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When the cops show up at your door what do you do? ~Personal Experiences Wanted~



Yamaha, they're all for non-grow related incidents.

In my experience with growing and getting a Knock and Talk, I'm sure that if I hadn't answered the door, then they'd have come back again.

I attribute this to it's not a "heat of the moment" situation which rapidly changes the next day - growing is a long, continuous and determined effort in breaking the law, which gives large financial rewards if done correctly.

For example, in the UK at the moment, the Vietnamese and Chinese growers are getting busted with hundreds of plants every day, with the potential profits in the tens of thousands of £ in most cases - do you think the police will come around there when they know there's growing going on, and on a large scale, and if no-one answers the door, then they'll say to each other "hmmm, we know there's a big grow going on in here, but because they've not opened the door today, we're never going to come back and they can carry on to their hearts content"....I don't think so, and you can bet your ass they'll be developing new tactics to get you....more than likely, as in other cases I've read about, they ask the neighbours to call the police when the occupants of the grow house are definately there - like when they see them come in.

>> They might not have enough evidence to get a warrant and they definately want to make arrests, and not let the grower(s) get away, so they'll make sure they get to speak to the people sooner or later, either after they get enough evidence to get a warrant and bust them, or if they still can't get enough evidence for a warrant, either lie and get one, or do a Knock and Talk and go from there. In any case, the game's up and it's the beginning of the end.

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BB, oh if a cop knocks on my door right now, I am not answering. Then I painfully will shred every plant I have. Like you said, they are coming back cause they know.

The point is, no good can come from answering the door. If they have a warrant, they are coming in anyway. If not, they have to leave. Opening the door gives them the opportunity to make something up.


Hi Yamaha,

As I said earlier, in my circumstances, because I have answered the door and acted cool and innocent, and that they didn't smell fear, it put them of the scent and they didn't pursue me with further surveillance tactics, which in effect has saved my butt.

It has given me chance to dispose of the evidence without being watched, and although I was ready for a bust in the early hours of every morning after the first visit, a bust has never happened, and I'm safe and well.

For example, if I hadn't opened the door, and then they started watching the house, how would I have been able to get rid of the evidence? (and I'm talking about a fair bit of evidence - not stuff you can dispose of in the house).

It is a tricky one, but I say if you're growing substantial amounts of herb and can keep it together under pressure and semi-interrogation, then it's better to answer the door.

It is a tough call, and I do agree that opening the door also opens the opportunity for LEO to make stuff up, but it can also be very helpful in alleviating the situation.

It depends, but in my mind, it's better to give it a go of making them think you're not worth the warrant.

There are plenty of risks in this industry, but it's how you play the risks that counts, and I've used my judgement and never been busted.

NB. I'd like to add an important footnote, in that had I had a criminal record, especially for growing, when they came around - and yes, they did check while on the doorstep - I'm sure they wouldn't have been put of the scent like they were, and would've pursued me.

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British_Bulldog: I see that you are talking about what to do in large grows. If you have a large grow (tens/hundreds of plants) I would imagine that there is more evidence mounting up than with a smaller scale grow (< 20 plants). There is also more risk on your part and more reward for the cops to bust a bigger grow... therefore the cops might be more persistent with someone who has a large scale grow than someone who is making smoke for him and his buddies. I edited my original first post in this thread so that people address that in their stories.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Another thing the cops will do if all else fails is call Childrens aid on you. This happened to me, they tried everything to get a warrant and failed. Next thing you know I got a Childrens Aid worker at my door and also with them two cops! She tells me she has to inspect the home to see if it is safe for my child, and if I refuse she can take my child until an inspection is completed. Luckily I had nothing and let her inspect. I told her I wanted the two cops to wait outside and she stated they had to come in for her safety. So the cops got what they wanted (partially) in a round about way.

So everyone who has children remember, the cops will use them against you to get what they want. This I think is discusting, but what'cha going to do?



Hi jimbroker - whether you've got 1 plant or several hundred, the idea is to make the cops think you've only got a few maximum, and that by the time they return with a warrant, the plants will have gone anyway, and therefore they end up with egg on their faces.

However, the key in all Knock and Talks is to downplay the situation and not act too innocent or guilty, and being able to tell lies very well helps a great deal.

Personally I can look someone directly in the eye and tell them a believable lie. If you don't have this ability, then dealing with landlords and cops is much more difficult.

Hi TGT - yes it's true, cops will use whatever method they can to get you. Children and growing don't mix imo, so I would not grow with children in the house, as they could be put into care if caught, and so for me it's not worth it.



Well-known member
This is one of the most interesting and valuable threads I have read. I appreciate your candor and knowledge. Some of the incidents you spoke of made me shit myself. Using your kids, I almost vomited when I heard that. I would hate to put my kids through that. I never new about the GPS detector. I have been in discussions on this very forum about the cop’s rights to use these devices with out a warrant. There has been much debate on the subject.

It makes me understand what a giant set of pig nuts you guys must carry to pull some of these things off.

