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whats your fav national park?


I have been to Redwood/Sequoia Nat park and it was beautiful. I was about 5 when I drove through the big tree. amazing.

apart from that the only Nat park that I know that is superclose (my backyard almost), is the Seven Tubs Nature area http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Tubs_Natural_Area

these tubs of water look to be like puddles but step in one and itll be 10-20 feet before bottom is reached, lots of cliffs to dive off, and up over the tracks is a place called the Slides. natural rock waterslides carved from glaciers, with a jump at the end that shoots you out into a huge pool of water. very fun but can be dangerous if you are not a local and dont know how to tuck and bend around the turns


definately ricketts glenn in pa.. over ninety some waterfalls!!!

I was there last night on a mountain ride, looks good covered in frost and snow :)
Last count from last summer we were up to 113 unique waterfalls. we rock climb there every weekend in the summer, at the tubs too.

nepa rocks


Active member
A couple of the Eastern Parks mentioned. Good.

I've been to most Western National Parks. Real hard to make a list without naming them all.
Hard to get past Yellowstone and Yosemite. I know Glacier would be at the top, but I haven't been there. Rocky Mountain National Park has the highest paved highway at over 12000' and driving it with cut out snow walls beside you 30' high, for part of it, and some of it through the clouds was a trip. Took some relatives up there once and I could not see the sides of the road because of the fog/cloud. It felt like I was on a 12000' high bridge with no guardrails and no visibility. Scary. Beautiful up there in the Never Summer Mountains. (kind of reminded me of driving over that 5 mile long bridge to Astoria, Oregon over the mouth of the Columbia River except with clouds*hazy shudders*)
Someone said Zion. Holy cow! You've not seen bizarre landscape design and color so fantastic as Zion Nat'l Park, that is unless you've been to Bryce Canyon, also in Utah. That place is unreal. Don't die without having seen Bryce Canyon.
And of course the Grand Canyon, which not having seen since my youth, I will be going back shortly. And If you guys are through the Arizona desert, do check out Saguaro Nat'l Park. See it now, before the Buffle Grass takes over and kills the cactus.


Well-known member
The Kipahulu area of Haleakala National Park and Yosemite are my favorites

John Allen

JA: Beautiful pics. Is that wolf sitting by the side of the road?

Thank you, those pictures were taken with a Canon powershot as I didn't have my dslr with me at the time. With all my photo's I try to let the subject shine through without altering to photo's. I love Yosemite in the winter time, such stillness and peace, something it's had to find there now in the summer months when tons of people are around. But if you've never seen Yosemite at all it's worth it to go any time of year you can.

The wolf was sitting on the side of the road, I believe it might have been sick, so I called the ranger station and kept my distance. Not sure what happen to it, but even tho it looked stressed out, I love seeing wolfs regardless as they are my favorite forest carnivore. So I took a couple of shots, and that one is as close as I got. Absolutely beautiful seeing them in the flesh.


Active member
the woods in which i grew up in Pisgah National Forest. I've traveled and hiked North America up and down through the United States, Canada, and even into Mexico seeing some of the most spectacular natural sites you can imagine but Pisgah will own my heart til the day I die. if you have never been you've really missed out.


I know the Great Smoky Mountains national park up and down. I have a few spots I can retreat to if the need ever arises too.

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