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What strain for a guerilla grow in a cornfield?



Gunnarguchi said:
The cornfield i pass each day for work is harvested now.
Drove around and checked the 3 main areas nearby me to check them also
All harvested.

Gunnar that tells me alot, your season is earlier there by about 1 week.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Exactly G you need to be looking and watching the local feilds....../ farmers so you know which ones leave the fields in long enough. Oct 1st is long enough for line to mature. My Dc were ripe by then. However I have PTKs,Sensi Stars, Moonmonster's, and some of Esbe's lines still ripening.......


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ICMag Donor
Thats kinda funny cause i think im way more south than you, but eventhough its but rainy, cloudy and cold here compared to other years apparantly the corn seemed to like it here.

HK tnx, but theres some latitude difference and i think it will be some years before the DC will be acclimatized enough to be ready for harvest here before 1st October, but i have no doubt it will happen someday :)
DC crossed with early Danish landraces like Royal Dane, Danish Passion or Leb27 has a fair chance though.

Regarding the cornfields here they all seem to be harvested in same small period of time.
Maybe a few days difference cause the machines have to harvest different fields each day but it seems the corn is ripe at about the same time in most of the country here.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that danish farmers cant price comped with other countries as for a sweet corn and other corns for food, so they only grow it for cattle feed. and all use the same strains
I cant tell for sure but it would be my 5 cents on why.


Active member
I would definitely make sure to harvest medium September just to make sure. Each year is different and we've had a cold and wet summer this year.
I'm considering Danish Passion and Guerilla Gold #2 - perhaps also Early Erdbeer or an early Nepal strain that's available here in DK. I just saw that the new batch of GG#2 is available so I might get myself a pack or 10 of those.

edit: Did I write October? I meant September
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Hindu Killer

Active member
Was talking to another grower last night when he proceeded to share a story with me. Turns out the local police informed a farmer of the fact that a # of cannabis plants are located on his property. And also made him aware of the fact that they had installed several small satellite cameras. The farmer asked what if they find them the LEO responded...they are smaller than my fist!!!! So Bro's this could be your spot! If you've got some plants in some woods that the corn was just cut ...easy does it....buckets???
Sounds like your friend might be telling you a story, maybe not. Police can not just set up camera's on private property without serving a warrant first or prior pemission from the land owner. They just can't come and inform you they have done so !

Hindu Killer

Active member
Hmmm that is a good point. They may have permisson. I do know they made the farmer aware to stay away from it.


for a corn field: Maroc! it must be veged for some time that it reaches some height. It will definitely finish before corn will be cut.


New member
The earliest I have seen corn harvested is Sept. 15th. But the majority around here gets cut from Oct. 1st through Nov 1st. Like was said above you have to watch your local fields. And not all corn fields are good to grow in. I have had good luck in some and had my plants burn up in others. I think the poorer farmers don't put as much fert. or weed killer as others. I am in upstate NY. Plattsburgh area. Were we start our woodstoves in Sept.


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ICMag Donor
supersonic said:
for a corn field: Maroc! it must be veged for some time that it reaches some height. It will definitely finish before corn will be cut.

Ive ordered some FMS Maroc from SeedBay but ive also heard some ppl complaining about mold in climates further south than mine, so i think it will have some issues here in pure form, but im planning to cross it with Early mold resistant Danish landraces this winter and test them outside next year.

Next year corn grow will be on smaller scale test grows with different early strains and crosses in different fields.
Once test result can be seen at harvest i know what strains to plant out big time the following year.

My area is each year full of cornfields with cattle corn so i have no problems finding a spot even though they rotate crops each year.
Always at least 3 big cornfields here in a 5 min driving radius and 5 minutes more and theres even more cornfields.


