I'm not bashing your dogs...but i'm just being serious about this breed. Bullies...i have NO CLUE what breed of dog that is...nor do i know what breed of dog you have, as you've not mentioned anything about the registries *I* know about (ABDA, UKC).
And to be honest (REALLY not tryin to be rude)...all of those dogs that you showed earlier...are NOT breeding quality. IMVHO if your dogs haven't been titled and have *proven confirmation* then you aren't adding anything to the gene pool, and actually causing a disservice to the breed. Like i said, i'm not trying to be rude, just being honest.
I'm not saying that you are a bad person, breeder, or a handler...i'm just pointing out the things i see. And to be honest...8 years is not really long enough to qualify yourself as saying that you produce the best quality dogs around. This, my friend, is another red flag. To be able to fully analyze and critique a dog to determine if it is even breed worthy, you have to AT LEAST wait until the dog is 2 years old, or on its 2nd heat cycle. So in 8've produced how many liter(s)?? Out of how many proven dogs? Now do you see where i'm going with this. I'm not saying that you should have fun with your dogs, and take them to shows and pulls...but just b/c you do all of that doesn't really mean that your dog is breed quality (a lot of dogs out of top ranked show dogs are ONLY pet quality dogs...and some(not all) get placed as such, with all reproductive parts "taken care of")
I'd like to restate...i'm not typing any of this with hatred, nor animosity....rather with passion, that's wrapped up in this breed. I don't really care too much about your pics, because its really hard to tell things about a dogs confirmation...however...of you don't mind, i'd like to see a few of your peds...and that'll tell me all i need to know about your dogs (or at least why they were bred). Feel free to pm me if you'd like.
And to be honest (REALLY not tryin to be rude)...all of those dogs that you showed earlier...are NOT breeding quality. IMVHO if your dogs haven't been titled and have *proven confirmation* then you aren't adding anything to the gene pool, and actually causing a disservice to the breed. Like i said, i'm not trying to be rude, just being honest.
I'm not saying that you are a bad person, breeder, or a handler...i'm just pointing out the things i see. And to be honest...8 years is not really long enough to qualify yourself as saying that you produce the best quality dogs around. This, my friend, is another red flag. To be able to fully analyze and critique a dog to determine if it is even breed worthy, you have to AT LEAST wait until the dog is 2 years old, or on its 2nd heat cycle. So in 8've produced how many liter(s)?? Out of how many proven dogs? Now do you see where i'm going with this. I'm not saying that you should have fun with your dogs, and take them to shows and pulls...but just b/c you do all of that doesn't really mean that your dog is breed quality (a lot of dogs out of top ranked show dogs are ONLY pet quality dogs...and some(not all) get placed as such, with all reproductive parts "taken care of")
I'd like to restate...i'm not typing any of this with hatred, nor animosity....rather with passion, that's wrapped up in this breed. I don't really care too much about your pics, because its really hard to tell things about a dogs confirmation...however...of you don't mind, i'd like to see a few of your peds...and that'll tell me all i need to know about your dogs (or at least why they were bred). Feel free to pm me if you'd like.