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Where my Canadian homies at?



Yeah lol Freezeland WAS a favorite outdoor strain for consumers yeaars back. Now, you'd be lucky to get 1K a pound for it simply because you can tell its outdoor right away.

I said I get 2K but thats off bud that could pass as indoor. Kush strains and I am sorry when I reread my post I kinda made it sound like I am dumping off mulitple pounds for 2 grand each but sadly that is not the case lol. I break it down and sell it all off myself. I have heard from others on here in the "Canadian Marijuana market" thread that right now last years outdoor is going for 2400 in bulk which sounded high to me but I can see it for sure considering how pricey things are and there is obviously no outdoor around right now. During the flood of course prices go down but really it all comes down to who your specific local market. Some people pay way more then others within the same province. Ontario is huge, you should hear the prices I hear good weed going for far up north like Thunder Bay

I want the freezeland for my own personal as I love the piney smoke that I have found memories of smoking all winter. Plus I bet it makes killer hash and concentrates and brad mentioned and what a perfect plant to grow to turn into oil

Thats an awesome picture brad is that all Freeze? Hey brad do you have any Freezeland seeds where they are mostly freeze dominate?
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Haha ya man, 15 years ago shit was borderline wild west in the weed world up here you could make money right off the fall chop and a good bunch of it, if you sat on it till May or June of next year $2500-$3000 wasn't hard to get. .

When the heck was OD going for 3k a pound?! I've never heard of it fetching that even broken down thats almost $190 an ounce...When was this? In the 10 seasons I have been growing outdoor has always been cheap, I do not agree that things have changed so much. Only thing that has changed is before while shitty OD fetched a low price but sold quick now if you have shitty swaggy looking outdoor you can set the price so low and it still wont move but if your grow a good strain that can doesn't have that "outdoor look" if you know what I mean, it moves no problem and you should get a price you are OK with.

My advice if some of your outdoor comes out looking to shwaggy to fetch a price your happy with? Turn it all into dry sift and then blast the sifted matieral into oil or make edibles or both whatever makes most sense for you. I have a friend that does not even trim his outdoor anymore just hangs it up to dry and processes it all into hash cause he grows the classic timewarp crosses that he would be lucky to get 1K a p for. He turns it all into hash and ships it North. At first he thought of quitting growing but he adapted. It can be hard but if you are determined their is still a huge market and plenty of money to be made IMO

Savage Seeds

Active member
I turn all my shake into oil ther'll always be a market for it and always be good money in it. I agree even with weed bein sold by big companies the black market will be the way too go no tax, no paperwork, better dope for the most part and the government doesn't got your name in a database keepin a eye on you for buyin it.

The strains I grow always sell the best of em I always pass off as hydro is Rene, I mean the OG Rene clone from Jean Guy I got from the bikers not the feminized version from house of the great gardener, although there is a few neat phenos in those seeds one really fuckin weird one, but nothin identical to the clone only Rene I'll never get rid of her EVER!

She has her own funk and stink that will cut through anything in the room no matter how packed up it is, it's shiny as hell, looks like hydro and people can't get enough of it.


I have not heard Rene mentioned in awhile. Heard it was really popular in BC not sure if it still is. I never knew the genes but Jean guy makes sense as I know Rene is a real frosty sativa dominate just like the jean guy. When does the Rene finish by and hows she yield outdoors? I heard shes not the best yeilder. I'd love to have that cut...I heard shes hard to find.

Savage Seeds

Active member
I have not heard Rene mentioned in awhile. Heard it was really popular in BC not sure if it still is. I never knew the genes but Jean guy makes sense as I know Rene is a real frosty sativa dominate just like the jean guy. When does the Rene finish by and hows she yield outdoors? I heard shes not the best yeilder. I'd love to have that cut...I heard shes hard to find.

Some of the dopest dope on the East coast even the kushwhores buy it first, its always the first to sell out that's why its hard to find cause the few who got her don't wanna sha share.