I have only had a cop show up once when I was younger. They were called because of noise. I was smoking a J looked out the peep hole and asked,” What can I do for you". They said turn down the music and I did and they left.

I moved out the very next week. I had an old neighbor who complained all the time it just was not worth the chance.

I got to repeat myself here great life advice going on in this thread. Thanks for input from all I have learned much.


New member
Hey all, Here is my story of an encounter with LEO.

I had a house that I was renting by myself. One day I came home from alot of running around and taking care of bullshit. I'd been awake for about 23 hours by the time I got home. I was pretty damn tired. All I could think about was getting down to my boxers smoking a bowl and just relaxing. So, I smoked a bowl of some SourD (stinky stuff) in my living room and sat back and started to relax in my lazyboy and watch some t.v.. I had a fairly nice size grow(30 plants) going on in one of the bedrooms.

About 5 mins after I smoked the bowl and sat down, a very hard knock came on my door. I asked who it was, and they said "it's the police, we have a warrant for your arrest, open the door". I thought thats it, the gig is up. Instead of panicking, I stayed calm and thought about the situation. I had to buy some time, so I told them, "I'd be right there, I have to put on some clothes". This bought me some time to think of what to do.
I knew if I opened the front door, they would smell the SourD right away. This would be enough reason for them to come in and search the house. My front door is right in the living room where I just blazed. And SourD smells so much, It wouldn't surprised me if they could smell it through the door. So after I put on my clothes, I told the cops through the closed door, that I had to go out of the door on the back of the house. I told them that I was having problems with the front door. It wouldn't open.
So I went to the back of the house and opened the door, and sure enough there were like 6 or 7 cops there with their flashlights saying, "put your hands in the air'. As soon as I opened the back door, I made sure I turned the lock to lock it. As I went outside, I grabbed the door and closed it behind me, locking it. Now, every door in my house was locked. They put me in cuffs and took me down to the station. I figured they had a warrant for me, not for anything in my house.

When I got down to the station, it turns out the warrant that they had for me, was for a ticket my EX got for parking the wrong way on a one way street. The car was under my name, so I got the ticket. She told me that she paid it (another lie). I found out that night that she didn't. Anyway, I had a family member come down and post bail for me. I got out of the station in about 4 hours, went back home and went to sleep.
As far as the grow is concerned, well that finished with some nice buds of Blueberry. :rasta:

My only concern was if they were going to check out what was in my house while I was down at the station. But I guess they didn't.

STAY CALM AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CANNOT SAY THIS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gemini: Thanks a lot for the story. You kept a cool head under some pretty intense fire. Isn't it amazing that in our "free society" they send that many officers out for an arrest warrant based on parking tickets?!

I think Gemini's story raises another good point. If you have something of traffic/criminal nature, make sure you see the receipt for the paid ticket.


If cops come to the door, hand them a donut and give them directions to the nearest 7-11. Shut door. Peek out window and watch them burn rubber heading to said 7-11.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
This is a bit of and old story, but it's the only time the cops showed up at my door unexpected. My 7 year old nephew was playing at the park alone. The park is on the same block where I live and maybe up to 200 feet away from the house. Well when I open the door, the cop is there telling me it's not safe to let a 7 year old play at the park unsupervised.

Now I'm pretty old and I remember being seven and playing outside alone and unsupervised. Not just at the park a few feet away, I would be close to a 1/2 mile away at times like at the pool and it's park . I guess what upset me, and I was not the person in Charge, my dad was, is they they put the kid in the backseat of the car to drive him 200 feet. A backseat ride sends a different message than a front seat ride.

My answer to your question is obvious. If they arrive and seem unreasonable, or offended by anything they do or say, call the station and complain.


Hey folks!

Been gone a while,but im lucky id say!
The only time i had PIGS at my door was my
music and at the time all my plants where well
hidden in the yard(wooded area) back 15 years ago?

Myself id say your in BIG SHIT if they do come.........
Any inkling of you growing and your done,or move away hehe!!
Stay safe folks..


yes sir, no sir, I'd love to talk to you, but I must see my lawyer first.

And no sir, I don't consent to searches.

Bract Doctor

New member
some friends were involved in this a few years back. The city cops knocked, ID'd themselves, and said they had complaints of numerous people coming and going at various times during the day/ night. The couple at the house invited them in, kept their cool, and escorted them from room to room as the cops scrutinized everything out in the open. See, the cops said that they weren't allowed to open any closed doors, cabinets, etc., and just wanted to investigate the complaint. they did as they said they would, and since there wasn't anything out in the open, they said they felt there wasn't any reason to pursue any investigation. They also said that if the couple hadn't let them in, that they could have gotten a warrant easily. I don't believe this was true. Odor control was going on at the time, nothing was visible anywhere to the cops, and they left. The couple visited me shortly after and I told them to turn the lights down low, close the drapes, and start cutting and flushing. Took em 8 hours to get rid of the show and the 2.5 elbows in jars. Never had anyone come back. The couple hasn't ran a show since, and has curtailed most of the peeps that were visiting.

