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when to start the flowering countdown


Well-known member
Outdoor growers and short veg indoor seed growers go by pistils. Indoor clone growers and seed growing long veggers go by start of 12/12.

My harvest time is often decided by external factors, real life responsibilities, next set of plants outgrowing their current space and so on.. But of course trichomes optimally. This grow I did not even mark the flip date (nor the pistil appearance date). They're done when they're done, and if they have to go down before that, hey, then they have to go down.


Well-known member
Personally, I don't start counting when I flip to 12/12. Once I can look at the plant and go "yeah, it's starting to flower" is when I mark the start date. And if it's advertised as 8 weeks, I take it to 9 and during week 9 I check the trichomes with my handy dandy Radio Shack pocket microscope and pull when it hits the sweet spot, usually at around 63 days (plus or minus a day or two) for the Bodhi gear I'm running


On a mailtrain.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
I mark when I flip the girls to 12/12, well when I move them to the flower room really. I usually run multiple strains all at different stages so I need to know when I flipped them. If it’s something I’ve been growing for a while I will just go by intuition, but I prefer to have a round about idea when they’re ready. Have tried the harvest by looks method and it’s never produced as good a quality as when I monitor them correctly by date/trichome ripeness.

I Care

Well-known member
if you see pistils they’ve started flowering. exception is indoor lighting where they start, but there’s not enough darkness to mature

I’m struggling with this after a plant going from outside to in. I dont have dated photos of the pistils but the male that was next to it showed on July 30. possibly day 43 on the girl