As far as finishin outdoors its done by the end of September no problem you can take it to October if the weather lets you and you like to slobber on the couch, it shine as a balanced buzz weed.

Its not a commercial yeilder 1/2-3/4 pound if you look after them an treat em real nice. Fuck organic ferts of any kind, go chemical, you know how long it takes organics to break down into somethin the plan can actually use? Usually a couple years. Chemical is water soluable and available for uptake as soon as it gets to the roots BOOM. Bigger, better, plants.

Use miracle grow guys get off the kool aid its no different or better than big name firts that cost 10x as much, I know this for a fact I've tried em.


I do actually only use chemicals on my gorilla grows. I used miracle grow my first year growing when I was 13 and actually got good results but their are plenty of better chemical fertilizers for cannabis that are just as cheap, maybe even cheaper.

General Hydroponics Maxibloom is fucking great. Jacks is another good one.... If you have been using miracle grow because not much else is available I'd reccomend you get pure blend pro. It is my favorite one that is available at any store miracle grow is.

BUT, I now use one time release fertilizer and one only. Advanced Nutrients heavy harvest. I know all about the hate on AN and agree with most things people say about them. I would never use any of their crazy overpriced bottle ferts but this heavy harvest is fucking great. Made specifaclly for gorilla growers.

It is a 3 part fertilzer but I only buy the first and last parts as our season is short it only needs to be applied once when I first plant in the holes and again in the first week of flowering. It comes in big buckets and you really do not need to apply very much so these buckets last me AWHILE. I have experiemented with several time release fertz as I NEVER haul water into my site. The less times you visit the better your chances of harvesting and if your hauling water in their every week your gonna not only have a better chance of someone spotting you, your going to leave a crazy amount of trails or just one really obvious trail leading right into the grow and making trails/paths is a good way to get your plants ripped.

I have used both organic and chemical time release and love the heavy harvest the most. Plants are always so healthy never look hungry.

Savage Seeds

Active member
I do actually only use chemicals on my gorilla grows. I used miracle grow my first year growing when I was 13 and actually got good results but their are plenty of better chemical fertilizers for cannabis that are just as cheap, maybe even cheaper.

General Hydroponics Maxibloom is fucking great. Jacks is another good one.... If you have been using miracle grow because not much else is available I'd reccomend you get pure blend pro. It is my favorite one that is available at any store miracle grow is.

BUT, I now use one time release fertilizer and one only. Advanced Nutrients heavy harvest. I know all about the hate on AN and agree with most things people say about them. I would never use any of their crazy overpriced bottle ferts but this heavy harvest is fucking great. Made specifaclly for gorilla growers.

It is a 3 part fertilzer but I only buy the first and last parts as our season is short it only needs to be applied once when I first plant in the holes and again in the first week of flowering. It comes in big buckets and you really do not need to apply very much so these buckets last me AWHILE. I have experiemented with several time release fertz as I NEVER haul water into my site. The less times you visit the better your chances of harvesting and if your hauling water in their every week your gonna not only have a better chance of someone spotting you, your going to leave a crazy amount of trails or just one really obvious trail leading right into the grow and making trails/paths is a good way to get your plants ripped.

I have used both organic and chemical time release and love the heavy harvest the most. Plants are always so healthy never look hungry.

Man I wasn't baggin on you about organics, I was just clearin shit up before the organibabies got here and started preachin and spammin your thread with it... Always happens for some reason.

I'd fuckin love to get me some of that heavy harvest but by the fuck it's hard on the old pocket book haha. Might try that maxibloom never have tried it, I water once a week but where I live I don't gotta worry bout people snatchin my shit. people get scared comin this far back in the sticks, and if ya ain't got 4 wheel drive or a sled you ain't comin to my house in the winter. Lots of land keeps things safe too.


