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Where is the best place to buy seeds in the Midwest USA?


75% female - Awesome!

I'm keeping 12 strains going so I feel your pain.

I hope your monster is awesome bud!

I had 12 sprouts, 3 males. So, I have 9 plants here of 5 different strains. What a pain in the ass.

Annunaki Genetics Black Cherry Soda...Anyone know anything about it?


Active member
I know this is an old thread but it's a good one to have because how else do we find good banks within the usa. I've had good luck with both new420guy and oregongreenseed ordered from both several times without issue


Well-known member
I have had 100% luck with 207 Genetics. They carry their own line of seeds out of Maine, but also sell numerous other breeders seeds. They carry some US seed companies (Ethos, Humboldt Seed Company) as well as from other parts of the world (Barney's Farm, Dutch Passion)...approx. 50 different seed companies. All original packaging.


Well-known member
Please checkout the website for Great Lakes Genetics. They are good people and I have used them a lot. They have a good selection and are located In Michigan. Sadly you can't use CC though.
Try Pacific Northwest Roots - Robusta
I’ve run a number of PNW roots things kayas koffee I found a good pheno other than that for me anyway - I felt they were mostly dogs - the later koffee I felt were products of not the best Pheno selection I tried f5, f6 not a keeper in either pack and frankly quite expensive once again my experience and opinion
I’ve run a number of PNW roots things kayas koffee I found a good pheno other than that for me anyway - I felt they were mostly dogs - the later koffee I felt were products of not the best Pheno selection I tried f5, f6 not a keeper in either pack and frankly quite expensive once again my experience and opinion
On a side note I still run Starbux a pnw roots dungeon vaults collab - original kayas koffee x Death Star - on that one I popped 5 one I keep for a male stud , 2 keeper phenos one leaning toward her riel lineage, one leaning towards her alien lineage i kept them both


Well-known member
I have had great service my last 2 buys from Seed Cellar in Michigan. They are also bricks and motor if you're in the area.