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Which Mix & Organic liquids do you Recommend?



Can I use the coco for the water and something else for taste?

Can I use the coco for the water and something else for taste?

The Slickster said:
MikeyPDC, the coco to dirt ratio could be 5% or 25% maximum, depending on what kind of sand or dirt you use, and whether it is a clay like dirt or a sandy playground sand. Perhaps even some gritty fert's like greensand and or fox farm guano 0-4-0. However some light loam would yield some points in the flavour department, it would have to be almost like a light mud. Whatever ingredient, it is sure to help the mixture.

And yes, chemicals are readily available to the plant whereas organic matter is and mostly has to be somewhat broken down within a medium in time.

A good organic plant in medium has fungi's established along the root structures with broad ranges of bacterias within the innoculum. But a chemical bombardment can quickly end much of that, and so there lie the question. But I would never do that after trying to keep it completely organic. Just wondering as they never mention that type of thing on the labels I am sure. So if someone tried the Bio-Canna all the way into flowering and boosted them with a chemical P-K with high ratings like 30-20 or whatever, will there be any adverse effects? And to what precaution is there to take when mixing nutrient lines that are meant to boost each other?
You mean 5%-25% Dirt in my coco mix correct?
I was thinking somewhere around there. My actual Idea was maybe mixing dirt into the top 1/3 of the pots. Looking at the idea of hydro-organics with mix or dirt over water. I copied the info from somewhere else.Read my post here about hydro-organic
If the top layer of roots get some type of natural organic fertilizers from somewhere, then it will make for better tasting buds?Correct? But, does just plain miracle grow moisture control potting soil have enough natural stuff to make any difference. Will anything make a big enough difference without causing other problems?

As far as the nutrientss hurting the life, Maybe but not very likely. I would think that the more expensive fertilizer brands would make sure not to kill the beneficial life. Most fertilizers have a product in their line that boosts the life already present.

I was also wondering.
How much would you have to use guano teas and other 100% organic liquids to really make any difference? What about in taste?
This question goes back to my original. If chemical ferts are present, will the natural ones get used first or after the chemicals if at all?