I hear ya brother but I actually have never used organics except the time release pellet shit and that was the only time release fert I usedd where no matter how much you used the plants were always looking starved for food. I have only used chemicals since and have no interest in using organics. If I could grow in my backyard and had it all fenced it so I didn't have to worry about animals you bet I would have a compost pile going and be making some compost tea with a nice ass soil mix with all that lovely shit like blood and bone meal that plants love but you can NEVER use that shit on a gorilla grow as animals will be on that shit in no time.

Wanted to ask you Savage if you ever heard of a strain called "Krinkle" it is a clone only hash plant very popular amongst the bikers. I bought a ton of cuts of it years back to run outside and fucking LOVED it. Finished by sept 15 and super white and frosty buds and a pretty good yielding plant that stayed short and bushy, loved to be trained and topped super easy to grow...

I would love to have the krinkle back every time I ask about it people say its impossible to get as the bikers don't give it out but obviously they do lol. I know the person I bought it from, his family was biker affilated for sure but he was not sneaking around their back to sell them to me or anything...It is for sure still around and circulating IMO...It was only about 4 years ago when I had her last.

Savage Seeds

Active member
I hear ya brother but I actually have never used organics except the time release pellet shit and that was the only time release fert I usedd where no matter how much you used the plants were always looking starved for food. I have only used chemicals since and have no interest in using organics. If I could grow in my backyard and had it all fenced it so I didn't have to worry about animals you bet I would have a compost pile going and be making some compost tea with a nice ass soil mix with all that lovely shit like blood and bone meal that plants love but you can NEVER use that shit on a gorilla grow as animals will be on that shit in no time.

Wanted to ask you Savage if you ever heard of a strain called "Krinkle" it is a clone only hash plant very popular amongst the bikers. I bought a ton of cuts of it years back to run outside and fucking LOVED it. Finished by sept 15 and super white and frosty buds and a pretty good yielding plant that stayed short and bushy, loved to be trained and topped super easy to grow...

I would love to have the krinkle back every time I ask about it people say its impossible to get as the bikers don't give it out but obviously they do lol. I know the person I bought it from, his family was biker affilated for sure but he was not sneaking around their back to sell them to me or anything...It is for sure still around and circulating IMO...It was only about 4 years ago when I had her last.

For sure brother backyard growin would be the tits with real composted shit the plants would actually be able to take up readily. Rule of thumb for us outdoor lads is fill new holes 2-3 weeks prior to plantin to give the critters time to do what they wanna do with it... Them coons and skunks are fuckers when they find a new hole with spiffy new dirt in it, there's somethin magical to dig down and find don'tcha know? Haha.

I can get krinkle buds right now for a good deal, I don't have any clones of it though. But, without givin away exact location if your ever in Quebec and you ask around the Montreal area a bit you might stumble across one.

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
hello from Alberta, wondering which sativa dominant strains you guys use that finishes by mid sept. best of luck to everyone in their grows this yr.

Savage Seeds

Active member
hello from Alberta, wondering which sativa dominant strains you guys use that finishes by mid sept. best of luck to everyone in their grows this yr.

Easy sativa and fast poison from great white north seeds will. Not wig blowin weed but it'll do ya right. Then there's any autoflower out there that happen to rustle yer jimmy's that'll be done well before September.

Also thank you very much brother best of luck to you as well.


Boreal Curing

So it's time to ponder the new year's crop. Anyone do some research? I've been thinking
Nirvana - White Rhino Fem
Dr Greenthumb - Turkish Delight
Dr Greenthumb - Iranian Auto Flower (for the early finisher)


Well-known member
Do you know anyone who has grown Dr Greenthumb - Turkish Delight?

