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Where to buy seeds Pandora Seed Bank?


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Hello, how are you?

For those who don't know, in addition to www.pandoraseedbank.com you can get my seeds at Mandala Seeds, which ship all over the world so that everyone can have them.

I only ship to some European countries.

Tropical Seeds Company currently only has Pandora Skunk in stock.

Mandala Seeds will soon have the missing Pandora varieties.

Thank you all very much for your support and I hope you keep these varieties for the future.

Please note that all varieties are seed limited!

For some there are only a few packages and I don't know when they will be available again. Maybe never...

All the best :tiphat:


Well-known member
Hello, how are you?

For those who don't know, in addition to www.pandoraseedbank.com you can get my seeds at Mandala Seeds, which ship all over the world so that everyone can have them.

I only ship to some European countries.

Tropical Seeds Company currently only has Pandora Skunk in stock.

Mandala Seeds will soon have the missing Pandora varieties.

Thank you all very much for your support and I hope you keep these varieties for the future.

Please note that all varieties are seed limited!

For some there are only a few packages and I don't know when they will be available again. Maybe never...

All the best :tiphat:
I love Mandala seeds. I have had seeds shipped from Spain many times from there. They use super stealth shipping methods to get seeds shipped safely and I have never not got my seeds. Success every time. Plus I have gotten a lot of freebies when buying from them. Thanks for sharing your information Pandora. I look forward to seeing your work.


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Thanks for your opinion friend:tiphat:

Mandala seeds works very well and has good service.

They also have many years of experience and share a philosophy like mine regarding varieties.

That's why they are distributors of my varieties.

Tropical Seeds are also very good and do a good job but it seems to me that they are not at their best...


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Hello, I have spoken with Mandala Seeds and it seems that they are going to close until October.

Therefore they are not going to replace my varieties and they are going to exhaust the variety they already have.

Therefore, if you want some, go get it now, since they only have a few varieties...

I have also contacted Tropical Seeds Company to see if they want the new varieties.

If you are from Europe you can also get them in my store.

I will inform you when Tropical answers me.

Greetings and thanks for your support!


New member
Hola. En Mandala, alcance los ultimos paquetes de Purple Haze y TH Haze.
Espero noticias sobre Tropical. Me interesa los cruces de Punto Rojo y Laos/Thai.


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Hello, thank you very much for the support!

I sent an email to tropical seeds and got no response. Then I saw that the store was not working.
Maybe it has closed...

I wrote to several seed stores that ship worldwide and did not receive a response from any of them.
It seems that these varieties do not interest them...

Most of the sales of my seeds are to countries outside Europe, therefore my store will close in a few days until October when mandala returns...

Thank you for your support and keep these varieties!:tiphat::thank you:


Well-known member
Hello, thank you very much for the support!

I sent an email to tropical seeds and got no response. Then I saw that the store was not working.
Maybe it has closed...

I wrote to several seed stores that ship worldwide and did not receive a response from any of them.
It seems that these varieties do not interest them...

Most of the sales of my seeds are to countries outside Europe, therefore my store will close in a few days until October when mandala returns...

Thank you for your support and keep these varieties!:tiphat::thank you:
Hola Pandora tengo creciendo tus tom hill. Quería comentarte que por ahí vi que dices que las oldtimers haze las conseguiste de cannabiogen pero segun yo cannabiogen nunca saco la oldtimer haze, esa es cosa de oldtimer1 dándosela al dubi, es cierto que la green haze y la purple haze ya no se venden seleccionadas pero ambos fenos siguen bastante vivos en los paquetes de ace seeds. No me quiero meter en los pedillos de otra gente per como que algo no cuadra


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Hola muchas gracias por el apoyo. Espero que encuentres buenas plantas Tom Hill Haze.

Tengo muchos, muchos paquetes de semillas y puedo haberme equivocado pero creo que nunca he dicho que Oldtimer's Haze viniera de Cannabiogen. Si lo he dicho te pido que me cites.

La que vino de Cannabiogen fue Tom Hill Haze.

Mi Oldtimer's Haze proviene de la selección de un amigo mío que hizo el de los primeros paquetes de semillas lanzados. Selecciono las mejores plantas verdes y moradas. Las reprodujo por separado y me dio semillas para que hiciera lo que quisiera con ellas.

Como digo en el post de OTH Purple también se busco en semillas de Ace Seeds de 2018 pero no se encontraron plantas tan buenas como las de mi amigo asique se descartaron.
Por cierto solo apareció un genotipo morado en varios paquetes OTH Ace Seeds por tanto no es tan fácil encontrar plantas moradas...

Ace Seeds ofrece una polinización abierta con mucha variedad genética con todo lo que ello conlleva, bueno y malo.
Yo ofrezco una selección de los mejores genotipos verdes y morado que se encontraron por separado. Ace Seeds a 80 euros y yo a 50 euros 12 semillas.

Ya cada persona es libre de decidir que es lo que prefiere.

Un saludo:tiphat:
Hola Pandora tengo creciendo tus tom hill. Quería comentarte que por ahí vi que dices que las oldtimers haze las conseguiste de cannabiogen pero segun yo cannabiogen nunca saco la oldtimer haze, esa es cosa de oldtimer1 dándosela al dubi, es cierto que la green haze y la purple haze ya no se venden seleccionadas pero ambos fenos siguen bastante vivos en los paquetes de ace seeds. No me quiero meter en los pedillos de otra gente per como que algo no cuadra


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
To bad you don't ship to the U.S.
Will Mandala ?
Are you going to be offering Punta Rojo through them? Will they come with a free pack of thh?
Hello, yes, when I reopen my store and mandala ships to USA again, you will be able to place your order with them.
They usually send some free seeds with orders. but the offers and seeds that I give away are for orders in my store, sorry.

I have sent some seeds to the USA but they do not clear customs so I stopped sending...