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What strain is BEASTERS?


Jack Crevalle

Beasters (Canada) - To me it seems to be wet, early, commercial, chemmy Indica. Great comment by Shaolin on the varieties. Sugar Shack, big bud, hashplant, all commercial bland varieties.

Mexi - Seems to be wet (or bone dry, early, commercial, seeded Sativa.

I bet it's people who have huge outdoor grows and chop early, and leave the bud wet alot of times, the time saved by chopping early and chemically feeding, kiefing, not separating males/females, and water in the buds makes them a lot of cash..

This bud is sold by traffickers as pure commodity, who also sell coke, ecstasy etc... Those wolves in sheep clothing that needs to be targeted by feds and not us peaceful home growers..what's next glass on the herb?
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Active member
Jack Crevalle said:
Beasters (Canada) - To me it seems to be wet, early, commercial, chemmy Indica. Great comment by Shaolin on the varieties. Sugar Shack, big bud, hashplant, all commercial bland varieties.

Mexi - Seems to be wet, early, commercial, seeded Sativa.

I bet it's people who have huge outdoor grows and chop early, and leave the bud wet alot of times, the time saved by chopping early and chemically feeding, kiefing, not separating males/females, and water in the buds makes them a lot of cash..

This bud is sold by traffickers as pure commodity, who also sell coke, ecstasy etc... Those wolves in sheep clothing that needs to be targeted by feds and not us peaceful home growers..what's next glass on the herb?



New member
Used to get a hefty amount of "beasters" from Montreal

1/4 of the time they were sexy and not kiefed, dried well, and manicured descent

the other 3/4 of the time they were kiefed, wet, and leafy as hell

Bags labels included M-39, SS (super skunk, maybe), and Freezeland (outdo)

Through my personal experience, don't puff a majority of it. Sure Canada has amazing herb, but when your dealing with 14 lbs a week, the shit ain't that great. It's all about supply and demand, and lets be honest. A lot of people don't know the difference between compressed beasters and headies!! I don't blame these commerc growers for wanting to harvest an extra crop per year.
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Well-known member
They sell a ton of that shit up here in New England. They call it BC popcorn for $ 300.00 A zip :fsu:


What's "sexi" mean? when referrin to pot.. Here in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia, all parts of Pennsylvania, we have beasters. Sometimes called beasters,sometimes just called 'nug' or 'dro'. same kind of 'nug' that i smoked from ohio, and what i smoked/saw while visiting Torono. commercialization can make Anything bland


ahhh beasters

ahhh beasters

easy to find always labeled m39 in pound bags in ne. sometimes not too bad citrus smell and relatively cheap sometimes hay smell manicure varies usually pretty consistent. funny, some people think its the best they have ever had.......


mariman said:
funny, some people think its the best they have ever had.......

Not funny, some people it is the best they have ever had.

I grew up on mexican brick weed w/seeds. Beasters were a treat. Lucky, over the years I was exposed to some great stuff...sadly, it was not always available to me, and I'm sure is not available to a great proportion of the smoking public. I'm just greatful I learned to grow enough for myself, and have great resources like these boards and seedbay to offer more variety then I could grow in a lifetime.


mofuckin farmer smurf
i second that chickskilz. i have been lucky and haven't smoked beaster's in awhile. really really sucks. i remember when i was at the gathering of the vibes people were selling anti beaster's shirt's. i don't recall exactly what they said but i think the interest in beaster's has gone down in some number's as people are exposed to the better quality nugs.


fortragni said:
What's "sexi" mean? when referrin to pot.. Here in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia, all parts of Pennsylvania, we have beasters. Sometimes called beasters,sometimes just called 'nug' or 'dro'. same kind of 'nug' that i smoked from ohio, and what i smoked/saw while visiting Torono. commercialization can make Anything bland

"sexi"mexi is just a generic term the street dealers give brickbud to try and sell it.
i liked the sound of it so i passed it on....


