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What Plants Hide MJ Best?




I've had people pick tomatoes off my vines and not see my plants. I can't grow for size. I also have a place where we burn things and we let weeds grow up in a circle. Then I always put one or 2 good weeds in big black plastic buckets with handles. Keep them covered by the weeds alot because it gets sun all day. Keep them short so the weeds will cover them. I like the handles so I can grab the plants and bring them in the garage and look them over in private. I do that just after dark. them get them back outside. A green light works best inside when looking at your plant unless you are veging.


falseralia looks just like a vegiging plant it will draw unwanted attention to your weed patch


I like the big bushes and thickets, tunnel in and clear an area out. They seem to like to grow in large groups where I live, as long as noone brings a bulldozer in.


Hi all, I happen to know of a few young ladies growing in the uk at the moment and they are luckily in an area reserved for wildlife. As a result, a hell of alot of natural growth is allowed and the stinging nettles they're growing alongside cover them amazingly well. They will need to be trimmed at some point i expect to make sure they stay the same height as the nettles but as long as that's the case they're practically invisible unless you know exactly where to look. So if you have that random patch of nettles on your land or somewhere else, definately don't over look it.


Noddy, hope you make your million. One of my favorite singers from the 70's was Noddy Holder of Slade. His voice could peel paint from the wall!! Good luck!
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Smoke weed and prosper
Nettles are good...so good in fact that some people eat nettles...then there are those that go harvesting nettles just to sell them to people that eat them...


New member
This thread is AWESOME! This past week I have been tryin to figure out what plants to plant around my ladies. Nettles are plentiful around me. The cleome and black eyed susan make sense also... climbing plants with flowers. now I need to figure out which of my plants will be the least stinky. I am allowed to grow legally but this state won't allow outside grows. sucks! Gotta do it out of curiosity.
This is a little off topic but thinking on lining my perimeter in Razor Grass (Scleria secans) to scratch up any pesky critters.

Spent some time looking around for the seeds online to plant but cant find chit - any advice on where to buy seeds like them ? Alfalfa & Clover too :)


king of the dinosaurs
heres a little comparison for everyone of some cleome and mj seedlings. i call them varrigated cleomes :joint:


Gantz said:
Nettles are good...so good in fact that some people eat nettles...then there are those that go harvesting nettles just to sell them to people that eat them...

Luckily that's not the case with regards to these particular nettles.


Smoke weed and prosper
Again i stand by my first statement. MJ hides well between greater numbers of plants of the same color. from a distance, unless you really look for it, it's practically invisible.

i took the following pictures in the city while walking to the farmers market for some fresh produce...it may be hemp but it's happily growing next to the sidewalk and in front of a building...not more than 30 meters from a school...



New member
At one point I tied little red ribbons just to take the edge off.
Probably could use anything that's fake to match the back ground just like how the sniper camo's himself. Just a thought. :rolleyes:
I have to agree wit the guy who mentioned stinging nettle! 3 to five feet, create burning sensations if the skin is contacted, large single serrated leaves coming right off the meristem. cleomes look alot like weed too,but I'd suggest having them on the property but not by the ganja because they have different needs,just show the cleomes to your guests, and if they see the ganja, at least while it is vegging, they may think it is a pioneer cleome.




dwarve sunflowers. They are good. You just have to have small plants since they only get to about 2 or 3 ft.


Sun flowers...or any type of flowering plant

I couldn't disagree more. any type of flower will draw gazes in that direction..why would you want people to stare at your flowers and maybe see your ganja?

the best way to grow ganja in your backyard or balcony is to plant flowers as far away from your canna as possible, not amongst them....or better still do not grow any plants that have big flowers.

and yeah, bamboo is good..it's stays green and it's structure blends well with ganja
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well if it takes attention off of the mj growing thats a good thing..heh..

Just a suggestion. I guess you are right though.