Aren't you guys all going legal this year? You can grow these in your back yard now.:tiphat:


So it's time to ponder the new year's crop. Anyone do some research? I've been thinking
Nirvana - White Rhino Fem
Dr Greenthumb - Turkish Delight
Dr Greenthumb - Iranian Auto Flower (for the early finisher)
Aren't you guys all going legal this year? You can grow these in your back yard now.:tiphat:

Incorrect. There will be no legal outdoor grows of any kind. No edibles. No concentrates, including dry sift or rosin. 75% of the country will be exposed to a government-run supply chain, no private retail outlets.

On a more positive note, I'll be doing my first outdoor grow this year, as I live in a province where there is no longer the public support, resources, willpower or significance placed by LEO's on the growing of cannabis outdoors.

The plan is two different spots. One for flowers the other for selections and seed and maybe some dry sift.

Plot #1: Super Lemon Haze x (Durban Poison x Early Durban) - Bagseed from a local indoor grower who threw a DP/ED girl in his production room and she hermied. I have grown a number of these indoors with an amazing Chemotype I effect, high limonene flavour and smell and finished in 8 weeks. However, not a good yielder overall. I gave 10 seeds to a first-timer this season and he got 6 healthy females and yielded 24 ounces. Lost a lot to mold because he wouldn't listen when I told him to harvest before 50+mm of rain.

Pictures you say?

Plot #2: Lebanese - My reproduction of a 2nd reproduction done by Zeno Asto of RSC's 2008 Lebanese sourced from the Bekaa.
I'll be broadcasting hundreds of these seeds. I will also start a thread on that project alone.

Let's have more Canadian outdoor grows in the Canadian forum this 2018, either in celebration or in continued protest!


New member
Agreed, switching to temperature specific cannabis species will do the trick. As they can be successfully grown in harsh environment.


Boreal Curing
Do you know anyone who has grown Dr Greenthumb - Turkish Delight?

Aren't you guys all going legal this year? You can grow these in your back yard now.:tiphat:

Incorrect. There will be no legal outdoor grows of any kind. No edibles. No concentrates, including dry sift or rosin. 75% of the country will be exposed to a government-run supply chain, no private retail outlets.


Let's have more Canadian outdoor grows in the Canadian forum this 2018, either in celebration or in continued protest!

Turkish Delight? Nope, but reviews have been outstanding. I've change the Iranian Auto for Iranian G13. Same finishing period, bigger yield.

Here's the law in a nutshell.
1. You can grow up to 4 plants per household (I suspect the will change to per person). At first they had a height restriction of 100cm! They've since removed that restriction. If you grow 4 males, you lose your year, so you're forced to grow feminized seeds. Still, the public knows squat about seed types so expect a lot of growing pains. On that note, how many people grow their own vegetables? When people realise how much of a pain in the ass growing can be, they'll abandon their plants and let the males pollinate everything within 5 miles. It's going to be a bloodbath for urban backyard growers, and a return to pinhole burns in your car seats and new shirts. And one whiff of the skunk in their yards and the wives will be barking at the old man to get rid of those stinky things. Any resistance by the husband will result in immediate emasculation.

2. Ontario will initially open only 40 stores IN ALL OF ONTARIO. lol. They (The LCBO) will add another 110 stores in Ontario over the next year. This is fantastic news for guerilla growers. Keep in mind that with the considerable production capabilities of legitimate growers, medical suppliers ran out of product by July in 2017. Add the autumn recalls of several major producers like Canopy Corp who had their crops recalled by Health Canada in record numbers because of pesticide contaminants that were making people sic. Another reason for rural organic guerillas to rejoice.

It'll be diminishing returns for the next couple years while the market finds its footing. After that, you'd better be able to legitimately (legally) produce world class extracts to supply the retail industry because you won't be able to sell a joint at a concert. No one will want it. As it is, bud is 1k a pound at most.

All other restrictive laws remain in place. For example, the existing penalties for growing off your property remains at a maximum 14 years incarceration, as are restriction for intent. So don't be stupid or get complacent.

First senate reading is complete so expect more changes.


Well-known member
you guys want the perfect outdoor strain?one that checks every box and is pretty much perfect?


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