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When to say Stop?



When the cold steel cuffs are on my wrists.... thats when ill stop.....
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Active member
habeeb said:
anyone who grows ( takes advantage of people and sells for profit ) has bad karma coming to them some way or another. if not the police, integrity

your the people when you get busted give growers a really bad name.

That's a whack ass statement. Bet you grow your own apples and oranges huh?
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When things are going too good, they usually are too good to remain true. Bad things happen to good people. If you play with fire eventually you will be burned. I would switch up your setup, scale way down and grow solely for yourself in a new location. Buy lots of food and water and prepare for Rome to collapse.

If you are having these thoughts then it could very well be time to get out. They call it gut feeling for a reason. It is a deep human instinct and if you feel like you need to stop then you probably need to do so.

Stay free,


Active member
bounty29 said:
Invest it somehow. Did you know if you build your own home and then sell it after 2 years, and repeat that two more times (total 3 builds) you can build and own your next home straight up, zero mortgage?

I got through the first build and then, well...

But if you've got some cash to back it all up then go for it. But don't hire a contractor - do it ALL yourself. It's a bitch, but well worth it.


Since ppl seem to have liked my first 2 hypotheticals, I'll give you 2 more:

How stand up is my guy? Really? I mean if he gets caught selling the popo a QP, will he be a man and stfu? Or will the thought of being locked in the same building with Crips and Hell's Angels make him sing your name from the rooftops?

Is my guy scared of me? Does he know that there are consequences to him and maybe his family if he snitches on me?


habeeb said:
anyone who grows ( takes advantage of people and sells for profit ) has bad karma coming to them some way or another. if not the police, integrity

your the people when you get busted give growers a really bad name.

I am so sick and tired of hearing this kind of statement again and again. Cannabis isn't some kind of mythical gift from the gods to us. It's a recreational drug of choice, no different to any one of a hundred ways in which people find pleasure/entertainment, the only difference being that it's illegal for no very good reason.

Yeah, sure, in a perfect world we wouldn't need to consider profit; we'd probably all be using a bartering system - a couple of oz of weed to get my car serviced doesn't sound like such a bad deal to me. Unfortunately we're in the real world where everything costs money and where most smokers either won't or can't grow their own. Would you rather have it that only homegrowers could smoke weed? I think you'd find that LEO would have a much easier time of diverting their resources to stamping out the last few 'rebels' in the system. Get real man, commercial growers don't give personal growers a bad name any more than a brewery gives home brewers a bad name.

The bad karma comes only from the fact that 'They' chose to make cannabis illegal. Do you really think that if cannabis was legalised that every smoker would suddenly grow their own personal plant or two? No, they'd still be buying it just like they buy every other thing that they need, except it'd probably be coming from some monster corporation. Now there's bad karma for you!

Last I heard, all those great hippy idealists of the 60's became investment bankers and lawyers.

Rant over.
Greenjag^^ well said.

Ya know, growing the herb is not that difficult, but where the REAL problem lies with growing, is the tons of stress that comes along with it. Some people can handle it well, while others have massive panic attacks. That's why I love the original question, cause its something that growers who constantly have a show, think about.

I've shut down an entire grow halfway through cause I wasn't feeling safe


Horse-toothed Jackass
I agree that no one should rag on commercial growers, cause they provide a valuable service. The underground economy is necessary for cannibis users in the US: because it's illegal, you HAVE to buy it from dealers, who buy from growers.
Unless you grow, of course. :rasta:
Maybe people still feel resentment towards having to pay for weed before they knew how to grow, so they think anyone making money off cannabis has negative karma. They just need to realize that without you guys, they wouldn't have had the opportunity to try good weed in the first place. :joint:


Active member
If it wasn't for commercial growers it would be safe to say marijuana wouldn't be what it is today and many of us would have never smoked so we probably wouldn't be smoking now. The negative comment made about commercial growers is just fukin' foolish. Unless you have always grown your own and found out about weed another way STFU.


I always said they'd have to drag me away from it, lol, but in the end I decided enough was enough and stopped.

It's better to get out while the going's good, but you need to go with your instincts man, and it feels right to you, do it.

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Active member
Thank you all,

Lots of good advice and comments.

I have learned over the years that the old saying "it's never enough" is so very true. In the beginning you may tell yourself "if I only had a million dollars I'd be satisfied", but when you finally get it, it's jack. You see, somewhere along the way, your tastes, needs, quality of life, have risen as well.

Put your money into a good safe well diversified mutual fund and then you can lose your ass just like everyone else.

A little is good, a lot will drive you crazy. Paranoia comes and goes in waves. There are times when all the risk is completely forgotten and times when you wake up sweating.


Don't even think about it. Tell them you are independently wealthy. Live a dual life.

I hate to stereotype, but such is life. Always dress like a college preppy, never show a tat. Clean cut ALL the time. Wear a suit 30% of your life for no reason.

Take deep breaths for no reason. Exercise regularly as it will keep your mind sharp.

The Hobby:
Is growing. We love to grow. I would grow for free if I had to. DEA will end the day at 5, go home to the wife and family and forget about our grow. We live, breath, eat and sleep for marijuana 24/7. Every thought, every move, every ounce of energy all the time.

Stay Safe
i think we found the answer that you have to do whats best for you, but all i can say, is since im not a commercial grower, thank you ! I want to grow enough for me, fam, and friends, but can (*not) imagine a large scale opp so lots can smoke, while risking my freedom! A day in jail is a day too many! to those of you who are still growing , good luck, and fuck da man! Soon the laws will not be so outdated.... hopefully!!!


BlindDate said:
A hypothetical question:

Lets suppose that you were a commercial grower. You've been in business for several years and had an excellent system all dialed in and secure. You have always kept your mouth shut and only sold to one person who you trust. You have also made a sizable amount of money. Not enough to live the rest of your life on, but at least the next ten years. Now when all these things are just rolling along, would you tell yourself to quit? I believe the saying: "The unexpected has ruined the best laid plans of mice and men". When to say STOP!?
It depends on two factors:

1) Are you prepared for disaster?

2) How bad will disaster be?

1 is more or less, have you put cash somewhere secure that no one can find it?

2 is more or less, do you have a clean record, or what will your sentence be like?

If you have a safe, secure place for your cash when you get out in the event of incarceration, and if your record is such that you won't get the book thrown at you, I say let it ride. It isn't like you're going to do tall time for a first bust, and it isn't like you won't have a great nest egg set aside when you get out, if they even lock you up.

Speaking of investing, did you know the best mutual funds get around 18%?
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habeeb said:
anyone who grows ( takes advantage of people and sells for profit ) has bad karma coming to them some way or another. if not the police, integrity

your the people when you get busted give growers a really bad name.
Karma is "hell" for hippies and postmodern drones - they can't say "you're going to hell for x" anymore, so they say "bad karma dude." Give me a break already. Even if there was karma, or an afterlife, growing for profit would register in neither.
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