"seximexi" is a generic term for brickbud of the green variety
"bobby brown" "schwag" "dogshit" are browner terms used....


Active member
I third the m-39 motion. Seen plenty of it up here in NE. Has anyone noticed that the quality of beasters seems to have improved up here? I still buy 'supplementary' bags fairly often, and have noticed the beast to be a bit more tame. Not as if it were grown with fewer chems, or more love, or anything else useful. But like maybe it didn't have such a rough voyage? Like instead of being smuggled here it is now being grown here?

I know when I was in college a few years back, the beast either originated with asian gangs, or the hell's angels. They seemed to be the two primary movers of the goods. The Asians had the M39 and the hells angels had 'that other kind of beasters'. Later it seemed like it was all M39, and often it had been kiefed. It was almost always wet, few trichomes, hay smelling and vaccuum packed.

The last couple years it seems like it's almost dry, but much more crystally. And I have seen more than just M39, too. There was some chronic recently (almost certain) and I cannot fathom that this is possible, but I am telling you, there was some trainwreck as of a few weeks ago. I grew her (passed her on for greener pastures, its not my bag baby!) and the smell is unmistakeable to anyone who has smoked it, let alone had her in the garden. Must be some Asians growing trainwreck nearby.

Or is there? I guess I am wondering if anyone else has noticed anything similar in terms of quality of product. I mean, they busted a bunch of vietnamese grow houses in NH just a few months back, so it seems likely to me.

hrm... o.c. yeah...
hub's beaster pics remind me of what i assume to be biker bud, their most common high yeilding production line. it's been around for years. you can find it anywhere in canada, so why not the states? in which case, much might be imported, but some is still likely grown in us. soil.


spreadin da love
we get the beasters in the fall here where I'm at lately its been some suggery ass stuff.. deff not beasters commercial.. but done right.. taste great gets ya ripped... keeps ya goin in between harvests :p


lover of all things hashlike
cannabible 3 mentions a couple different strains in reference to the beaster crops. M39 is definitely noted, along with hempstar and jamaican. i could definitely see top 44 in there as well.
Seen a lot of beasters through the years here in NY. gets you stoned and can't move within an hour of a fat blunt from couchlock, but yet not narcotic feeling at all just draining feeling like said earlier, unhealthy. I thought a lot of it was the strain "chronic" almost 100% indica sprayed with fungus and mold inhibitor so they can squeeze into REALLY tight buds, ship it, not get mold. Should be called new-age brick.


i think it only makes sense that some of the beasters moving through NY state and the rest of new england right now are being grown domestically instead of totally originating from BC/toronto. The more the border tightens, the more it makes sense from a business standpoint of potential losses to just set up grow houses domestically and skip the hassle of border patrol.


Active member
Beaters around my parts are well not too satisying to say the least..after smoking decent bud it just doesn't match up. Ugly unflushed almost black leaves all in the buds lots of nasty shake!!! Pretty much your classic indica takin way to early no cure fast dry and fed way to much nutes the whole time. Pretty much like some commercial tabbacca lol gotta love gore.


Old School Cottonmouth
it all smells the same because its all decomposing in a vaccum bag the same. its just the smell of decay.


Anytime I see one of these "beasters" threads(especially with pictures), it really reminds me how picky many of you guys are about your weed. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being picky. If you grow..grow the best; that's how it works. I'm just saying that back in the day(and even some days now) that shit would put a huge smile on my face. Also depends on the price, though. I used to pick up some "beasters" in Las Vegas for $100/oz. Not a bad price, considering that the brick, or just about any weed wouldn't go for less than that(unless your buddy dealt..then he'd hook it up for the $60 you should really be paying). I always found it to be pretty decent. It always had a fruity undertone, and while it was rather leafy, i always jumped on it for the price. This was before I experienced homegrown, of course. But although I'd much rather grow my own..sometimes you have to take a break and just buy what you can. If you ever get any and don't want it, send it to me. I'll take it.