This is in Fast Forward a lil. Started on Feb 2nd.
Strains being grown are: White Diesel, Cole Train, Great White Shark, Satori, and the lonely Kalit Mist i always keep around growing in the background. Nutes not much for the soil a lil PVO, and CNS17 for the dro..
Grow room is still under construction but these are the specs as follows:
4x400 watt lights and 1x250 in a 12x10 spare bedroom with 2 fans and a dehumidifer from the stone age, i will put a pic of this thing on here, i cant believe it still works.I have now weeded out what looks to be all of the males from CT and Satori and replanted in 5 gal pots. I planted 10 CT seeds 1 popped and stopped, out of the remaining 9 i got 4 females,
hope one is worthy. I planted 5 Satori the same time as the CT and 3 plants remain that i think are F.The GWS were Feminzed and out of the first 5, 4 made it, 1 was culled and 2 were put in DWC however i have left the remaining GWS in the same pots until they fill out more.
On Feb 15th 5 more Satori, 5 WD femd, and 5 more GWS were put in motion. Out of that, 2 Satori and 2 GWS were pulled and i killed (accident) 2 of my WD Femd and only have 3 left and looks like one is a mutant but all Will be OK. The Satori will be replanted when they show the jewels and the rest when they fill out. This is where they are as of now. Enjoy the
The first 9 days. The grown ones were some Kali clones that have found other homes.
The dates are on the bottom to show the time line.
The ones on the ledge are GWS and the others are the CT and Satori.
Mostly CT and Satori in the tub along with 1 lil GWS. WD and Satori on the ledge moving along.
GWS to the right on the ledge along with the Satori and WD. Thinning out the rest.
2 in waiting.
The 2 GWS that went into DWC. One was started in a drip system but i didnt care for it, and one was started in soil but then moved. The 3 WD along with 5 GWS are now next to the buckets but not worth taking a photo yet. These below are under a 250w with a Super Blue from Hort.
I will post pictures of the room asap.
And enjoy the show.
Strains being grown are: White Diesel, Cole Train, Great White Shark, Satori, and the lonely Kalit Mist i always keep around growing in the background. Nutes not much for the soil a lil PVO, and CNS17 for the dro..
Grow room is still under construction but these are the specs as follows:
4x400 watt lights and 1x250 in a 12x10 spare bedroom with 2 fans and a dehumidifer from the stone age, i will put a pic of this thing on here, i cant believe it still works.I have now weeded out what looks to be all of the males from CT and Satori and replanted in 5 gal pots. I planted 10 CT seeds 1 popped and stopped, out of the remaining 9 i got 4 females,
hope one is worthy. I planted 5 Satori the same time as the CT and 3 plants remain that i think are F.The GWS were Feminzed and out of the first 5, 4 made it, 1 was culled and 2 were put in DWC however i have left the remaining GWS in the same pots until they fill out more.
On Feb 15th 5 more Satori, 5 WD femd, and 5 more GWS were put in motion. Out of that, 2 Satori and 2 GWS were pulled and i killed (accident) 2 of my WD Femd and only have 3 left and looks like one is a mutant but all Will be OK. The Satori will be replanted when they show the jewels and the rest when they fill out. This is where they are as of now. Enjoy the
The first 9 days. The grown ones were some Kali clones that have found other homes.
The dates are on the bottom to show the time line.
The ones on the ledge are GWS and the others are the CT and Satori.
Mostly CT and Satori in the tub along with 1 lil GWS. WD and Satori on the ledge moving along.
GWS to the right on the ledge along with the Satori and WD. Thinning out the rest.
2 in waiting.
The 2 GWS that went into DWC. One was started in a drip system but i didnt care for it, and one was started in soil but then moved. The 3 WD along with 5 GWS are now next to the buckets but not worth taking a photo yet. These below are under a 250w with a Super Blue from Hort.
I will post pictures of the room asap.
And enjoy the show.