I had a tip from a neighbor 1.5 years ago that the postman had smelled my grow - I had to pull and replace a filter and a faulty fan and like a dumb shit I did it in the middle of the day - and that several detectives had been asking questions about me, and told this fellow that they would be hitting my residence in a week or less. I thanked him, continued to drink the beer he had offered me, then kindly made my exit. Tookme 4.5 hours to rip it down and store everything incriminating. Two days later, the popo showed up, all 5 of em, and I gave them the grand tour. They were pretty pissed off that there wasn't anything to be found. They told me then that the mailmen are a big source of leads for the raids they make, and were following up on the skunky odor the mail guy said was coming from my house. I havent ran here since, and never had any more problems with em. They were pretty serious when we started the "tour", pretty pissed/dissapointed when they found nada, then seemed willing to talk since I wasn't one of the "Dopehead growers" as they put it.

Out doors will do me fine till I move again.
Be safe. BD

The Bling

dont do shit turn the tv up and ignore them If they kick the door in they have a warrant if they snoop around film them and attempt to press charges for tresspassing you do have signs posted right an officer of the law is only allowed in the curtiladge*sp?* of your property (a clear path petween the front entrance and the entrance to the property) :rasta:


Bract Doctor: Thanks for the story... you brought up a point I hadn't thought about before and that is postal carriers can tip off police!

Another good reason to mask smell.... particularly when you have someone coming to your residence almost every day!


Active member
Excellent thread! Fortunately, I don't have any first hand experience to offer....and with continued reading and note taking, hopefully never will.

Thanks for helping to keep some of us on our toes, OGH


If your gonna grow indoors.. the first thing to do is to get a brand new lock for the door leading to the grow room. once the lock is installed, use it always, PERIOD !!
learn your cover story about the locked room and keep it simple.
Get your odor control going before your plants are.
Make certain ALL the windows and doors in the grow are are totally light tight.
Tell no one you are growing.
Be friendly and helpful with your neighbors especially older folks.
Keep your place neat outside.
Drying and trimming times are a super time to be having liver and fried onions, or anything and lots and lots of fried onions .... frequently!!!
Never !!!!!!! steal power.

Abiding by that ... I had no concerns when 2 of my locals stopped by on a totally unrelated issue and we were chatting while they were within 3 or 4 feet of several very lovely ladies quite late in bloom.
British_Bulldog said:
Ok with so many people saying (/thinking) this, all I can say is that you've never grown a significant amount of herb, and not been a professional grower - if you had you would realise that it's best to answer the door everytime someone knocks at it, and be prepared to deal with them.

The knock on the door is a heart-pounding situation, every time, but you need to be able to deal with it.


Just thought id send this up, for all of you door answering mongrols... :rasta:

This is a different story of the same event. I read it in another paper which said that their was a reported fire and the fire crew on the scene knocked on the door and the man opened it and fire crew made their way inside and pulled the man out... Either way its just another lesson to NOT STEAL.


OCEANSIDE – Firefighters discovered hundreds of marijuana plants growing in an elaborate greenhouse when they burst into the garage of a burning home early yesterday.

Oceanside Fire Department
Oceanside firefighters found hundreds of marijuana plants in a garage yesterday. A resident, who was treated for smoke inhalation, could face drug charges.
The tall, potted plants were found in the garage attached to a single-story home on Avenida Descanso off North River Road just before 1 a.m. yesterday. Police and firefighters were responding to a 911 call reporting smoke coming from the roof.

Officers who arrived first broke down the front door to get into the home, and once inside they found a man who told them the fire was out, said Oceanside fire Battalion Chief Pete Lawrence. But the blaze was still burning.

Firefighters saw flames coming from an electrical panel in a wall of the garage, which had been turned into a well-insulated greenhouse with powerful artificial lights.

It took only about 15 minutes to put out the fire in the wall, but it took 90 minutes to extinguish pockets of fire that burned the insulation, and through the walls and into the attic, Lawrence said.

The 52-year-old resident was flown to a hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation. He was expected to face drug charges.

Investigators later determined that the blaze started in an area where someone had illegally tapped into power lines feeding the house. Lawrence said it presumably was to hide electrical use needed for lights and other equipment required by the pot-growing operation.

Police packed up several hundred plants, none of which burned in the fire. They eventually will be destroyed in an incinerator.

Neighbor Jane Bosley said she was shocked to learn of the large-scale marijuana operation in the rental home next door.

“There are two nice guys living there. They told me they worked together in construction,” Bosley said. “I know what marijuana smells like; I never smelled anything.”

The men had been living in the home for about 1½ years, she said.

Damage to the home and its contents was estimated at $45,000.

A similar growing operation was busted by federal agents last year, when they found more than 1,000 plants in two Oceanside homes.

Both homes had bypass systems installed around their electric meters, allowing the lamps, pumps, fans and other equipment used to grow marijuana to run around the clock without causing high energy bills.
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