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When it's finally my time to go.......


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'd like to go nice, quiet, and peacefully in my sleep like grandpa did.......
not crying and screaming like everyone else in his car.

How bout the rest of ya?
You going out in a blaze of glory or a haze of boring if you have a choice?


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I would still prefer dying in nature, like during a long hike or climb. I guess if my mom is gone at the time. No recovery of the body would be pretty cool. Being eaten by like a pack of wolves of a grizzly and her cubs also fits the bill. As long as there's no pain involved I'm cool with it.
Give my feet to the footloose
Careless, fancy free
Give my knees to the needy
Don't pull that stuff on me
Hand me down my walking cane
It's a sin to tell a lie
Send my mouth way down south
And kiss my ass goodbye


stone fool
If you see me headed for a wall, or off a cliff, and my hair ain't already on fire, do me a favor and set it on fire for me, that's the way I want to go out, hair on fire,

And sinse I am donating my body to science, to be examined for what effect long term herb use has done for me, then skeletoned for a classroom - no grave or funeral either. I am carving my rune on a few small stones to give to my family as a memorial. Takes too long to become a fossil.
preach on brotha brainth,. AMEN brothas and sistas

Throw my brain in a hurricane
And the blind can have my eyes
And the deaf can take both of my ears
If they don't mind the size
Give my stomach to Milwaukee
If they run out of beer
Put my socks in a cedar box
Just get "em" out of here
Venus de Milo can have my arms
Look out! I've got your nose
Sell my heart to the junkman
And give my love to Rose

Don Cotyle

Be it a blaze of glory or in my sleep, I'm getting cremated and shot out the business end of my six pounder cannon off my favotite windy mountain top, so if ya ever get something in your eye...remember me :eek:


I'm hoping that Revelations is true & it's all going down in a way that we never die, just move onto the earthly paradise.
But since we never really know the "when" of it, I just hope it's fast. Too quick to feel it, don't care how.


What movie was it where slim pickens rode an atom bomd out the back of a plane. That would be the way to go


I hope I've made it my piece of paradise in the woods with myself and my pets and if I'm luck that special person. Self sufficient and harvesting perpetually until the day I slip away into the eternal. :joint:


fumancu said:
What movie was it where slim pickens rode an atom bomd out the back of a plane. That would be the way to go

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


to die stoned out my head with a good woman giving me head and a pizza,six pack to hand
what a way to go :rasta:

Stay Puft

Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy Shit...What a Ride!"

Enjoy the journey!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Stay Puft said:
Enjoy the journey!

I used a similar saying as my signature about 3 yrs ago elsewhere.......

S4L's old signature said:
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a perfect, well preserved body, but rather to slide in sideways, your ROOR in one hand & a fist full of NYCDiesel in the other shouting, "Hot damn....... that was one helluva trip!"

the older I get the more I dig this trip, how can it get any better?


When My trails are over,
Toss My body in the deep-blue sea.
Save on all those Under-takers bill,
And let the Mermaids flirt with Me.
(Eugene Chadbourne)



Active member
I've told my kids, if they want to give me a headstone, it has to have a big reefer leaf carved into it.

How do I want to go? Wasted, of course!


Well-known member
Every time I go snorkelling with sharks and deadly snakes whizzing by (which is every month) I get the PWEI song "Me No Fear The Reaper" just repeating in my head endlessly. Perfectly at peace, content and willing do be swallowed by the ocean.

I have the feeling that i'm destined to go like this - I don't have a choice and I don't have a problem with it.