Betrieb_Raucher wassup brother good to see ya on the boards
hahahaha you are the only ICMAGer that knows me in the real world
so now i can say i burned with a fellow ICMAGer wait till you try the bangkok blackout
whats up brother chuck!! how r ya my man!! im back bro!! im back!! lol great to see ya garden goodies! they look so good! brb let me wipe this drool off my mouth! lol
good to see ya going strong still!
wassup SUN how ya be ,glad yer back atit i was going real good for a while and now i just find i got the FUCKING mites again and they musta come in the dirt cuz after the last bout i had with them i threw away about 10 plants cuz i got tiered of trying to beat them ,then built a new room started all new crop and FUCKING BLAMO damn sap sucking plant killing lil bastards they are like roaches ya just cant get rid of them .plants are all in flower ,at diff stages too ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
hey mean man how r ya bro
MR GJ hey hey hey the smoke is great
yea bro i feel ya there im'a boutto have the same prob ,, i think i got it in time!! i have seen anymore damage in about a week and i treat every 3 days !!
but hey bro hope it all gets worked out! great to see ya! and grow em green buddy !
chuck - have you tried mixing in a bit of diatomaceous earth with your soil - or you could top dress them now with some too and then water in a bit. Kills all bugs on contact. Just an idea for those stubborn freeloading soil critters....
hey chuck my local hydro guy gave me some stuff killed easy 90% of the spydermites i had in 1 application and then because i was just startn to flower i got 1 of these hot shot no pest strips i honestly havent seen i mite in 2 days the pest strip been in my cab for about 1 wk now i'll leave it in there 1-2 more then remove it seal it in a baggie for next run. the no pest strip i got at a lowes hardware store
Hiya chuck
Yes, it will just work on the soil. If they need to periodically go to the soil, they will get kicked. The no pest strip will work for the buggers on the leaves, but some feel it might be a bit toxic - you could get a pyrethrin bug bomb from the hydro shop, that would stop 'em, and the stuff breaks down quickly - just chrysanthemum extract. Major's idea looks good too.
Good luck! They're far enough along that they should come through fine with just a bit of a hand...
Chucky,plants look lovely!
No pest strip...
Those buggers work for mites very well..Recieved some(mites) with clones last year and they managed to get into the 6 KW growroom and a couple of those strips for 4 or 5 days wiped them out completely...Never saw them again..
Good stuff..
Take care.............CC
I just hung them from the ceiling and let them hang between the plants..The good thing is it works very fast..Hope that helps...
Maj.PotHead thanx for the props and the links i went and got a couple of them HOT SHOT no pest strips
high CAPT CRIP its an honor .on the no pest strips it says not to put where food or food prep is .now will what ever would get on the food get on my buds too ?and is there any probs with the room only being 7'x7'x4'
how long should i leave it in the room ,i have it next to the fan
thanx guys for trying to help
Hey Chucky,hope it's getting better...On the's more of a fume I guess that comes off the strip.Many people argued back and forth on a long thread on OG over these strips but it seems many use them at any time during the grow.If you are a good ways in flower and plan to use them I would just leave em' in 24 hours and then pull em out for 24 and repeat this as it should get rid of them and not expose the plants for too long a period.
I have never heard of anyone saying anything about taste or smell or funny reactions from using the strips.You are supposed to be able to use them around people just not food if I remember right..Hell I'm not even sure how they git "rid" of the bugs..It may run em' off hell I don't know...All I know is they pack there shit and get out of town!!They won't even leave an empty beer can to pick up ...
Same for fungus knats...runs em' off for good...It seems pretty cool that you do not have to spray anything or set off a bomb or anything....
And Chucky I only used I think like 4 in the big room...They cover quite a big space....Just kinda puts up a shield round your area and the bugs are not allowed to use the space..
Take care and good luck.................................CC
I gotta a feeling you will get rid of em faster than you think...Let us know what happens.
Capt Crip is right on about the no pest strips. After fighting mites for a year, I used these, and haven't seen a mite yet. I think the real danger from them is being in a confined space breathing the concentrated fumes. They do indeed work wonders...