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ICMag Donor
I neither have the time or the space for all the dream crosses to be ready for next season that i could think of, but from those i know thats an option for next year, im thinking of cooking these up from the strains i currently have in my lab i this winter for next season in cornfields

DC x Royal Dane

DC x Typhoon

DC x Leb27 ( might not be finished by October 1. but im sure it will yield nice though)

AfPurt x Royal Dane ( Afghani x EdrPurt - Very potent outdoor variety)

Pot Of Gold x Royal Dane

Jock Horror x Royal Dane

Just a few crosses suited for danish climate and should finish around 1. October here that comes to my mind from the strains ive got going in my grow room right now

They have, as far as i know, newer harvested corn here earlier than October 1.
Normally its mid October.
Only reason for harvesting this early here was all the rain, so they just had to harvest whenever it was possible, and not when its was optimal for the crop

Hindu Killer

Active member
Wow sounds like some fun. I agree the Leb27 crossed to the chunk. I think there are some paticular phenos to hunt for with the chunk. Find the one and do your crosses with it.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Depends on several things really! And what you are after. Yield and potency, I would say AK47 and Sensi Star. White Russian is some killer tasty smoke as well. However if your in Europe you may not want to try these...may not finish in time. Try Early Pearl!


Mandala #1 will finish on time in cornfield, Himalaya Gold also. I think that those outdoor listed, early strains are suitable for it, which may finish by sep to 1st oct. so you may be sure that you harvest ripe buds before corn goes down.

I doubt that ak47, s. star and w. russian are suitable for cornfield and they are too expensive to risk them in a field. they need to be grown under full day sun in open field, but that are only my thoughts...

all the best.


Hindu Killer

Active member
Not to be argueing here as we all are intitled to our own opinions. But I know for a fact that those three lines will finish in "field " corn fields. Not silage mind you field corn! I work in the AG industry........ and most of them finish, or are listed to finish Oct 31. Ofcourse.......this is in the US! As I said Europe is different .


Hindu Killer, I think your right, sensi star & others will not finish here above 52 degrees, nor will the corn. Most of those strains will finish at the same time that corn is combine ripe. Maize (corn) will not ripen either here, at latitudes above france, most maize is cut for forage (silage) & is cut green in oct. Most seed companies overstate finishing times I would guess by a month. Paradise seeds sensi star would finish here mid late november, even Rox that they say is mid september, struggles to finish in N Europe beginning Nov, which makes me sad.
Early Pearl is a misnomer, if you look at sensi seedbank catalogue, you will see a lot of early strains are photoshop'd with blue sky. They all look like they have been grown inside to me. They are not the only ones guilty of this.
The best way to find what works & what doesnt is to look through the pages of this mag. I see precious little early pearl, early girl, early anything finishing outside at our latitude, from commercial seedhouses.

All that glitters is not gold.

Heres one that will finish, in a cornfield, at 53 N, 100%, and is a fine smoke.


Hindu Killer

Active member
Damn fine picture's there Farmaz2! Id never have realized the diffenece's there are in our growing seasons/photoperiode's! And the effects it has on cannabis, had I not read some of these threads. As this past season when my DC was really pretty when Esbe's was just starting. Ive grown some of Esbe's lines and am VERY impressed with the genetics. That Leb 27 is a good one form all appearances also!

Cool topic!


Hindu Killer said:
Id never have realized the diffenece's there are in our growing seasons/photoperiode's! And the effects it has on cannabis, had I not read some of these threads.

Cool topic!

Me too, it is very interesting as you say. Harvest times also vary a lot on the same latitude also. The wheat harvest here is usually 7-14 days earlier inland only 60 miles away. We get sea mists & breezes so it is cooler during the day, but night time temps may be higher, so we get fewer frosts in winter.
What it all boils down to is flowering time, to stand a chance I think that MJ must show flowers end of July to mid August here. Historically our best weather is in late July August/September. Everyone needs 7-9 weeks of flowering for buds to finish,it doesnt matter where you are.
Amazingly none of the commercial strains I grew this year, showed flowers much before September. That is way too late. We were lucky with the weather, but the strongest strains in the world will not be that strong if they dont get some decent sunshine & WARM NIGHTS.
One other thing, has anyone noticed how if the weather turns bad half way through flowering, the plants put out more small leaves at the top? its almost like they are trying to protect the buds & seeds.
GGxDP another good'un, will finish in corn.


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