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What year were you born?


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In the year 2525
If man is still alive
If woman can survive
They may find

In the year 3535
Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies
Everything you think, do, and say
Is in the pills you took today

In the year 4545
Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
You won't find a thing to chew
Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs got nothing to do
Some machine's doing that for you

In the year 6565
Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your sons, pick your daughters too
From the bottom of a long glass tube

Zagar and Evans


Cabana’s bitch
For those not in the know regarding uncle Walt, he is a national treasure. That man has fought in more conflicts than I’ve got fingers on my hands and everyone of his relatives before him did the same. I consider it a blessing to be called one of his friends, besides being strikingly, handsome for being an old goat, he’s got a wonderful better half at home that keeps him in line…


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
For those not in the know regarding uncle Walt, he is a national treasure. That man has fought in more conflicts than I’ve got fingers on my hands and everyone of his relatives before him did the same. I consider it a blessing to be called one of his friends, besides being strikingly, handsome for being an old goat, he’s got a wonderful better half at home that keeps him in line…

hear hear and then some

the man would have a boat load of medals too but no , Unca is a humble man and they don’t make them like him anymore

the world is a better place thanks to Unca and humans like him

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Technically, I ain't advertising if I just repost your post, right? ;)

I am desole' to say that hardcopies of The Bat and Balloon War** are no longer available. The publisher of that book went tits up because of the fargin vaxx/flu baloney. I have only the one copy that Scooter gave back to me so's I have one...

e-copies are available for all three.

**The Deputy Director for Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures at the Pentagon said of TB&BW: "Ripping good yarn! I especially liked the Pacific battle scenes above, below, and on the water."

I'll only do this cheat once because I really don't make much $ for hardcopy book sales, but I can supply signed and inscribed*** hardcover copies of the other two. I just want folks to read any or all three of them for enjoyment and mebbe comment on them.

*** One wag requested the inscription: "To So-and-So, without whom this book could not possibly have been written." <-- I did it. :cool:

As long as I am on the "Ohshit, poor me!" rant, I gotta tellya the Plandemic also got the two-part miniseries that was planned for The Cadet -- The Adventures of a New World Pioneer in the 17th Century cancelled. :cry: This is a bummer because the selling point of the series was that ALL the characters were real and events happened as depicted in the 562 pages -- I just added color.

Trivia: That is my exquisite Red Witch on the cover of Faerie Diamonds.

More Trivia: That bombed out city on the cover of B&B War is Aachen. The cover design is mine. Lookit that sumbarine carefully. Note the heavy caliber guns and odd deck. That is a real sumbarine. Japanese. The real story is in the book.

MAX Possible Trivia: That is Himself on the cover of The Cadet. The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam actually shut the fargin place down when I identified myself as the 11th descendant of Jan Snedeker. They dressed me up in 17th Century militia clobber (exactly as Jan wore), dusted my hands, (they wore white gloves) and handed me my super grampa Jan's wheellock musket and then tooken my picture. They treated us like rock stars.

*End Of Tout*
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
For those not in the know regarding uncle Walt, he is a national treasure. That man has fought in more conflicts than I’ve got fingers on my hands and everyone of his relatives before him did the same. I consider it a blessing to be called one of his friends, besides being strikingly, handsome for being an old goat, he’s got a wonderful better half at home that keeps him in line…
tog1... You got this old sojer all teary. I have never been described like that, and the honor you give me leaves me very humbled. You are an amazing guy.

I dunno how to send a pic on the private chat thingy. Apparently PM's don't allow photos. I have a non-public photo from the past you and Big might like.


AHA! Big showed me how. There is a PM for top1/Boo and BigSur51,
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
I was born in 1955 and I think this may be the second time I posted it
.Easier to post again
than to look.
Awright, then here is some info for you: If you go back an equal amount of time from when you were born (68 years), you would be in 1887.

That's when, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania -- the first Groundhog Day was observed.

And the United States formally received rights to Pearl Harbor.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
EEK! I just looked up me. Y'all should check yourselves out to see what happened at the opposite end -- which, BTW, keeps changing.

I just found out if you go back 83 years from 1940, the Sepoy Mutiny had broken out (1857).
And the very first Victoria Crosses were given out for valor in the Crimean War (62 of them).

Neato trivia.


Well-known member
Premium user
Awright, then here is some info for you: If you go back an equal amount of time from when you were born (68 years), you would be in 1887.

That's when, in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania -- the first Groundhog Day was observed.

And the United States formally received rights to Pearl Harbor.
Unc ,If I was there I would have made cutlets out of the groundhog☝️

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Unc ,If I was there I would have made cutlets out of the groundhog☝️
Here's trivia upon trivia: Wanna know how the USA got the eternal rights for Pearl Harbor? Well, there was this King of Hawaii, d'ysee, and our armed troops put a fargin gun to his head.

Just like with the Godfather -- "Your signature or your brains will be on the contract."

TINS. Check it out "How did United States acquire Pearl Harbor"

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