a bit more difficult to stow away.

If someone came up with a vape that smoked evenly and cooly through the entire bowl, didn't break the bank, was compact enough to truly be regarded as both for mobile & home use, burned the entire bowl with no waste (again, held a good long charge, allowed for a truly personal-size <2-3-hit> load, without over-heating), and was easy enough to fill without making it into some sort of a religious venture, I'd be all ears... eyes... lungs.... orifices.


Sublimator and dynavape are the best imo. I'm a bong smoker and both work like a charm with a bong.
The new dynavape m has a 10mm male mouthpice and with a glass adapter it can be simple used with every bong.
The sublimator is a constant strong hitter for me and i'm happy that i bought one. It is the closest thing to bong smoking that i have ever tried.
The flowerpot looks nice maybe one day when my sub dies.


Well-known member
Don't smoke people. I just buried my baby brother because of throat cancer. He never smoked tobacco, only weed. His death was horribly painful suffering.

I dislike desk-top vapes because they take too long to heat up and use too much weed for a basic high. Now the best pocket vape I have found is the Boundless CFX $179.00. I have 3 of them handy at any given time. Having more than one makes it easy to keep them charged. I have used many others only to be disappointed but the Boundless has always done a great job. Big bowls with big vape clouds and the battery lasts about 7 sessions. I have one that's over 3 years old and still kicks ass. As they burn out I will get another Boundless. 😎

Amsterdam Errline

Active member
My top table vaps
De verdamper there is no better one for taste and i own a lot.
Then on the second place Showerhead of Cannabis hardware.

No so good vaps here are the Arizer Extreme Q very bad Glass.
And the Vulcano hybird what waste of money it was display not showing any more like the mighty have.

My top walk alround vaps is the mighty and for sheath and hash we use a dynavap.
Order a tinnyvap can`t wait to run it.

Still want to try Boundles and flowermate brand


White Window
No so good vaps here are the Arizer Extreme Q very bad Glass.
Very bad what!?

Sorry, you can't compare something big expensive total glass thing Verdamper with a much cheaper plastic build Extreme Q! I own an Extreme Q and many other people do, it's the best table vaporizer for a fair price, it's selling good for many many years now, so it can't be so bad. Like i said before, the verdamper is just another league, that's no fair comparison with an Extreme Q. ;)


White Window
Don't smoke people.

I dislike desk-top vapes because they take too long to heat up and use too much weed for a basic high.
Which ones did you try? I can't say that about my Extreme Q, it takes only 1 - 2min. to heat up and it's pretty efficient. And you don't need to charge batteries or use gas, that's the best thing for me. Before that i got a FlashVape but the batteries were empty after a few hits and got very hot... than took 1 - 2 hours to charge, nothing for me. My desktop vape Q has power to vape on and on if you want. :)


Well-known member
I vaped using a table top bag thing for a whole summer.

The bag smelt amazing and quickly got stuck together with this golden film of condensed oil.

In the autumn that year while power walking up a hill i coughed up the inside of a jaffa cake. Amazing orange colour.

I have a Tinymight 1 that i've used a couple of times. It's a nice vape and could be a lot healthier than smoking but i much prefer a joint with tobacco.

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