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where to get good recreational in denver?


Invertebrata Inebriata
I bought two grams of Super Lemon Haze at The Joint, and it was really disappointing. It was the least chemical-tasting, but it also lacked any real distinct flavor, period. I have smoked lemon weed that was so lemon-y it would make your lips pucker, and this shit was weak. The high was also not the racy, almost crazy high you expect from just a few hits of good Super Lemon Haze. Big disappointment.


If you're looking for cheap shitty weed a few places have been mentioned.

Cheap I haven't seen it on this thread. If you want cheap plenty of $100.ozs in the back of the Westword. or $500. units from parking lot deals.

If you can find a place that wholesales flower and/or products from reputable breeders go there.

"Wholesale" ?
My impression of "recreational" is buying personal consumable quantities."wholesale" - people are buying large quantities for resale.

Buying $1000. lb is a much different experience then spending $50. at 20 different dispensaries sampling and comparing finished products.


Active member
I’m out there this weekend for the first time since legalization ... done some reading of this thread, doesn’t look like I’m going to find anything worth while, pretty bummed out.

Maybe I’ll just take a break for the first time in years.. while I’m in CO... what irony.
Find you some Chemmy Jones from In the Flow Co.. Oasis superstore usually has there products as well as others. Pricey but will get you high.


Active member
I recommend chem d x I95 or Pootie Tang from Mindful. Full disclosure I help them out every once in a while. If you try those let me know what you thin


Bat Macumba
I've got that pootie tang cut as well. It's pretty cool. Also their Ultra Sonja is rad. I'd skip the Blue Dream.

Jidoka- do we know each other? Does Maria Empanada mean anything to you?


"Wholesale" ?

Definition for you buddy .
There are some really good breeders that drop their flowers and/or extracts at certain dispensaries around the Denver metro area. If a person does a little research they can identify these strains and buy them.



Active member
I've got that pootie tang cut as well. It's pretty cool. Also their Ultra Sonja is rad. I'd skip the Blue Dream.

Jidoka- do we know each other? Does Maria Empanada mean anything to you?

No but that doesn’t mean I don’t know her, my memory for names sucks

You do extractions by any chance?


Find you some Chemmy Jones from In the Flow Co.. Oasis superstore usually has there products as well as others. Pricey but will get you high.

Lol, oasis is one place i will never go back to. Quality of service was outrageously bad. I kind of liked their pricing structure and the weed was alright, but holy shit it was being poorly operated. Only time i have encountered someone too high to sell me weed yet not high enough to not be rude. To each their own, i went twice and both experiences were the same, but it could have just been me.


New member
I bought two grams of Super Lemon Haze at The Joint, and it was really disappointing. It was the least chemical-tasting, but it also lacked any real distinct flavor, period. I have smoked lemon weed that was so lemon-y it would make your lips pucker, and this shit was weak. The high was also not the racy, almost crazy high you expect from just a few hits of good Super Lemon Haze. Big disappointment.

What places did you go by while out there? I swung by green man cannabis but the place seemed dirty. I ended up grabbing some but then noticed the label with all the pesticides listed so I didn't even touch the stuff. My favorite places were 14'ers in Boulder and I liked L'Eagle as well, even though it seems to get some hate in here.


I travel to Denver several times a year and have hit many of the recommended 'best' dispensaries. In my opinion, none are perfect. Most of they have a strain or two they do really well and all of them have quality drift within their strains. L'Eagle is no exception but most of their strains are very good and their drift seems minimal. Just got back from another visit yesterday and I am happy with my purchases.

Oliver Pantsoff

Well-known member
I picked up brain og and kandy kush from leagle..Threw the kandy kush out of the window. Garbage. Brain og was ok though.



Have been very disappointed with denver dispensary herb. Have yet to find good herb in a denver dispensary. I have however found some decent herb at the dispensaries in LA. (Crazy high prices but better quality then I have found in the Colorado dispensaries). Funny thing is I seem to find better quality hash in Colorado. Go figure.....


ICMag Donor
Have been very disappointed with denver dispensary herb. Have yet to find good herb in a denver dispensary. I have however found some decent herb at the dispensaries in LA. (Crazy high prices but better quality then I have found in the Colorado dispensaries). Funny thing is I seem to find better quality hash in Colorado. Go figure.....

Seems to be what it is....can't recall when I lived in SO CO, there might have been a cap on thc%.


Well-known member
I just got back from Denver a couple weeks ago. Wasn't impressed by the dispensary flower. Best quality I saw was the veritas. Going back in a few weeks so open to suggestions...


Well-known member
I think there's a few starting to offer no till/living soil grown herb. Verde (? was told this by name) possibly and I think Green Farms does as well.


Well-known member
was gifted some pre-rolled from CO last week... it was ok/good... its about the same quality of the weed i brought back from calif... ok/good... BUT ... i already have ok/good weed... i'm looking for something better... and so far the weed from CO+calif is disappointing...