Start your own company up as you know nothing about the industry and cost associated with it.Your problem is that you expect high returns. A normal business has 5 % profit. To make a living one million euro revenue per year is not uncommon.
A single seed for 5 € is a ripoff by any standards that excludes black market profitability.
Seedbanks take 50% so your $20 seed pack you get 10 $
Then tax man wants 25% of your $10 so you get $7.50
Then you need to pay for supplies, goodbye $7.50 and take $5 a pack if your lucky .
Making seeds in a spare tent is fine and fun to give seeds away and we all start like that.
But down the line cost evolve , and no way yo charged less than $50 a pack and survive unless your Greenhouse seeds nd pumping out 1000's of packs.
Many guys from this website and many others used to spout this same stuff and started up seed co's and sell them same price as me now.
I hardly put my prices up at all 15 years , started at $80 a pack 15 years ago and my normal range over 100 varieties Regular and Feminized lines i charge $90., $10 increase in 15 years , not that bad ?
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